im only writing this cause i work for animal control and i have seen this happen too many times. alot of people take there birds outside which nothing wrong with that, but some have known to take off, well there are people that call the animal shelter stating they have lost the parrot or any kind of bird, they got around check with people on there street, i know most people when i say this will tell me oh that wont work but it does and if someone has your bird, you will know it by doing this , walk through your street at night calling for your bird, wait until real late when you believe that most people are in bed and call for your bird, your bird will yell back, we have had people find there birds that way. or if they are in the trees, they will come down due to it is quite at night, they are night people or dogs out to scare them. hey it is worth trying, and i know a few people that got there birds back that way.