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Everything posted by birdhouse

  1. I thought it was a federal regulation that all parrots had to be banded by the breeder so they could be tracked for health reasons, supposedly. Although I tried to track Kura's band when I got her because I was afraid she may have been stolen. Huge waste of time. She wasn't much more than a year old & came from RI (probably). I still didn't get anywhere. I can't imagine it would ever do any good if there was some kind of outbreak to contain. So it sounds like it may depend on the state? Where did your greys come from, Janet?
  2. I don't know how much is ok or how often. If it's that effective on yeast, for instance, I'd wonder if too much could upset the natural balance of good microorganisms in our fids. I also don't know how much essential oils are in a cinnamon stick say an inch long. Or how much of an inch long cinnamon stick actually ends up in our fid. lol Hopefully, the post was from Dave & he'd be better able to answer you. You might put the question into a separate thread in the bird food forum. Then we'll all know for future reference.
  3. The topic was finding a possible suitable antimicrobial for Marcus. It also just so happens that birds like Cinnamon. So, you're right on topic. I don't remember whether I saw a post from JayD or Dave007 suggesting that it was good to sprinkle a little on soft foods to help slow down spoilage during the warm weather. It also has a number of potential health benefits according to the ref'ed link. I do remember seeing a post from JayD that it might also be a good dietary supplement to help curb cholesterol in birds who are proned to have problems. Good Stuff! "Cinnamon's essential oils also qualify it as an "anti-microbial" food, and cinnamon has been studied for its ability to help stop the growth of bacteria as well as fungi, including the commonly problematic yeast Candida. In laboratory tests, growth of yeasts that were resistant to the commonly used anti-fungal medication fluconazole was often (though not always) stopped by cinnamon extracts. Cinnamon's antimicrobial properties are so effective that recent research demonstrates this spice can be used as an alternative to traditional food preservatives. In a study, published in the August 2003 issue of the International Journal of Food Microbiology, the addition of just a few drops of cinnamon essential oil to 100 ml (approximately 3 ounces) of carrot broth, which was then refrigerated, inhibited the growth of the foodborne pathogenic Bacillus cereus for at least 60 days. When the broth was refrigerated without the addition of cinnamon oil, the pathogenic B. cereus flourished despite the cold temperature. In addition, researchers noted that the addition of cinnamon not only acted as an effective preservative but improved the flavor of the broth." http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=68#healthbenefits
  4. The longer it takes, the more treasured the success. He's almost there, Janet!
  5. Parrots are required by law to be banded at the breeder. They're sized to stay loosely on the leg after the fid's foot grows to become too big to remove it. The intention is to irrefutably identify the the bird & it's origin for life. In Phenix case, to show that he was wild caught, rather than domestically raised. So he has his quarantine info coded into his. He also has a split band because he wasn't banded while he was young enough to grow into a solid one. Any bird who's band is (re)banded as a fledgling/adult would also have a split band. Unfortunately, as Talon said, they're isn't much information that can be traced about most bands. So, they become ID tags that will be helpful as proof of ownership when recovering a lost fid. Great to have something in a drawer someplace that says you own(ed) a parrot. But less than helpful in proving you own any particular escapee or stolen fid. I have heard that bands can be dangerous. So far, I've never had a problem . But I have talked w/my vets & been told they don't seem to feel it's a great concern. Since they seem comfortable enough to have kept their own birds banded, I've left ours alone. If at some point I do remove them, though, I will have my birds micro-chipped so they can be identified in the event they become lost or stolen.
  6. First of all... Ouch!! I cringed just reading the title. Glad you didn't end up w/an unintentional piercing. lol There isn't probably too much to worry about unless you've got a cold. Marcus is a pretty healthy guy & shouldn't really have a problem dealing w/anything normal. But if you want to feel better, you might give him a slice of aloe or a cinnamon stick, both of which have some antibacterial/fungal properties.
  7. ...you pop a new Christmas CD in & hear whistling phrases that no human musician has ever even dreamed. In some very appropriate places, too. It is so sad that he's such a camera-phobe. He practically had me in tears while he was accompanying Bing Crosby. David Bowie's got absolutely nothin on my boy Phenix!!
  8. Gilbert is so similar to Phenix in a lot of his issues & behaviors. You two make me remember things I've long since taken for granted or completely forgotten. Most recently, Phenix' transition to "normal". I got so well trained that I think I held him back, maybe a lot, in some cases. I got so invested in not doing anything to cause a relapse that I forgot it was a healing process for his mind as much as his body. Especially at any point where it might prove at all painful for him. It seems from here anyway, like Gilbert is on the verge of another major transition. It may be that he's getting ready to "do a few more laps in the pool", so to speak. Even though he may object & have some new aches & pains for a while. I think this is a really, really difficult part of the process for a rehab'd fid's parronts. You want so much to avoid setbacks & keep them happy after all you've both gone thru. But there's a very fine line & places where that can actually retard their forward progress. One of my many regrets is that I couldn't see this a lot sooner w/Phenix. It sounds like Gilbert reverted to type when he vehemently rejected your night time cuddle. Something changed so he automatically reacted (to David). With a normal fid, that would have meant figuring out his motivation & working around or thru it. In most cases, defuse the temper tantrum & step away, but not just accept "no" for an answer. Gilbert may be ready for you to start to think more proactively & stop automatically taking "no" for an answer. Maybe start carefully & selectively to push boundaries some more. Ease up when there's inevitably a set back. But the focus can start shifting more & more to normal interaction where ever possible. As hard as it is, you might try to really see him as a normal TAG more often. As long as you "tend to think of him as a little ole curmudgeon just wrapped so tightly and resistant to change", you can't help but avoid trying to change the status quo sometimes, for fear of upsetting the apple cart. But I think he may be getting ready to flip that baby over w/your help. Which could be a really, really great thing in the long run.
  9. It doesn't matter what shape size or color. It's just so painful to loose them because they all have such a special place in our lives, no matter what made us love them so much. I'm so sorry. R.I.P ISIS- You will always have been a very special part of your family's life.
  10. "Magnificent wreckage" is what I called Phenix & the other rehab's I've met. They gave me the same feeling I get when I see a movie w/a wooden sailing ship stranded on the reef. I just can't help but see how beautiful they are, no matter how dinged up. I suggested your thread to Talon, Dee. I think it fits. Gilbert may not have been hanging off a cliff, but I think he may have had a few talons hanging over the edge. It might easily have been a whole other story if he hadn't found you & Sarah. Instead it's the tale of a greyt journey. What you wrote made me think Sanctuary sounded like it might be another name. But it might be confusing. Nice to find something that says hope & support even though everyone isn't going to live as happily ever after as Gilbert. Something I was reminded of last nite when I saw the thread on Jakob's Journey had been reactivated. It's unfortunate that the Rescue Room really is our lost & found.
  11. Like I said earlier, Gilbert may finally be starting to act like a normal, healthy TAG now that you've exorcised some of those demons. Enjoy the heck out of it because I know from experience how much you're going to treasure so many things that so many other parronts get to take for granted. Also, about what you posted before... Even though Gilbert seems so relaxed, I think it may be an over stimulated reaction when he suddenly up & takes a swipe at you. Too much of a good thing, so to speak. All this loving is wonderful, but still pretty scary. So he suddenly can't handle the conflict. Maybe for a while you could bliss out w/him for shorter intervals. Stop scritching or whatever periodically & tell him how wonderful he is or something to get him to refocus. Then go ahead w/more bliss. Just let up for a few seconds to avoid his need to make you stand down. Phenix does this. Even though he's the king of the sarcastic apology, he really means it when he apologizes afterward. There is no good way to explain it, but I really do know he didn't mean to do it sometimes. He acts too surprised & his body language is immediately submissive for want of a better word.
  12. I feel badly seeing this thread reactivated. It's almost a year & a half old. The OP spent a great deal of time finding the best possible help & working w/this bird. There was even a blog chronicling "Jakob's Journey" for a while. But it ended a few months in, and I suspect badly. Whatever happened to this poor guy was extraordinarily severe trauma. I also suspect it possibly led to irreparable physical damage. But that's my uneducated, long distance, thirty second hand, very humble opinion. The only thing I do know is how badly I still feel for everyone concerned. I wish the OP hadn't abandoned this thread & GF because it was an extreme situation w/so many insights. But I also realize that no one could have invested so very much into this fid w/o suffering tremendously if he ultimately couldn't have been saved. Which is actually another reason why I wish she'd stayed & maybe been able to benefit from the support of everyone who was so touched by her having shared their journey.
  13. I thought it was wonderful the way Talon picked this up & ran w/it. I think a new room for rehomed/rehabed fids could be a great help to many people. I also think it might be a really great way for people to realize how much of a roller coaster it really is & avoid it if they truly aren't made to take the ride. So much better for everyone to avoid a bad adoption if at all possible. So much better to be able to prepare for the incredible ups & downs, if at all possible, too. I said I liked the idea of calling the new room The Weary Traveler, "Then everybody with a rehomed bird whose 'baggage' they're dealing with and working through could feel welcome to post there" as MarcusAg put it so well. I also agree that it should be a place for any type of parront, no matter what breed of fid is involved. There are certainly breed specific tendencies that will help. But there are so many basic bits of bird or even critter wisdom that could help, too. Just sharing the journey w/others may be the most helpful thing of all. Good or bad, because let's face it, there aren't so many people in our daily lives who really get the emotional investment here. My other suggestion was that maybe some of the existing threads get moved into the new room if it happened. I guess it started because I was thinking what Jay would say about all of this, if he were still around. Somehow, he became the voice in my head when I answer abused fids posts a lot of the time. I thought he had a real gift & I only wish I knew half as much as he does. I don't know if it can be done, but it seems like a shame to waste so much time & experience that's just floating around out on the forums. If it sounds like a good idea, it might be a really helpful start if everyone made some suggestions for threads they thought could apply.
  14. NO. Really!?! Finally! I don't know why it seems like waiting some w/expectant parronts seems longer than others. Seems like Gracie's been a very long time in the making, for some reason. Such a super time of the year for such a greyt gift!! Congratulations! ... now where's the Welcome home pics, hmmm?
  15. Wow, Dee, huge progress! Super huge props to you and Gilbert! It takes so much courage to go thru everything it takes to reach such an incredible bonding moment. I'm so happy for you both it's almost like I was there!! Just don't forget that you two are still dancing. lol So try not to let your feelings (or your face) get too wounded when he takes the inevitable backslide. Gilbert still needs you to keep proving he really can trust you, even after such an amazing gift. Many years of conditioning will still periodically kick in even when he doesn't really mean it, too. But it sounds like you may have made THE break thru. Pretty soon Gilbert will be able to start truly being just Gilbert. Strange as it may sound, you've likely only really caught glimpses of him before this. I think now the focus will start to swing away from the little lost soul. You may be on the verge of living a much more normal life w/a much more normal TAG, in the relatively near future. So, so good to hear this.
  16. Love, love, love that shot of the always spectacular Louie. I have to admit that I'm a little jealous, though. I'd love to get a shot like that of any of my fids. Accidentally or otherwise.
  17. Welcoming you to the forum. No forbearance necessary as you "...gush unabashedly over the Chick Who Would Be King" We love that sort of thing around here!!
  18. I've always had dogs, usually a couple at a time. The relationships between the dogs & birds have always amazed me. Something some people don't know is that poodles were originally bred as hunting dogs. And of course, there's just the primal urge some dogs have to jump & chase busy little birds. AND there's the way some poodles in particular resent anything that keeps them from being the center of their universe. So that poor guy may have some adjusting under the circumstances. Something some people don't realize about GSD is that most of them are basically worriers. You never know what's going to push that button. I had my tiels before I had Phenix. I also had a 3/4 shephard mix when Sundance came home. The dog would go all around the house just to get across the room if the bird was in between. He was flat out petrified of the little guy. So the bird made it his life's mission to bully & threaten the dog every single chance he got. But Sundance didn't know when to quit. And Wolf finally had had enough. One day Wolf didn't see Sundance under the table & got a raptor attack on his way over to where I was in the kitchen. I saw the whole thing but was too far away to get there in time & it seemed like I'd only make things worse if I called out to the dog. Wolf stopped & looked down at the spitting little raptor at his feet. Then the 85 lb dog just sat down, took one of those great big paws & VERY carefully put it square between the bird's outstretched wings. Then he just stayed there & smiled at the little beast he'd so neatly pinned. I got over there as quickly & calmly as possible. The dog looked up w/a "Oh, crap!! I'm so gonna it." change of expression. Then he let the bird up & waited. But the thing was, he'd never interned to hurt him & he didn't. He only wanted the torment to end & it did. Sundance finally got it & not only stopped the bullyng after that, but actually ended up best buddies w/Wolf. In fact, Wolf was a surrogate parent for all the chicks Sundance & Theo eventually raised. I think Wolf worried over them more than their real parents. So, you may have your hands full right now. But if you can figure out how to referee, you might be surprised at how this all works out. Good luck, because it may get pretty interesting for a while.
  19. Hi Rissa. I think you'll find that Shiloh is very much like adopting a child. Which is probably how come someone started calling them fids. lol I loved my tiels, but my TAG is just a whole other thing entirely. You're in for a greyt adventure. Looking forward to having you share it w/us.
  20. I have a sisal boing inside everyone's cage & they love them. Boings give a lot of "perch" space. w/o taking up a ton of cage space. You can shape them to fit. It also gives the fids a reason to move all the way thru the cage. They also swing, which I think the birds really enjoy, too. But I leave them to climb all over the outside of the cage & they do just fine w/o any anything to help.
  21. Did you get the code for 10% off for first time customers? I think she always has one. You could probably call or email. if you missed it. Kathy's super about working w/you! And yes, my first trip to that site was just a really fun shopping trip, too. I had a good time & was really happy with everything. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?193773-First-bird-supply-internet-order
  22. lol It depends on what type of toy. I try not to spend too much time on "shredders" made out of light duty things that are designed to keep something new & fun moving thru. But I do think it's worth investing some more time when I'm making more substantial toys from wood, plastic beads, etc. since they last longer & help keep the beak trimmed better. Of course, a nice switch from an apple tree doesn't take any more time than it takes to cut & wash. So that's just win/win in my book.
  23. You did get him! What a sweet, handsome looking boy. Great crest display, too. I did some research after your first post & now you've got me interested in Hawk Headed Parrots. Thanks for posting the video. Really looking forward to hearing a lot more about Malachite.
  24. I try hard to keep all the artificial stuff out of my fids' diets. I have an ekkie who seems to live up to most of the hype about adverse reactions to added colors, chemicals, etc. So, I put up a lot of mash/chop in 2-3 month batches as the main diet. But I don't necessarily trust that I know everything I need to about diet. So I also feed some pellets. Again, because of the all natural thing, I feed TOP Pellets from Totally Organics. There's no added anything. Just a balance diet from human grade organic ingredients. All my guys really seem to like them even w/o all the fancy colors, sugar, etc. And I'm pretty happy w/the results. I get them from mysafebirdstore.com, too. Kathy has a variety of different things & really great service. She also runs special sales & free shipping promos. Very nice to take advantage of when getting bulk food!
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