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Everything posted by gbdb_kcb

  1. Hi All As some of you may or may not have seen I am asking and posting much on remodeling. I have been doing alot of research on this (my Dad was a Police Detective, I think I get that investigate thing from him so I wanted 2 post some links to things I have found, before posting I want to say that although things are 'Green" I think we all agree we still need to look at the ingredients as there are many natural hazards we need to be aware of for our FIDS! Without further adieu: http://www.greenbuildingsupply.com/Public/Home/index.cfm http://www.dwellsmart.com/Products/Building-and-Remodeling http://www.thedailygreen.com/ Also, another thing I have noticed not pertaining to remodeling at all is. alot of Hair care and Lotions (feet, body, hands etc) have been adding Avocado oil, now I dont know the % but to me if there is any whatsoever it doesnt enter my house. I just wanted to let you all know (which you prob do already, so sorry if this is a repost.) Happy days to everyone and smile
  2. Dave! Thanks so much, she is away from the kitchen:) Just being safe and your rock thank you!
  3. gbdb_kcb

    Stove top

    It is me again with one more question if anyone knows this? We are getting a new stove top installed. It is electric with the coils exposed. Does anyone know if this is harmful? I always worry about anything new because of the gases that are usually expelled. If anyone knows please advise. Thank you so much!
  4. Those pics are so sweet!
  5. Hi Pat, We got our Penny Lane in August. A rescue mix of Jack Russell and something else. Penny Lane was a puppy (5 weeks, I know, it was so sad, that is another story though) when we got her and we to date never leave them alone in the same room with both crate and cage open; however, they do play and last weekend when we were around other dogs and they were barking at Booty Goo, little Penny DEFENDED her sister. So that was really interesting to see because the other dogs were much bigger than Penny. I did learn though, I cant remember where, to keep the pack order (we want Booty Goo to be Alpha) we always greet her first, feed her first, she gets the first treat, etc. It seems to be working from last weekends event. If anyone goes into the crate or cage it is Penny Lane. We also keep them in the same room at night, Penny has a crate and omgosh does she LOVE it. Anything to make them feel a part of the same pack. Having said all of that and sorry this is so long, we still do not leave them unattended together, because, things do happen so quick. I hope this helps a bit. BEst of luck to you!
  6. Hi all, Booty Goo's Mom here. So I have been looking at the archives (which rock!) and I am a bit confused, a few responses state that the Ionize is dangerous for our babies, and most others say that they are safe. I am thinking I will go with the majority vote, but you know what they say about assuming something and also it is way better to be safe than sorry. So this is the Purifier we got for our house, Actually we purchased 3 for each floor because we moved into an old house that hasnt been lived in for 5 years!!! We purchased the Holmes-HEPA-Type Tower Air Purifier. Is this ok?! Sorry for being so neurotic. ps. it is on sale in the store.
  7. Tears are rolling down my face, I am in awe of your strength and courage. Our PRAYERS and THOUGHTS are with you. May your whole family be HAPPY, HEALTHY & SAFE!!! Love, Leigh, Bill, Booty Goo & Penny Lane
  8. Hi All, I posted a few days ago regarding the question to place carpet and what paint to use. I did learn a few things and wanted to pass them on. We looked into the Green Plus carpet. It is supposed to be the lowest in VOC; however, it does not specify. I emailed their customer service to ask them and am waiting for a response. so I will let you know when I find out; as well as, what the pads are made and coated with, as I saw a post on this board regarding pads being harmful. I never would have though of that, so thank you so much. Also, regarding paint, we went to Sherman Williams and they have zero VOC with all light colors. When adding tints at both Lowes and Sherman WIlliams, the tints still have VOC's. Low but they are still in there. I just wanted to post this because a label that says ZERO VOC's should be exactly that, not, well... it is if you don't use this or that. Oh, and one more thing, both Sherman Williams and Olympic have Primers that without tint our ZERO VOC. Sorry again if all already know this, I am trying to post what I learn and want to share. Have a great day!
  9. Thank you so much!!! I am going to check out the link now!
  10. I everyone! I hope all is well! I have a question regarding Pet Safe and Carpet. I read on prior posts that some people say Olympic and Sherwin Williams. Has anyone used the paints? I am sure you have, I am just exhausted from our move, sorry if this is redundant. We need to paint the whole house, I cant even go into the story of the condition this house was moved in when we moved in, however, my first thought is always of Ms. Booty Goo. So we were going to go with either of those paints, and then has anyone used HEALTHY DECOR carpet by home depot?! We need to get new carpet and I am at a loss. The smell bothers me, I can only imagine our FIDS. If anyone has any suggestions I would be so so grateful. We moved into an old house that has had no activity for 5 years. Alot of dust. We are using air purifiers on every floor. We are getting the ducts cleaned. Also moving from the Florida Keys is very different, climate wise for my Booty Goo. So today I ordered a temperature perch, a uva, uvb full spectrum lamp and tomorrow will get the humidifier. Any thing else anyone could think of precautions, advice, input or just to say hi, I would love. Thank you so much forum members!!! Have a great day!
  11. Hi All! I think I have been on the forum for about 3 hours now. Thank you so much for all of this wonderful & important information. We just moved from the Florida Keys (finally) I saw a post that I placed about 2 years ago and we were speaking of it them. Wow. Anyway, I wanted to know if any members were in the area? Any advice on great Avian Vets, Pet supply shops specializing in our FIDS? We left our beloved Whaltons Pets Supply in Marathon, Florida. They are the absolute best, I cant say enough about how helpful and wonderful the women who work there are! We also left Dr. Doug Mader who I am having anxiety attacks about leaving (jk, kinda-ha) Anyway, if anyone knows of any Avian awesomeness in Charleston I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much and have a great day! Leigh
  12. You too Judy and to everyone on the forum, may all of your loved ones be warm and safe for a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy and beyond blessed New Year! I will keep you all posted and thank you so much again!
  13. Judy thank you so much!!! I appreciate so much advice. Yes,she has ridden in the car for 5 hours before and she did just fine. I think it will be good for her and great for me to get through this one trip... I will keep you all posted. Maybe my neurosis will help others on this site. Thank you again so much!
  14. Judy ... so you think she will be ok in the car for that amount of time? I am such a neurotic-freak-a-zoid as of late I cant tell what is the best thing. I just love her so much I want to do what is best for her. Thank you so much for your response.
  15. Wow. I am at a loss for words with all of your thoughtfulness, encouraging words and advice, and I am crying right now. I am in Mommy overdrive because I want my little girls to always be safe while trying to cope with our loss. My Dad LOVED our Booty Goo (African Grey) and met our Penny Lane (6 mo. old terrier mix) days before he passed. My Mom absolutely adores Booty Goo so she would make any changes necessary for her safety. I cant remember if I mentioned or not that we were driving. It will take about 17 hours to get there. I am not looking forward to the long drive but am anxious to see my Mom. She totally understands everything about candles, potpouri, teflon etc. I just read everything about what is good and what isnt good for our girls and I stay away from anything that would harm them. Yes, I am that neurotic that when we first got Booty Goo I had my friends (guests) blow dry their hair outside because you just never know. Thankfully we live in the Florida Keys so it wasnt so bad. Now I have a Chi and apparently there is no teflon in it. Anyway I know I am rambling. Oh, also we are driving at night and will probably only pull over for 2 hours at a time to sleep. I am just in knots over this. I want her to be with us and I dont want her to be without us for two weeks, but then if she stays at the pet store which is not your normal pet store very small and family oriented, she was born there and one of the ladies that works there took her home and hand fed her and taught her how to kiss. So cute. So I know she would be very happy there. The last time she was there, one of the girls walked in and said 'why isnt the radio on" and the other said 'oh you'll know why' then she listened for a moment and Booty Goo started singing. She loves the pet store because they all know her and treat her special. I guess the moral of the story is I want her to travel with us and I dont know if I am being neurotic or if she should stay with her birdy friends. I dont know. However I am thinking as I write this, that perhaps this drive would not be the best because I am a mess anyway, I dont want her to stress out because she feels us stressing out also, when we get back we are moving 3 weeks later. I think she should have fun with her birdie friends. Any suggestions on the total an complete mess in the Florida Keys. Any advice would be great, the vet told me to make sure she wasnt in a draft and that she may get dry skin, so we are bring our aloe with us so we can mist her and give her a bath.
  16. Hi all, I love this forum. I have been away for a while. My Dad got very sick last Thanksgiving and passed away this past September. Needless to say I am a mess and not social at all. However that is another forum thread. I will cut to the chase I just wanted to appologize for being absent. THis Christmas and New Year my husband and I are traveling from the Florida Keys to Northern Virginia (Wash. DC area) well as you all may or may not know, DC and the East coast got slammed with a blizzard. We are driving and we are taking Booty Goo (our 2 year old Congo African baby girl) and Penny Lane our 6 month old rescue who is a big mix of cuteness. My question is ... I dont know whether we should take Booty Goo or not. Not that I am not already completely neurotic with her being subjected to things, but I am really concerned about the cold, the inside heat just everything. I dont know what to do. Our house is completely chemical free. We only use organiz or home made cleaning products, etc. I know my Mom uses things that I do not in her house (things that non parrot owners use, ha). Sorry for rambling, but basically I am concerned about her being in the cold and then in the inside heat and then back down to the Keys again. Another thing, we our moving to Charleston, SC at the end of January and I dont know if all of this change would be good for her. When we fly somewhere she stays at the Pet Store that we purchased her. Very Mom & Pop store. All birda and the staff adores her. What to do? I think it would be best for her to stay here in the Keys, but is that just me being a complete and total worry wort. HELP!
  17. gbdb_kcb


    Thank you all so much for the info also. I am glad I dint invest as well.
  18. Hi dan, Well I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face because my little Booty Goo wants nothing to do with me and all she does is bite me now. I walk over to her cage where usually she would just step up and now she looks at me, then looks at my hand and then bite... She stopped doing that for a good while, but then after having our house guest and Booty loves her. It seems I am the bitten one. The house guest is gone (only by a day) but Booty really doesnt want anything to do with me. How can I change this? Dan do you think she will ever like me again. I am just so sad...
  19. You all are so awesome. I feel somewhat like a spoiled child. I am however just worried and concerned about our little baby! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOU KIND WORDS REGARDING MY DAD!!!! Things are LOOKING UP!!!! He is scheduled to get out of rehab in 2 weeks:) PRAISE HIM!! Yes, I think Booty Goo has probably sensed alot of my anxiety and such... Thank you again!!! I will post pictures of Booty & Julie (it is so sweet, I feel Booty should purrrr Also, we were able to swim with Dolphins today! I dont know if any of you have had the opportunity to, but they are wonderful creatures as well!!!! I highly suggest doing so if you ever have the chance. Much love and good wishes to all and Happy 2009!
  20. Hi all, Sorry I havent been round in a while but my Papa (dad) had a stroke & heart attack over Thanksgiving, thus creating business in the human world for me. Having said that my dilhema is ... since i have had to travel so much to go home (parents house) and help my mum... my little Booty Goo (born 9-12-07) has bonded with our house mate. She used to regurgitate for me and get all excited when I walked in the room, but since I have been gone so much and she has been in the care of our housemate, Booty Goo seems to fancy our house mate much more than myself or my husband AND has allowed our house mate to do things to her that her mum and dad have never been allowed to do. (booty goo rubs against our housemates face like a cat would for head rubs) Of course inside I am dying because I wish Booty Goo loved me as much to do all of this, but my main concern is our house mate is leaving on Tuesday and we are not sure when she will return. Our housemate is a british citizen and can not work in our town (of course we tried to adopt her... but we were turned down... in any event, I am very very concerned about Booty Goo. She has bonded so much with housemate Julie I am not really sure what to do and to top it off we are plannning on moving out of the area so we are not sure when we will see our housemate again. Advice is greatly needed. I have no idea what to do. I am worried about Booty Goo missing her Aunt Julie and of course in a way I am so envious that Booty doesnt feel that way about me. I know that comes with the territory I am just a little broken hearted and really concerned... Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much, Leigh
  21. Hi all:) I just wanted to say THANK YOU for you crock pot advice:) Booty was fine with it and the Pot Roast came out great! Thanks again!!! Leigh
  22. I LOVE THIS!!!! In my opinion pets should be spoiled!!! How fun!!!! Too much to go into about Booty Goo being spoiled but everyone knows in my house, Booty rules the roost:) It is all about Booty Goo:)
  23. You are so awesome! Thank you so much! Pot Roast for dinner. Yum:) I need to visit more often, life tends to get in the way, but will bookmark us at work:) Thank you so much again, you know how protective I am of my girl:) Have a great day! Leigh:)
  24. Hi All:) I hope everyone is well! I have a question... Does anyone know if Crock Pots are considered safe around our babies? I am OVERLY cautious, so I told my husband before we start the pot roast I must check if it is ok first:) The Crock Pot is called Rival and underneath the Logo it says Stoneware Slowcooker. Any help suggestions, comments would be great! Thank you so much, Booty Goo's Mom
  25. Thank you all also. We are considering taking Booty with us on our next trip. Can anyone suggest a carrier? I would like one with a perch so you could sit comfortably but is that asking too much?! Thank you again, I love this forum. Thank you all!!!
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