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Everything posted by momi

  1. aw your boys look beautiful....and when i do put him in the big cage..what about the grate? ive heard some telling me to remove it..others say no leave it hell be fine... the cage is 6 feet high ! so im really planning on spoiling the little bugger yah my scale broke today..not sure how but i went and exchanged it for a new one so it all worked out
  2. ok. thats what I was hoping to hear...and assuming. but a wise lady once told me... ...i'll spell it out for you ASSUME is translated to ASS | U | ME...which makes an ass of you n me. so i try never to assume lol yeah he still loves his morning and evening feeds..he likes to fool around a lot lol but i guess thats the whole joy of it i can still tell how much food he takes in...since ive fed him with both syringe and spoon...and i used the same mixing bowl..so i know how much he takes in this morning...after his morning feed..he refused at about half crop full...but as soon as i put his warm moistened pellets in..he dug his face right in and starting eating it. it was such a great feeling! he does know how to perch and hes always trying to climb up the side of his cage i'll probably be putting him in his big boy cage in about two weeks or so. a coworker of mine believes i shouldnt put him in the big boy cage til hes about 4 months or so..(shes got a B&G macaw) but i think shes just jealous of my baby! lol shes always saying negative things...that i shouldnt have the heat lamp on...because he may burn himself...buuut the heat lamp isnt even hot...its doesnt make the bars of the cage hot..so im safe. and i can tell her to stop making a fuss thanks for all your advice guys. i dont know what i would do if i hadnt found out about this forum.
  3. so Joe...should i switch him back to syringe feeding then? to ensure he is gettin enough cc? im just not sure. i switched him to spoonfeeding after speaking to an avian vet..he suggested its easier..less risk of aspiration and the such and that its easier to get him to wean if i put his spoon by his weaning foods (not sure if that was the greatest advice) even tho he is refusing formula..he maintains a healthy weight range majority of the time..thers probably a total of only a spoonful and half that he drops to out of his mouth on the paper towel..but its usually less since i guide him by holding his head gently so hes not frntically flapping his wings all the while bobbing and trying to get the food off the spoon. when should i put him into his big cage? he is very active..almost everytime i sneak a peak at him hes flapping his wings..or climbing on his perch...hes even almost got the hang of climbing up the sides of the brooder cage using his beak for support of course... once hes got a good grip with his toes and beak he will flap his wings for as long as he can and play with his toy ... once again thanks for ur input Joe. i really do appreciate it.
  4. well. i got him at about just under 6 weeks...right before easter weekend i was told he hatched on February 12...which would make him 8 weeks this upcoming tuesday. that should be about accurate he looks like the 8 week old greys in the second link. ive been putting food out however he seems more and more uninterested. on a good day i can get him to have between 30-40cc per feeding...mostly the afternoon feed...after a few spoonfuls he just turns his head and i know i shouldnt force feed him the temperature is always correct as is the consistency...im not sure if this is just normal part of weaning or not. I know they are supposed to lose a bit of weight in order to fledge..but hes not losing weight. hes at about 470-480 grams. he gets weighed every morning before the morning feed. i dont think im doing anything wrong..maybe its just maternal instinct..and the dreaded 'what if' i know everyone will cringe..but it is my first time feeding a baby i started syringe feeding but converted him to spoonfeeding so has anyone else experienced this? i doubt hes just a finnicky eater...so right now ive got soaked pellets, regular pellets, water and a combination of fruits & veggies but i try to put more veggies than fruit so...what do u guys think?
  5. Hello I've got a 7 week old baby...and I was just wondering when I should drop a feeding..hes currently at 3 feeds a day...with a spoon.. he does refuse food....usually after his crop is not full yet...but maybe i'd say 3/4 full. ive started putting pellets (softened in warm water) as well as fruits and veggies and some fresh water he does seem to pick at it maybe even eat some... im thinkin it may be too soon to drop a feeding...but im not tooo sure also..when i do drop a feeding..ive heard that you're supposed drop the afternoon feeding first...but then ive heard conflicting advice on whether or not to drop the night feeding last or second? im pretty sure someone in this forum will know.. thanks!
  6. thanks for the link i posted up a pic of him..(not sure if its a he or a she...doesnt really matter anyway yeah im handfeeding him formula 3 times a day...with a syringe, ive already put some fruits and veggies cut up real small for him to peck at...doubt hell eat any yet...i also got a perch in there..not sure if its too soon for the perch..hes still waddling
  7. hey! no no..hes starting to feather up quite nicely and his red tail feathers are starting to sprout if you're on facebook add me up and i'll show ya just look up mariam malik (in toronto canada) you should be able to find me no problem, my profile pic is a pic of toonie
  8. Hey all! first let me say it is awesome to have a website such as this one dedicated to greys and their owners. I have had my baby for about 5 days now..he is 6 weeks old today! I still haven't figured out how to edit my pics and resize them....but as soon as I do I shall put pics up of my TOONIE. I decided to name him toonie...as he has a white toe & toenail on each foot, rare but so precious So My name is Mariam and I am the proud new mother of Toonie! and I'm loving it !
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