So far, things are going great with our new TAG Tiny. We traveled forty-five minutes to Tiny's new Vet a few days ago, and she received a clean bill of health. She seems to love the car, and usually sleeps most of the time when the car is moving. I had hoped we could clip the tips of her nails since they are like needles, but the blood line extends to the tips of her nails. We will wait on that. She seems to want to fly all of the time, so the Vet suggested clipping a few feathers since she had already broken one blood feather. She can still fly after the clip, but only for a short distance before landing.
I just can't get over how different this bird is from our fifteen year old Eclectus we lost just prior to Chirstmas. Tiny is going on ten weeks old, and loves to be handled. Our Eclectus never seemed to enjoy being touched much, even though we hand fed him. He occasionally reminded us with a nip, or two, or three when he was not in the mood. So far, we have not been bitten by Tiny.
She figured out stepping up immediately, and often extends her foot asking to be picked up. Each evening after the hand feeding, we spend the remaining time before her bedtime scratching and rubbing her. Tiny usually falls asleep as she sits on our lap while watching TV. She is almost completely potty trained, with only three accidents so far. We have tried to time out her potty breaks and return her briefly to the cage, then announce "go potty" and she responds immedidatly. We had the same potty training luck with our Eclectus.
We have introduced a few new foods to Tiny, who continues to eat like a horse.
We feel Tiny is a girl, since she is rather small from what we have seen in articles and books relating to Timeh's. At some point we may try the DNA test to confirm.