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Everything posted by loshcosh

  1. Thanks...the vet is giving him a 70% chance that the fluconazole will work.
  2. The vet ran a bunch of tests and did xrays so the only results I have so far are from the xrays and it wasn't great news Most of what he said went over my head but the gist of it is that he thinks Eli has fungus in his lungs and air sacs and he is going to be on fluconazole for the next year as well as having xrays done every month to see the progress. Something to the effect that Eli aspirated some food possibly?? I'm a little upset that the vet didn't catch this when we went in for this same problem 2 months ago He is supposed to be getting back to me next week with all the test results and hopefully then i'll understand alittle more of what he said.
  3. as of tonight, no funny breathing...he seems to be fine again. Will let you know what the vet says tomorrow
  4. I need to get some recent pics Ralph and Alice are 7 years old, Maxi is 4 years old and Eli is 9 1/2 months. Ralph and Alice are actually Elis parents even though I hatched him in an incubator and hand raised him I also have outside aviaries with cockatiels, lovebirds and conures living in them. Not to mention all the other amazons
  5. Hi My name is Lori and for the last year I have been a lurker here Now it is time for me to introduce myself and some of my flock. I have 4 greys living with me, a non-friendly pair named Ralph and Alice, my first hand-fed, Maxi (a girl) and Eli, a grey I hatched from an egg and hand raised. All of them are wonderful talkers and very entertaining.As soon as I figure out how, I will add pics
  6. I'm thinking of putting him in my room tonight to see if that makes a difference. Will let yuo know what the vet says tomorrow. Thanks for all your great replies
  7. Nope...he's pretty much just sitting there. He is about 8 1/2 months old.
  8. Is it just the females that do that or will the males do that also?? I just think its weird that it only happens at night. During the day he is just fine.
  9. Oh..I am definitely keeping the vet appointment for tomorrow
  10. The first time it happened was in January. It stopped as quickly as it started and I noticed it again this weekend. Last night it sounded like asthma and today he is breathing normal again. He's happy, playing and acting just like his normal self. It's really weird how it has been coming and going this weekend. He's sitting here next to me and breathing totally fine again.
  11. I have a young male African Grey that I hatched and raised from an egg. About 2 months ago he started with some heavy breathing. I took him to the vets where they tested him for everything and took xrays. Everything was fine. The vet did put him on 2 antibiotics just to be safe and within a day his breathing was back to normal. I noticed this weekend that he is starting the weird breathing again. It almost sounds like he has asthma, although, he sounds okay during the day but the weird breathing starts at night. He is eating fine, playing, talking and his poop looks normal. I have an appointment for him at the vets again tomorrow but was wondering if anyone has ever heard of this before??? Thanks
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