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  1. Thanks for your quick reply!! The guys were 'oh it's animal safe' I told them 'animal safe does not mean bird safe' haha.. I would die if it hurt Sammie!! Thanks again...
  2. I don't think the smell goes away for a few days
  3. I can still smell it, its not really strong, but maybe i should put her in my room, i didn't clean that carpet yet, and just keep the door closed.
  4. I just bought a kirby vacuum/carpet cleaner and I moved the bird out in the garage while they were cleaning. The carpet cleaner is suppose to be animal safe, but we know how that goes. I've been running the attic fan with the doors open for about an hour and half. Do you think its safe to bring the bird in now?
  5. Empress wrote: I feel your pain Empress, lol.. but the greenworks is not anymore expensive than the other cleaners and its made with stuff like coconut, corn and other stuff I cant think of right now. But it smells clean, add that with an air purifier and your ready to go. What having a grey has made me realize is that we breathe so many chemicals, chemicals that will actually kill a bird. In reality I think it's better for me and my kids not to have all the smelly stuff anymore. I rather have something that is made with coconut than something I can't pronounce that is harmful to our health, just a thought. It might not knock us over and kill us immediately, but it definitely cant be good for us. Greenworks should pay me for endorsing their product, lol..
  6. codysmom wrote: I've never heard of them.. let me know if you find out it's good or not
  7. BMustee wrote: So poop-off is really good. I was going to buy some last weekend.. it even has a little scrub brush on the end.. I thought..hmmm ..that could be messy, but would get the poop off, lol.. I'm going to have to buy some tomorrow.. :lol: Thanks for letting us know how much you like it.
  8. Well thankyou, that makes me smile!! Anytime
  9. When I get home I will have to take a pic, lol.. :unsure: May be easier to just post Sammie's eyes.. Heather.. Very nice pics, I need to learn how to use my camera better, hahah..I'm horrible with technical stuff.
  10. Thanks Heather, I'm going there now to check it out.
  11. Lyric wrote: I guess I need to see the eyes of an actual adult and compare.
  12. Empress, I just cleaned out my cleaning supplies, ie. anything with amonia, candles, windex, pine-sol, plug-ins, carpet fresh, incense, etc. Mary was telling you about Teflon.. also beware, I heard avacado's and chocolate are a big no-no's..
  13. Sammy is definitely clipped...<br><br>Post edited by: madisimmons, at: 2008/05/29 18:08
  14. Christina wrote: I have these visions of getting my eye gouged out.. I don't let Sammie hang out on my shoulder. Wish I was braver, but I'm not:lol: I hear conflicting stories about to or not to let them on your shoulders.. hmmm
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