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Everything posted by birdhouse

  1. I just got them new bells from Amazon. I took them out of their packages & went to compare them w/the (many) others that were already in everyone's cages. Phenix saw the new bells & went straight into, "Mine!!" mode. And no mistaking the look on his face. But then, I walked away w/o hanging any because I hadn't cleaned them or actually decided where they were going yet. No mistaking the look on Phenix' face then, either!!! lol
  2. Dorian's been living in a different house for a while. Long enough to be comfortable w/the change, even. Doesn't it kind of make sense that he'd be reflecting it w/some changes in attitudes & behaviors? Also, since they live as long as we do I tend to equate those types of changes w/the inevitable aging of an intelligent species. We learn (some) tolerance & patience, get bored w/things, pick up new interests, just get too old for stuff, etc. The way I look at it, why shouldn't the fids?
  3. Oh wow that's awful! Best possible wishes for better than expected news after your visit. ehugs
  4. Oh, they understand that human words mean something. Eventually some will learn to use their words well enough to carry on a meaningful dialogue. And of course, to order the household around. Meanwhile, there is something of a translation adjustment ...for us. Sometimes, the words are just nonsense because sounds are fun for them. Sometimes, it's the reaction. Like if they swore for instance & you winced or responded, they might continue just to watch you squirm. Then there's generic applications. Maybe "water" is the blanket word for all drinking from a cup. Oh, & sometimes, they make up words which might become a catch phrase you can share w/them if you can figure it out. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189638-Grey-Cognition-and-language-abilities
  5. LOL Seriously!?! It didn't register it was an armadillo...? Too funny. No excuses on the pics & kind of thinking there should be a boat load of all kinds of pics by now. I live in the woods, too. I didn't want to say anything after your first post. But more often than not, where there's one mouse, there are many, many more. Fresh Cab is actually pretty good for the kitchen cupboards & smells nice. There are DIY recipes if you look, too. They figure out to avoid the traps very quickly, btw. It has rained for so long here that I honestly can't remember when we had 3 whole sunny days in a row. Forget warm! Unfortunately, that's apparently a banner year for bugs & mice. I'd just gotten the damned fleas under control. I never get ants, but I've got em this year. W/all the lush vegetation, the spiders & mice are horrible, just horrible. So I just ordered this https://smile.amazon.com/Ultrasonic-Pest-Repeller-YSD-Electronic/dp/B06Y58XKX4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1496658883&sr=8-1&keywords=ysd+ultrasonic+pest+repeller From what I can tell, the makers don't know one way or the other about fids whenever they're advertising the pet safe-ness of their product. Specifically asked, they just said don't put near the cage to be on the safe side. But, sonic doesn't go thru walls. So I'm going to put these everywhere else, especially the crawl space. I'll let you know what happens whenever they come in. Meanwhile, thought you might want to look into this for yourself. Like you said, the little varmints are merrily multiplying even as we speak. While I was researching I remember reading some of these claim to repel snakes as well.
  6. aaawww! So, where's the pictures? You know, there's been a whole lot going on & no pictures hardly. btw did the snake repellent work?
  7. I'm surprised if it's taken him this long to find a good way to retaliate for taking him to the groomer. I think you've been fortunate before this. So, how's it going now?
  8. Ditto here. But for one, they're all made in China now. So that alone doesn't count against a brand. And I've bought a fair amount of good & bad unbranded Chinese cages over the years. However since it is a brand, maybe that counts as a plus. Although, there are a boat load of branded cages that stink, too. Sooo maybe, maybe not. There is this for whatever it's worth http://bestreviews.com/5-best-bird-cages No clue who they are, either. So again, plus & minus brownie points. I might give Amazon reviews more weight, just because I know them & find they're helpful, often. Amazon says the brand's been around for at least a couple of years & folks seem to like it for the most part. If it were me, I think I might take my chances. Maybe pick up a lead test too, just to be on the safe side. Hope it helps.
  9. He likes the attention. Is that so bad? On average Greys also like to drink from cups. They seem to just like cups in general. See what happens if you give him his own. Phenix plays hockey w/his. Elvenking's Isaac plays fetch. Greys also tire of things. It takes longer if they think they're yanking someone's chain or if nothing better comes along in the meantime. So what have you got that's more fun...?
  10. Their time & ours may be totally different, but this time was always coming. Yay for you guys!!!!
  11. About 25ish years ago, I was visiting my favorite bird shop. A remember the lady her w/DHA, waiting to have his nails trimmed. They were regulars. So I knew how the 18 yo Zon had been w/this woman since it was an egg. They were so bonded that the woman had the bird on her shoulder practically all the time, wherever she went. But I've always remembered this particular day because I saw her beloved Zon inexplicably rip a chunk & an inch long strip of flesh off the woman's face. Best guess was the bird who was already wired about getting it's nails done over-reacted to something none of us ever saw. Happy to say the plastic surgery was totally successful. The lady still has her beloved Zon. Still takes him everywhere on her shoulder. I on the other hand, credit that episode as the reason I developed a beak size restriction. I also truly believe it's why I'm apparently imuned to the Zon "thing". Dave007 said shouldering a fid is like sticking your face in a can opener. I've never forgotten it because I can't say as I disagree. What I can say, is that Phenix has earned his bad risk rap. So there came a time to admit it was crazy to ignore the obvious. I'll show him enough trust to stick my face in his to get kissed. But I don't shoulder him anymore. Whereas Kura is the exact opposite. Whenever she's on her favorite roost it's all cuddle & preen & snug into the collar of my robe on a cold night. I trust her implicitly. I accept that the day may come where it could be my turn to drip blood all over the floor though. In Kura's case the risk is more than worth the reward. For me, there's no set rule. It's always been on a case by case basis. And moment to moment, being aware of whatever might influence things. So under those circumstances I pretty much feel like if I get bitten, I've probably earned it.
  12. Hanging light chains can be invisible to the rapid flyer. Nothing should hang that isn't against a wall. Windows are also invisible to a bird in flight. Birds need to be taught where the glass is. Until you know they know it for 100% sure, there should be some kind of sheers or decals or something that makes all windows visible when the curtains & blinds are open. Mirrors, too. House plants!! Some of them are good. Some of them are poisonous. None of them should be fertilized if fids might be playing in them. Household cleaning products are often bad for you, the fids & the environment. With a little research you'll find that vinegar & a steamer can empty your chemical storage area like you wouldn't believe. Also, leaving you a whole lot of toy money into the bargain. Unless you need to get a new set of pots & pans, first. Teflon & overheated fumes should be on the Bad list. What are you eating? Mine! What are you drinking? Mine! Just like house plants. Some of it is good & some is poisonous. Everyone in the house knowing which is which is very important. Access is even more important. We use travel mugs for everything that we don't want the fids to drink or spill. Adult beverages may take on a whole new cache when drunk from a "sippy cup", but it's a greyt habit to get into right from the start. Important to remember that includes the visitors, too. Visitors are their own special health hazard, in a way. They may be well meaning & in total awe. But the plain unvarnished truth is they can be very dangerous. We had a member who's friend was actually trusted enough to be her fid sitter. But while she was away, the friend literally traumatized the bird when she brought her boyfriend along. Just a cautionary tale to illustrate that your friends are not necessarily going to be your fid's friends. Computers are only specifically hazardous to a fid's health if they get themselves electrocuted. I've never heard of it actually happening. I have heard many a parront say they would like to kill the fid who dismantled their keyboard though! lol So keep anything w/buttons or keys out of reach of the birdies for everyone's health & peace of mind.
  13. Look at this. I've been busy & I kinda forgot I even started the thread. Very nice! Ray, who knew you were such a romantic!?!
  14. Aww jeez!! Sounds like something I'd do ...okay I've done. lol But like you said, you're looking forward to making the next batch, at least. Also, now you have the big dawgs to help you clean it up. Or have the parrots "adjusted" their diets yet?
  15. Just checking. For a minute there I thought it was that oldtimer's thing again. But, okay, I did mention something about something, didn't I? lol That said, a Quaker might actually think it's quite nice on your planet though. Nice enough to actually learn to fly w/a flock that's all rough & tumble & full of daily adventure. Maybe if they get enough stimulus & exercise, they can actually overcome "that ONE little hiccup". idk [just spit balling here] Greywings, how did your Quaker come to be living in the same cage w/a non-Quaker? Especially a smaller one?
  16. I was just wondering why you picked your fid(s). What was it about that particular bunch of feathers that made you think, "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life as his/her devoted servant!". ** EDIT ** I actually left out "grey" feathers deliberately because I meant this to be an equal opportunity thread. All stories about all fids of an stripe are most certainly welcome here!
  17. I use a Ninja Master Prep Pro, which I love a lot. I usually make 4-6 wks & freeze it in 1-2 day portions that I leave to thaw in the fridge overnight. Kya, have you tried putting it in the microwave just long enough to take the chill off, but not long enough to cook &/or to melt a bit of RPO? I don't have staples, so much. I go w/the seasonal flow because I've found my guys start getting picky (literally) if I use the same ingredients m/t 2 batches running. I try to use about 1/2 greens, 1/2 everything else. That includes other veggies, fruits, pasta & grains. Greens aren't their favs. Although broccoli or rabe is the exception. The first real food Phenix ate was broccoli buds in apple sauce. Otherwise, I rotate dandelions, chard, beet greens, turnip greens, kale. Veggies are where I like to make the color & texture happen. Love the way Lisa's chop looks, well, yummy. Winter is long & cold in New England. So sometime I'll add some well boiled "big" beans, whether from a can or dried bean soup mix, too. They are on some toxic food lists because of the presence of hemaglutin in under cooked beans, though. Fruits are generally limited to the drier types; apples, pears, cranberries, etc. I may use dried fruits, too, as long as they don't contain sulfides or sulphates. Grains I usually use to mop up the juices so the chop freezes "drier". The icier the more damage it seems to do to the ingredients & the less likely the fids will be interested. Raw Bulgar wheat & quinoa work well.
  18. Nice haul! Everybirdy on the forum is jealous.
  19. It's actually too bad that the conure's gone because they would likely have been BFFs. Now, you've got a giant sized parrot personality in a pocket sized parrot. Charm always gravitates to the largest critter in the room. Starting w/the dogs who she's obsessed with. And I have to say, they love her back. The big birds on the other hand, not always so much. Phenix just wants to kill her. The Patagonian Conure we fostered for a while adored her. The ekkie generally ignores her. So it runs the gambit & good luck w/your giants & Scout. The more you can keep Scout busy, the better. Charm loves to start trouble. I've often said, "If I'd have known then..." I'd have named her Loki. Which is why Phenix wants her dead. She loves to tease him & doesn't seem to acknowledge the potential blow back at all. Charm is in a 27"x19"x45" cage which she uses top to bottom. Loves anything that's 2 sizes too big. Thoroughly enjoys bashing heavy plastic things. Is the best at knots that ever was. Bad ass for sure!! But she can be the most vulnerable fid in the room, too. Sometimes she surprises me. Also, she's a totally different bird away from her cage. She's the very definition of cage aggression. But wait for it... she can be a real sweetie pie when she's away from it. ") Except, she's so damned high energy it may only lasts until you blink. Then she's off on the next great adventure. What can I say, she's a party animal through & through. Loud, oh my goodness yes!! If Charm were Scout, she'd be on max volume all day being new to your house. Charm at least will quiet down if I acknowledge whatever she's trying to say. Backwards from the usual advice, I know. But she's unique in so many ways. I really do enjoy her tremendously! And I hope Scout makes you as happy once he calms down.
  20. When Phenix gets a new strawburst, right after he finishes cowering & all that stuff, maybe about 80% of the time he proceeds to snip it into confetti pieces until it's gone. The other 20% of the time, maybe even 25%, he just snips the tie in the middle so he can watch the straws explode all over. Usually, evil laughter will then ensue. But not always. You know the way babies & fids love to watch things fall (while they watch you pick them up) over & over & over again? This seems to be the quintessential experience for Phenix. Which is the round about way of saying that zip ties don't equal security on Planet Phenix. Unfortunately. I'm thinking I could actually drill a couple of holes thru the tubing, maybe. Find out where they sell the threaded grommets & bolt the roof together like it should have been in the first place. At the moment I'm thinking it may be both the best & simplest solution. But it's pretty stable for the moment. As long as he's put off by that wood block ladder, the roof ain't goin no where! All bets are off once he starts chewing that to splinters. Which at the rate he's going means I don't have to worry about it for a while yet. So we'll have to see.
  21. Sorry but they don't make them any more. The Amazon cage I linked is kind of close. Heavy gauge wire which is solid & safe. Lighter weight than wrought iron for shipping & everyday handling. They don't knock down, though. I thought that Amazon link was for a local vendor? It said the shipping was free. Yes, Rakuten is total madness. I once posted about a jar of plain old Nutiva Red Palm Oil for 4 digits AND they didn't even pay freight. BUT if you're willing to dig thru the insanity you might also find some equally crazy good deals on the right day.
  22. lol If that sign comes w/m/t a one set of digits it's a waste! Phenix has been sweetness & light for the past month'ish. His usual MO during mating season. But the other day & for no apparent reason he sucker punched me. Although for him it only qualified as a love tap. I hardly bled at all. lol
  23. Did you happen to see these btw? They made their way to the main yahoo page today... https://www.yahoo.com/style/snake-hidden-photo-nearly-impossible-194236401.html I though this was easy to spot in a picture. Not necessarily so much in the real world. This was crazy, though. I'm usually really good at this & I couldn't find it w/o help. Then, I still had a pretty hard time ..."on paper" so to speak. That's scary!!!!!!!!
  24. There we go. So then, for the record Lisa, if Pat says he's going out to pick up some chicks, it isn't necessarily a bad thing. Okay? lol Great picture! But they aren't apt to be quite as effective if they can't be left to roam among the flights, though. They're not likely to be carrying anything to effect the parrots or vice versa are they?
  25. Aawww. Maybe you did. But it looks like a very little ding & Alfie doesn't seem to be feeling anything but clean & happy. Or maybe you didn't & are just being a text book guilt based parront. Like is it possible he'd dinged himself up beforehand & all the jumping around & water started another minor bleed? It's impossible to say, "Don't worry" when we all know we would. But as long as everything looks like it's back under control, maybe , just in case, you can give Alfie a really good treat to make it up so you can both feel better.
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