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Everything posted by atreasure

  1. Tiny continues to be a very happy baby, and wants to be included in everything around the house. Much more than our Eclectus had, and continues to be so differnt in many ways. Has anyone else noticed a snorting and wheezing sound as their bird gets excited? Tiny almost sounds like someone who has a cold, along with some blushing around the eyes. I have seen references to blushing as somewhat common, but I am wonder about the special noise. It is as actually kinda cute. I mentioned this to the vet during the initial check, and he said Tiny seemed fine. Maybe this is an inherent trait?
  2. Well, Tiny had his first bath yesterday since we had a temporary warm-up. The walls and mirror also enjoyed the bath. As I have mentioned, Tiny loves to fly and decided to take flight as soon as we started. He did enjoy the hair dryer afterward. Hopefully, the next round will go better. I know you can only see so many pictures before they all look the same, but I loaded Tiny's first.
  3. So far, things are going great with our new TAG Tiny. We traveled forty-five minutes to Tiny's new Vet a few days ago, and she received a clean bill of health. She seems to love the car, and usually sleeps most of the time when the car is moving. I had hoped we could clip the tips of her nails since they are like needles, but the blood line extends to the tips of her nails. We will wait on that. She seems to want to fly all of the time, so the Vet suggested clipping a few feathers since she had already broken one blood feather. She can still fly after the clip, but only for a short distance before landing. I just can't get over how different this bird is from our fifteen year old Eclectus we lost just prior to Chirstmas. Tiny is going on ten weeks old, and loves to be handled. Our Eclectus never seemed to enjoy being touched much, even though we hand fed him. He occasionally reminded us with a nip, or two, or three when he was not in the mood. So far, we have not been bitten by Tiny. She figured out stepping up immediately, and often extends her foot asking to be picked up. Each evening after the hand feeding, we spend the remaining time before her bedtime scratching and rubbing her. Tiny usually falls asleep as she sits on our lap while watching TV. She is almost completely potty trained, with only three accidents so far. We have tried to time out her potty breaks and return her briefly to the cage, then announce "go potty" and she responds immedidatly. We had the same potty training luck with our Eclectus. We have introduced a few new foods to Tiny, who continues to eat like a horse. We feel Tiny is a girl, since she is rather small from what we have seen in articles and books relating to Timeh's. At some point we may try the DNA test to confirm. Jeff
  4. Thanks Sandra. We just purchased a TAG this past weekend, but I did contact jo's last week and they did not have any at this time. I do appreciate you leaving the information.
  5. It was easier naming our Eclectus since we knew the sex. We went generic with "Tiny" since he/she is so small. The name just seems to fit. Tiny is so different from when our Eclectus was young. Tiny seems to make so many different sounds, and seems to like being held more than our Eclectus did. The past two nights Tiny has fallen asleep on my lap after eating. I also find it interesting that Tiny is not at all afraid of sounds or the new things around our home. Our Ectletus always seemed a bit jumpy, so we always tried to be careful. Tiny also enjoyed the car ride home, and again, fell asleep on my lap. So far I could not ask for more from a pet. Tiny is already very much a part of our family. Jeff
  6. Well, after the loss of our Eclectus just before Christmas, we finally made our decision to buy a baby TAG. We brought him/her home on Monday, and the cage and our home have come back to life with the sounds that had been silenced since December. This forum was so helpful assisting in our decision. I know many of you prefer complete weaning before bringing the bird home, but we enjoyed finishing hand feeding our Eclectus and have decided to finish our new TAG. He/she is nine weeks old, and has the appetite of a horse. Although they had been hand feeding with a syringe, we prefer the spoon, and so does our new TAG. We would like to know the sex of our new TAG, so we may try a DNA kit. Thanks again for all the input throughout this site, and I will continue reading to gain information and maybe even contribute down the line. Jeff
  7. Does anyone know of a Grey breeder in Illinois? Thanks for any help.
  8. Wow, you all have great companions! I again appreciate your comments and stories. Are any of you from Illinois and know a good Grey breeder? I purchased my Eclectus from a breeder, and we picked him out when he was only a few weeks old, and later finished the hand feeding. I will continue watching for new postings. Thank you again to all who have left information. Jeff
  9. Thank you for your replies so far. Your information provided is very much appreciated and extremely helpful, and great to hear it directly from the source and not second hand. I will continue to check back for additional feedback. Thanks again, Jeff
  10. Hi everyone. I found this site yesterday, and have enjoyed reading about you and your Grey's. I suddenly lost my Eclectus just before Christmas after fifteen years. I finished hand-feeding him as a baby, and actually picked him out when he was only a few weeks old. The house is very empty without the daily sounds from the front room. That said, I am considering a Timneh. I had originally decided on a Grey or Eclectus fifteen years ago, but went with the Eclectus due to the lack of individual bonding. I have seen a great deal of information related to Timneh's on the Internet, and it seems like there is less issues with individual bonding and plucking than with Congo's. I also understand they are great talkers like the Congo. Can you share your personal experiences with Timneh behavior related to bonding and plucking? Any replies would be appreicated as I try to make my decision. Thanks, Jeff
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