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Everything posted by sugarbeth

  1. I voted - those are some cuties!
  2. ah bummer! I will be looking forward to the pics when you can get them. I'm glad your little one likes the tree!
  3. Thanks for the replies! I'm going to answer my own question too - there's this document I've just found, and forgive me if it's been posted before, but it is a GREAT read about foraging with tons of ideas. Check it out! http://www.phoenixlanding.org/PEAB_V2.pdf
  4. Hi Lyric! I had a budgie when I was a child - he lived to be 11 and he was a great bird! My daughter recently got her first budgie, so that's what we have right now. A long time ago I spent a summer at the local wildlife shelter taking care of the baby birds. And that's the extent of my bird experience. I've always been partial to the brainy birds, with a special affinity for the corvids. (If you have ever gotten the chance to handfeed a baby crow, you will fall in love so fast!) I've always known that I would end up with a parrot someday, and the circumstances are finally in place - We have a house and we're never moving again, we're done having babies, I'm a stay-at-home mom. Just need to get the remodeling stuff squared away, collect all the bird "stuff", build the bird playground outside for when it's sunny, and then we're all set! So yeah, probably another year. I've already joined the local bird group and found the local free-flight groups, and I expect to learn a lot from them in the meantime. I'll keep you all posted as I get closer to getting my companion!
  5. Whenever I get my grey, I definitely want to set things up so that he/she has a lot of foraging opportunities. My bird(s) will be cage-free most of the time since I'm usually home all day, so I'm imagining several foraging tree "stations" throughout the house. (Never having a grey, I'm not sure how practical this is, but I imagine it would be fun for the bird to be able to find puzzles and surprises in different rooms.) I could set them all up the night before or while they're having their breakfast. Anyhoo, I was wondering how much time a grey would spend foraging if he had ample foraging opportunities to choose from. I would like to hear what sort of foraging setups that people have for their birds and how long does that keep them occupied, etc. Thanks!!
  6. Are there any updates about your tree, Hannah? I'd love to see it if it's done yet. I want to make a few of these at some point.
  7. judygram wrote: Believe me, I've done it already! :laugh: There are very few threads I haven't read through. I've realized that's it's one thing to know basic grey care, and another thing entirely to know what kind of grey parent you are going to be. I don't want to go into this until I know that I am going to do right by this little grey child. I forgot to mention a little more about me: I am formerly a molecular biologist, working on the genetics of diabetes. I stay at home now, and will likely start a small work-at-home ceramic tile-making business here once my youngest starts school. I like doing all sorts of projects and am quite handy with the tools (I think I have a outdoor aviary playground in my future). If anyone here is on craftster.org, I'm often over there, too (also sugarbeth). Thanks for the welcome!
  8. Hi all! I'm Beth near Seattle, WA. I've been lurking on your forum for a month or so now, and thought I'd finally post an intro. I have two kids (6 and 3), and no grey. I'm still over a year away from getting my own - we are planning some major remodeling, and I'd like to get that done first. So I'm just on the web, researching, researching, researching. I've learned a LOT so far. So much that I am often feeling like I can answer questions on this forum, but I think that would be pretty presumptuous! I have no grey, what do I know? :laugh: So I'll still be lurking, I'm sure. For now, I'm just going to start by making a list of essential grey items and start collecting them over the next year as I spot sales. I'll be asking for everyone's input on that a bit later! Nice to meet you all! beth
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