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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Thanks everyone! That really helps. I will choose the bird who comes to me. I even LOLd a few times haha
  2. I know for Cockatiels, the Males are the talkers. But do both male and female Congo African Greys readily talk? I would like to get a Female so that it would bond with me easier since I'm Male. (I read it in a couple places.) Just wondering..Thanks in advance.<br><br>Post edited by: Matt, at: 2009/05/05 04:08
  3. Our friends bird(Alexandrian Ringneck), when you say "whats a kitty do?" Responds with "meow". They said the breeder had taught him that but I was just wondering how to go about doing that.
  4. I have wanted one for years and Now we are FINALLY getting a Congo African Grey!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Dad said we had to sell 5 more snakes, well we just sold 3! So only 2 left to go!!
  5. Tari wrote: thanks for that link, it was very helpful. Im going to start trying that. oh and good news, yesterday ANd today, Beans has been sitting on the homemade perch next to my Computer. I think he likes it since i always attach that millet stuff lol
  6. I would Love to tame him. But he just fights it. I was watching some videos on training and I was thinking of getting a clicker. Its seems that using the Clicker and Millet stuff that I might be able to make some progress with him.(he LOVES that millet stuff) Should I buy a Clicker then? My only thing about that is, I dont want to have to use the clicker EVERYTIME I hold him. Is that something that comes with using a clicker?<br><br>Post edited by: Matt, at: 2008/05/15 19:01
  7. Ehh...My parents want me to start getting up sooner anyways, So I guess I will just have a new alarm Clock HaHa
  8. ...mornings?... omg. I am Nocternal. I wake up normally around 10:40am When I go to bed at about 1am. I am "training" myself to not stay up so late and get up earlier though.
  9. The thing is, I have been trying to tame him for 4 years. Nothing ever works with him. He will step up with one foot and start to fly away, When I open the cage door he starts Flappin like crazy running away from my hand. (I should make a video to show you how he is.)
  10. This was today 5/14/2008 at around 1 in the afternoon. The Male is a Coral Albino, and the Female is a Het Albino.
  11. Thats how big mine was when I found him/her. (the baby of course lol) And that big one is about a foot nose to tail. Post edited by: Matt, at: 2008/05/15 02:39<br><br>Post edited by: Matt, at: 2008/05/15 21:37
  12. Big. lol I will try to find you a picture.
  13. lol ok, I guess i will try it out. I will buy one at the next trip to the Petstore.
  14. I never gave mine a mirror because I read in many places that it would cause him to get attahced to "the other bird" and become depressed if it was ever taken away or somehting like that. I was watching some Videos on Youtube and most of them have mirrors and they are sitting there, stareing into them singing. Would it be wise to get Beans a Mirror or no?
  15. Im So teaching my bird that! hahaha
  16. They are all Greys... And the last 3 are all "Stinky" Greys LOL Birdy Back - edited by: Matt, at: 2008/05/15 01:44
  17. LOL...and yes he will out grow that by far. We are building a pond outside when he needs something bigger then that tank.(20 gallon)<br><br>Post edited by: Matt, at: 2008/05/15 01:37
  18. lovemyGreys wrote: Any Pet is My Kind of Pet. lol judygram wrote: And Nope, No Name. I have been thinking of one but I cant really decide seeing as none of them are very good. And yes, he is afraid of tha camera. He never does that when its just me. (cause he knows hes getting fed lol) EDIT: If you watch the first part of the video, that baby snake was born today. No lie, Im editing the snake video right now.<br><br>Post edited by: Matt, at: 2008/05/15 01:18
  19. Oh and I found that turtle outside one day, flipped upside down, with NO water anywhere near where i was. SO I brought him home and i have had him for about 2 months now. He has almost tripled in size. (he was a new born when i found him, A little bigger then a quarter.) I doubt he wouldve survived if I just flipped him back over and walked away. Now hes fat n Happy and thats a fact.
  20. Thats my Turtle and I just made that video today... If you have a youtube account then please add me as a friend and dont forget to Subscribe! (I will do the same back.)
  21. LOL, I dont know how i ended up in this thread but I sat there for about 30 minutes reading everyting and emailing it to my friends LOL
  22. Oh and all you have to do to make them perfect size is add size=500 into the image code. Example: [ img size=500] blah blah blah [/img ]<br><br>Post edited by: Matt, at: 2008/05/15 00:32
  23. OMgosh, them playing with the balls is absolutly adorable. Do you know yet if their Male or Female?
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