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Everything posted by BooBaby

  1. We've had Boo now for 5 months since he was weaned. He's almost 9 months old and rotten to the core. I've always noticed he was aggressive towards our Jack Russels and lately he's been even more aggressive towards 2 young kittens we rescued. He'll literally chase the kittens if he sneaks onto the floor. And he's always been jealous of our cockatiels. Is there a reason he's become more jealous? Also, he's started holding his wings down and attempting to regurgitate on me and my husband. I know this isn't bad but what does this behavior mean? He's also started biting hard for some reason. It's not aggressive at all or anything like that. So, why has he started doind this? How can I stop him from biting so hard? Also, he still behaves the same but hasn't been getting so aggressive with his toys. For example, he has a new swing and new toy in his cage that hung near his cage for weeks, and as far as I know he hasn't touched them. And he doesn't really play with his new play gym either. And all these new things were introduced to him well before they came in contact with him. So what is going on?<br><br>Post edited by: BooBaby, at: 2008/07/19 10:23
  2. Hi everyone! My husband and I have had our TAG for about a month. On the 21st of this month he'll be 5 months old. He's getting a little more rambunctious but he's still mostly quiet. He seems to be healthy and hasn't really had any problems. However, I noticed today that several of the little feathers on his leg are missing. The breeder had asked us if we wanted a band on his leg and we said yes. We had later changed our minds, but she had already put it on. It isn't tight, but he does bite at it a lot. I'm not sure if when he bites and chews it, it's gradually rubbed those feathers off or if he's pulled them off himself. I am a little concerned over this and I'm curious if anyone has had similar problems? Is there anyway of removing it safely??
  3. Hi! I know this is a little late to reply, but I seen that you had donated to Locks of Love and I think that is wonderful! My mother found out she had breast cancer in 2005 (which is in remission now, thank goodness!) and it made it all more personal for me when I donated at least 10-12 inches of my hair in 2006. I just wanted to say thats such a wonderful thing to do and it goes for such a good cause.
  4. We've had Boo for about 2 weeks now. He's about 5 months old and for the time we've had him, he hasn't been very vocal. He'll fuss at his toys just a little bit and he'll sound like a duck quacking when we go to pick him up or pet him. So, for the past few days I've been noticing that he's sleeping more than usual. He's curious about stuff and he climbs up and down his cage. He hasn't been playing with the toys on top of his cage very much with the exception of one of the balls we have for him. At first, he was active for most of the day playing on his play gym and such, but lately he's been sleeping more. He hasn't lost his appetite or anything like that and will take his treats. I just can't help but be concerned. I've had cockatiels for years but my husband and I both are new parrot owners. We plan on taking him to the avian vet soon to be safe, but I just need some advice until then. Do greys often nap during the day? Also, I know this sounds crazy... but would the weather have anything to do with it? He can see out the window thats across the room from his cage and for several days it's been raining and thats when I noticed him sleeping more. My 2 cockatiels in the same room have been quieter as well. Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks!<br><br>Post edited by: BooBaby, at: 2008/04/06 09:53
  5. Hi everyone! I'm a new member, I just posted in the Welcome forum. We've only had our baby grey for a few days and we need some advice... Our baby was handfed and socialized by the breeder. We did months worth of research and felt prepared. Yet, we didn't seem to research what to expect right at first. Our baby, Boo, is chewing on us. Not biting aggressively, mind you, but wanting to bite and chew on us. We didn't really expect this. I know that Boo was only used to the breeder and we're complete strangers to him. If anyone has any advice of how long it could take before he'll get used to us... If we should handle him more or less... AND if anyone has any advice on how to divert the biting and chewing. I can't keep him out of this cage long because he doesn't want to sit still, or he wants to start chewing or he even wants to get up on my shoulder. Any and all advice is welcome. We could use all we can get. It won't always be this way, will it? Thanks!!!
  6. Hi Everyone! My husband and I just received our Timneh from a breeder in AL. He was hatched Thanksgiving of '07. We were anxiously awaiting his arrival and had stayed in close contact with the breeder throughout the handfeeding and weaning process. We've named him Boo and he's so cute! If anyone has any advice, please send it along.
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