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Everything posted by Amber

  1. Awww I'm very sorry to hear this sad news, it hurt me so much loosing Fen, my Staffy when she was 12. It's very hard at first, but now I can look at her photos and smile, instead of cry, so it does get better. RIP sweet boy.
  2. Awww, you all have one each! It must be lovely to have them all together!
  3. Awww that's so sweet Nancy! I am sure too that they have empathy! I think I must be brave and give it a go! It would be so much easier if they could be out together, and I didn't have to shut one or the other away!
  4. Thank you Nancy for your reply. They have been side by side for almost 5 years, and I have never seen any aggression. Sometimes their cages get accidentally pushed together, and I've never seen any problems. I think. I will wait until my partner is home one day, then open their cages, so he's here too if there are any problems.
  5. Thank you, and yes, of course those dangers are very real and scary, and that's why I have been so hesitant. They would never be left together unattended. They seem to like each other, but there is always that worry.
  6. Awwww so sweet! Well that's encouraging!
  7. Thanks, have they actually met each other face to face, or behind bars?
  8. Ok, so I have Tuki my CAG, and also I have Loki, a yellow sided Green Cheeked Conure. Their cages are next to each other, and never has their been any signs of aggression. If Tuki is out, he sits on Loki's cage and they feel tongues through the bars! I am dying to let them out together, but terrified incase a fight starts! I've seen pics of Greys with Budgies, so know it can be done, but Loki is a lot smaller. Does anybody let their Greys interact with other birds? Thanks.
  9. That is disgusting! :ohmy: Sadly, so many breeders (but certainly not all) just don't care about the birds. All they care about is the money! :angry:
  10. Aaa, congratulations! Tuki scares me sometimes with how clever she is!
  11. Amber

    Big nostrils!

    Thanks everyone! I was just worried about him/her. I'll keep a close eye on things!
  12. Amber

    Big nostrils!

    I know what you mean about if you stare at something, it looks bigger, but they really seemed to stand out today, and I thought they looked odd and big! Thanks for your help, and I'll look on the article about posting pics to see if I can work it out ha ha!
  13. Amber

    Big nostrils!

    Hi, it is just today that I've noticed them. They both look bigger to me! No dischage from them, but I can see right into them! I'm sure I'm not just imagining they're bigger! I don't know how to put pics on a post, so I've put some in my profile pics, thanks.
  14. Hello everyone! I've noticed that Tuki my CAG has slightly bigger nostrils than normal! :blink: What does this mean? I hope he's not ill!
  15. I hate the smell of the Kaytee fruity pellets! As you say, when you get home and it's the 1st thing you can smell, it's yukky! I like the Harrison's pellets best, and Tuki really loves them, but they are so expensive! I mix them with the Zupreem avian maintenance natural pellets!
  16. Amber

    Nipping baby.

    Ooo, well done for stopping your greys biting! I'm hoping my new little baby will learn fast too! Thanks.
  17. Amber

    Nipping baby.

    Thank you. I really don't want to tell him off as he's only a baby and I haven't even had him a week yet! I don't want to scare him. I've heard of putting them in their cage as a punishment, but I don't agree with that either as I want him to like his cage, and not think of it as a bad place to be! He's sweet most of the time, but he's got a finger thing! He never nips anywhere else.
  18. My new yellow sided green cheeked conure is lovely most of the time, but sometimes he'll nibble my fingers, then it will turn into nipping and it hurts! I want to stop him doing this as soon as I can! Any ideas please?!
  19. Thanks, he's been a lot better today. If he nips, I say 'no' firmly and frown, the second he stops, I say good boy, and act like nothing's happened. It seems to be working! I don't like to put him in his cage for punishment, as I want him to like his cage and not associate it with bad things.<br><br>Post edited by: Amber, at: 2008/08/13 00:58
  20. Well it wouldn't let me upload my pic, so I'll put a pic of him on my profile page!
  21. Well here is my new baby! He's absolutely gogeous and follows me about everywhere! He's so riendly and sweet, although sometimes he nibbles a little too hard! How is the best way to stop this? I don't want to scare him.
  22. You may just be extremely lucky then and have a quiet ringneck! I can't wait 'til tomorrow! Everything's set up ready and waiting for him/her now. I saw some yellow sideds in a pet shop I went in today, they are just so sweet and come straight over for a stroke! I want my baby now!
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