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  1. very sorry to hear this. curious if there is any liability involved. do you sign a waiver in the event of? any legal recourse? I had a neighbors dog die on my watch....a newfoundland at that (BIG dog!) the cause turned out to be heartworms (and not me) :whistle: .
  2. I went through the same thing.....the arch over the swing (or connection to ceiling in cage) needs to be rigid or it will be a "shake" and not a "swing"....
  3. I concur with Shameless. We got Goofball at the show here just north of Atlanta...paid $850 (CAG) and with tax, etc was right at $900. The kicker here is that (and I must pass on this advice) is if you do get your bird at a show, take it to a vet for a complete physical especially blood work as they could be carrying any number of deseases, etc. That was an additional $300 and did not include sexing which was $65 at our now current vet. We "found" Lucy ironically enough on craigslist in Jacksonville the day before we were going there for daughters b-day. We also "stole" her for $500 with one big A$$ cage included. She's a great bird too
  4. lol....yeah my Lucy "burped" for the first time this morning..... (I'm so proud!) been working on that one for MONTHS
  5. well I've been "feeding" our CAG's cedar perches to chew, which they love. couldn't find it either way on that website posted above which I did find pretty thorough. I also wrap their perches with Jute (Macrame') which they attempt to tear up. Otherwise... it's alot of non-winning lottery tickets.....:pinch:
  6. Thanks Dan, yeah we'll try to pin her down and get a better look. One thing we have noticed is a few of those flight feathers were a bit painfull once they started to come out as she'd wrestle and squak till it gave in (or out?). She did pull a blood feather as well (actually splattered the bathroom mirror!) which I assume is natural. Growing pains perhaps? :ohmy:
  7. I wonder how many hips he's had replaced....and the dentures! probably blind as a bat....can't remember a thing.... forgets where he is and where he was going (good for a smaller cage)
  8. Thanks Judy but my point is....she was clipped over a year ago. That pic was taken tonight. How long does it take them to go through a body of feathers ya think?
  9. ok, forgot how to post a pic. any help?
  10. ok, fist I want to thank Judy for helping find my way back to this thread! ok here are 2 pics....as asked they both fall out and she pull's em while preening. She is not "plucking" I assure you. She looks a little ragged out near the rear but it because of #1 the new tail feathers (finally dropped remaining grey) and #2 her flight feathers are in dissarray) Amazes me to see the pic as it's been well over a year since she was clipped (more like mowed down!) any opinions? thanks again Judy, you rock!
  11. I will try for a pic tonight. She is losing feathers now all of a sudden...pulling them out one by one (flight feathers). She is 18 months old so I suspect it's normal as she is a well cared for bird with no issues to speak of. It was an avian vet "center". Not real sure of the doc that we saw. I'm not impressed somehow. I mean Goofball flies lik a rock. Suprised she hasn't split her breast bone the way she lands sometimes. Can anyone tell me what their "molting schedule" is? from birth?
  12. LisaM wrote: bet he's been smoking camels since he was 8 and drinks a quart a day too..... figures..... :pinch:
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