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Everything posted by aslterp59

  1. Gemma gets angry at her down feathers. She'll preen and pull one out, then toss her head around with it. It will go flying and usually land somewhere back on her. She proceeds to angrily try to throw it off, then as it's floating down she'll grab at it again and fling it. SO FUNNY!
  2. On this subject.... A couple weeks ago I went to a weekend-long workshop. Left Friday afternoon and came back Sunday afternoon. My husband was home all weekend with Gemma, but she's a momma's bird. He gave her a lot of attention, tho, out-of-cage time, and so on. However, when I got back she looked rough. When I looked closer, I could see she'd been chewing on some feathers. She is still chewing on them sometimes - it seems it's already developed into a habit, like chewing fingernails on a human. I've been giving her tons of attention but she's still chewing feathers at times. What can I do to discourage this while it's still a new habit?
  3. He/She is just adorable! It's great that you can visit until "it" is weaned. You'll have a great time for many years to come! From reading others' posts, it sounds like you found a real winner in the breeder you chose! Enjoy!
  4. Noodle sounds adorable! Gemma (19 months) is starting to talk more. But the funnies thing is that she imitates a number of our cell phone noises (for ringing, texts, alerts, etc). She'll ring or beep, then answer it with a "Hello." She whistles Andy Griffith but can't figure out how to insert the finger snaps. She'll get the first three notes, the snap, the next three notes, but then doesn't know whether to snap or whistle. She ends up just snapping and then it dissolves into all kinds of silly noises. She can whistle most of it and if I whistle part, she'll often pick up and keep going where I stopped.
  5. Pikachu, it's impressive that your kids had everyone taken care of. Must have been a really scary experience - for them and for you! I've just read thru all the ideas here for emergency preparation. We don't have a basement, per se, just a cellar under the stairs. I've always joked that I'd only go there if there was a tornado next door. Spiders and such!! But you all have given me some ideas for things to have ready and near the door just in case. I bought Gemma a travel cage recently and have let her play in it and on it so that she'll go in without a fight. Visions of trying to get her into the cage with a tornado nearby, her hanging on for dear life to the opening and refusing to go in.... Glad to hear that everyone on here is safe so far.
  6. WOW, what an incredible place that must be!! *drooling* Thanks for sharing all the pictures.
  7. That is absolutely adorable! He thinks enough of you to share his beloved bead with you. You are loved!!!
  8. There are certain things that I say with Gemma that seem to make her want to stick her beak in my mouth. Why, oh why?? When I say, "Evil laugh!" then laugh "aww aww aww," she pokes her head around and the beak goes in my mouth if I'm not quick enough to shut it. She immediately started doing the same thing when I started saying, "HO HO HO, Meeerrrrrry Christmas!" It's not during the "hohoho" part, but always on "merry." Those are the only two phrases she does it with, and with both phrases she started doing it as soon as I started saying them around her, and has been completely consistent ever since. Isn't life with Greys fun???
  9. You know you live with an African Grey when you hear "Mom!" and respond, "I'm in the kitchen, Honey..." After several times you realize that your daughter has been at work for hours and the bird has picked up her exact tone and voice.
  10. You know you live with an African Grey when you hear the microwave beep, go to retrieve the food, then realize it was the bird.....
  11. Gemma (14 month-old CAG) has always liked to make her way to my feet if I'm laying on the couch with her on my stomach. We always thought it was a little weird. She does it if I'm barefoot or wearing socks. Last night I was in the recliner with my feet up, wearing bright yellow socks and she was on my lap. She made her way to my feet, then sat next to my feet and put her head down to be scratched. My husband and I cracked up!! I didn't move, and she sat there like a little statue waiting for her scratches! I eventually scritched her head a bit with my big toe, but where she was sitting made it difficult. I got her and put her back on my lap, where she gets lots of scratches and attention, but she made her way down my leg and back to the beloved feet, and put her head down to be scratched. Is this weird or what?! :confused:
  12. Gemma has a funny growl, too. From the time we got her (at about five months), she would "grumble" sometimes when she seemed unsure of what was going on. She doesn't do it as often now, but at times when I'm not scratching exactly where she wants, she'll still grumble a bit. It's never been hostile, but has always reminded me of an old man muttering to himself. It's actually kind of endearing!
  13. Shanlung, I just went to your livejournal site and saw the amazing pictures you posted. Thank you for posting those and allowing us to share the beauty of Tink's flights as well as some of the beauty of your country! I have read some of the posts in this thread, and I'm seeing that you may be moving to another forum. I saw that you once lost Tink but she was returned. I haven't had a chance to read every post that appears to span four years or more. Do I understand correctly that you no longer have Tink? I want Gemma to be flighted and your pictures were a great encouragement in that! But I am terrified of losing her, obsessively careful though I am. While looking at your pictures, I had the thought that we think of our Greys as mischievous, cute, amazing, smart, etc. But looking at your pictures, I see that they are also majestic in flight! Thank you again for sharing!
  14. Gemma is now officially a year old, hatched on 10/04/10. She is doing well, not talking a lot but she's a happy bird. She imitates a lot of sounds and does speak some. She often sits on my shoulder while I'm here at the computer and we watch YouTube videos of other CAGs and parrots dancing, taking showers, talking, playing, etc. I've been trying to get her to take a shower but she hasn't been interested much in the past. A couple weeks ago she was in the kitchen with me, on her perch, and I turned on the water in the sink (where I'd tried to get her interested, to no avail, in a shower a few days before). She immediately perked up and said "More." I was pleasantly shocked so let her try to take a little shower. She was really unsure of it but it wasn't a bad experience. Today I decided to try again and she had a BLAST with her shower! I think watching other FIDs on YouTube has given her the right idea. She certainly likes talking back to the birds on the screen!
  15. Neat to see how she has grown from weeks 2.5 and 9! She's beautiful!
  16. Great solution! Thanks for sharing the great photos and the instructions for making one!
  17. Hello, I'm Denise and I'm a grey-a-holic. I can quit anytime I want. NOT!! I'll never be able to stop!
  18. Gemma just started saying, "You're all wet!!" I've said that to her several times when she was getting a shower (which she doesn't get often, she's not crazy about them). We watched the Grey Einstein on YouTube, who says, "Look at you! You're all wet!!!" as she gets her shower. Gemma really paid attention to that and a few days later started saying it on her own. Now she practices saying it and it's getting more and more clear. Now if I could just get her to enjoy the shower as much as she enjoys commenting about Einstein's!!
  19. Keep us posted on your you and the fids fare the storm! Our thoughts are with you.
  20. Great ideas, hope nobody has had to do any emergency evacuations for Irene (or any other upcoming hurricane this season). Hope everyone is safe! We're in NC, but far enough west that we have just had some breezy conditions and clouds.
  21. I've been checking every to to see if you have good news about Murphy. I cried when I read your last posts in this thread. I still have hopes that you'll find him, while at the same time hoping you'll begin to find some rest - and if not complete closure, at least some acceptance that you can live with. Please stay on the forum if you can - you obviously have a lot of support here! Only a bunch like us can understand how a bundle of feathers can work its way into your heart like our birds can.
  22. The pictures are priceless! Dayo is beautiful...
  23. Jeff, my children (grown) say that our fid has more toys than they EVER had, and that her cage is bigger than their bedrooms were. Slight exaggeration, but still.... Enjoy your time of planning, buying stuff, and we look forward to hearing more as the time gets closer, then lots of pictures when you get your Grey!
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