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Everything posted by birdhouse

  1. Always enjoy hearing it from your perspective, Spock. Don't guess you would see any big deal about the holidays except the extra shiny pretty things. LOL Every day is Christmas to a well loved fid!
  2. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy
  3. Kura flies into blinds & curtains, too. I had to put up lined drapes. I think it's got something to do with blocking the light. They're at least padding. The plants seemed to help, too, but I can't really say why.
  4. My ekkie was/is a lousy flyer who's turned my stomach & stopped my heart more than once. One thing I did was hang large plants in the windows. Another was to take her to stand at the windows that she'd target most. Literally show her it was solid, over & over & over & it seemed to help in some flight paths. The ones that she just couldn't seem to avoid have heavy drapes, now. I just close them when she's out.
  5. A number of owners will remove bands because they believe that they're potentially dangerous. A micro chipped is theoretically for ever, though. You might check to see if this bird's chipped. Once a grey is grown there isn't any way to determine its age if it's separated from it's history which it seems pretty likely this bird has been. But the shop needs to keep records of where they acquired their stock. You can only ask for whatever they'll tell you & judge the situation accordingly. It's always going to depend on the personalities of the individuals involved when it comes to socializing multiple critters of the same or different type. That includes both the fids & parronts. However, as Judy said, a new bird should be quarantined for 30 days before introduction. No bird should come in contact with anything that the other does. A vet exam should be made as soon as possible even if there wasn't already other bird in residence. Birds hide symptoms extremely well. A grey in a new environment rarely acts normally for quite a while. Also, most reputable pet stores only offer warranties on livestock with a vet exam in a limited period of time. Adopting a parrot is always a risk. Theoretically, there should be some less risks thru a pet shop because of the legalities. But this bird sounds like it should be treated as a totally unknown commodity. Which realistically is always true, anyway. If both your heart & your head say you can work with that, then it sounds like you've found each other & we'll be looking forward to all your pictures, stories & questions. In other words, welcome to the family
  6. and we've got months more to go :eek:
  7. Phenix didn't talk before I got him & he was "many" years old . After a couple of years, he started to sit in the corner & sing bird songs to himself. Not that greys really have a birdsong. I started to think I could hear "almost words" in his song. But he'd actually get mad at me if I tried to encourage them & he'd just quit vocalizing. I really didn't know he could learn words at that age so I stopped. A few weeks later he popped out with his first totally clear word. A couple of days later, 2 more. Within a couple of weeks he was using simple sentences & I saw the first time he used words correctly... he gave the vet a little attitude Then he came home & started calling the dog. It was stunning to see & so-o-o much fun. Sounds like Issac is going to start blowing you away any day now.
  8. Given the extent of this storm, I thought more of us would be affected. Glad you guys did ok, Judy. But, in a way it's too bad. Sounds like you could have had a nice day by the fire with your family. It really depends on the conditions, but with practice, driving in snow isn't so bad, Janet. It's driving with other people that can really get horrifying. You'd really think w/all the practice New Englanders get, they'd be better at it. But, then, we're not known as very good drivers in any weather. LOL Greywings, that's Belle. She at least was very happy to see snow. Next time I went out to shovel, she got tangled up back there. She barked then sat waiting to get rescued. It actually took me a couple of minutes to find her because it was coming down too hard to see a white dog sitting in the brush.
  9. Nice to hear you & Axel have found each other. Sounds like you're both pretty lucky & off to a greyt start. Welcome & Congratulations!
  10. This really is great news! I'm so glad for you & Chilly!
  11. At least Santa only puts coal in our stocking when we're bad. Wish that was all Mother Nature had in her bag because we really got on her hit list this year. The pics were on my way out yesterday, before things got bad. Don't think the camera liked playing in the snow. Glad I didn't have to travel farther than the grocery store because that was not an adventure for the faint of heart. Ice under blizzard snowfall plus howling wind & erratic gusts made for some very interesting moments on the way home. Roaring winds w/60 MPH gusts only brought a massive number of tree limbs & the smallest section of the fence down here last nite. Honestly, I expected much worse. The power only flickered. Thank goodness, because being trapped in a blizzard without heat is just not fun. Especially with fids! The surrounding waterways protected us so I'm one of the lucky ones. It came down sideways for hours but kept switching between snow, sheeting ice & torrents of rain. So, we've only got about a foot of very heavy mess plastered everywhere. The other end of the city got more & 15 mi away got hit twice as hard. How's everyone else doing? Especially everyone farther south who thought it might be nice to get some snow for Christmas...?
  12. Was kind of hoping Pepsi might make you think about adopting an older bird because it seems there are always birds who need it a new home. But I know that's not for everyone.
  13. Very glad you're such a photographer & share so many pictures of the beautiful places around you. Thanks
  14. Really!!! Great picture! Wish you could make it bigger.
  15. Porous materials like wood & leather absorb enough chemicals & potentially harmful stuff that I really just don't take the chance with 2nd hand. Vinegar or vinegar & hydrogen peroxide should be fine to clean things that are made from metal & plastic, though. And sunlight is pretty effective for killing bacteria & drying thoroughly. Congratulations on your new fid!
  16. That really is a little small for a long term living arrangement, especially for a CAG. But it won't be as bad if the bird's out all day.
  17. I hope wherever you are that whatever you celebrate at this season brings you & those around you many sweet memories. And, as always, hope that the new year will bring peace & joy.
  18. I think our youngest & our oldest are a part of what makes this special season even more special. And of course, what would it be without our fids!! Happy new year & many more to you & Mistyparrot & Mum.
  19. My guys don't don't really play many games with me. They like to play fetch. They throw, I fetch. Occasionally tug of war, but they take a temper tantrum if I don't let them win pretty quickly. Phenix & Kura do enjoy playing hockey with me. They always have some kind of ball in the cage. Right now they're "giant" cat balls with a normal cat ball, inside. They bash them around the floor & bounce them off the sides of the cage. Sometimes, they like to have me bash them around with them. It really surprised me when Phenix started doing this. I would have thought it would scare the bejeepers out of him. But he thinks it great fun & Kura picked it up from watching us.
  20. That's the way Kura gets. Looking at her makes me feel almost as badly as if she were sick or injured. Never thought I'd wish a bird would get foul tempered, but it would be easier, I think for both of us. At least she could vent a little. Hang in. The worst will be over soon.
  21. Sounds like you've got your hands & your house full! Why do you have so many birds for the holidays?
  22. Yesterday, Phenix was going a little crazy on a toy . It was already getting kind of worn out & it finally went crashing down. Phenix stopped, looked down at the wreckage & said, "Sorry!" in his best concerned voice. It was very funny to see him apologizing to his toy.
  23. Any possibility you might look into rehoming a grown bird? Many of them don't have any real problems except that they need a good, forever home.
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