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Everything posted by birdhouse

  1. ^^^ Especially when they're a Grey, newly dumped into a strange household. A small but healthy dose of paranoia may be a good thing for the moment. Did you talk to TX A&M &/or your vet? I did a very little bit of research out of curiosity. Fascinating, if it's your kind of thing (I confess; I am a geek). I got the impression that in some birds it's nutrition driven vs a permanent thing...? "Metabolic bone disease (MBD), while prevalent, is not commonly reported in the pet parrot literature. MBD is broadly defined as a diseases of the bone due to many causes- rather vague! African greys have certainly received most of the attention (especially from the European community)." Development of Metabolic Bone Disease in Birds www.avianstudios.com/metabolic-bone-disease/development-of-metabolic-bone-disease-in-birds/ "Treating Metabolic Bone Disease" "1 Treat bone fractures. MBD can result in weakened or broken bones. Tell your vet if your bird fell off their perch or has been showing evidence of a fracture. After an x-ray confirms a fracture, your vet will give your bird a splint. Follow your vet's instructions about changing the bandages, cleaning the wound (if necessary), and providing pain relief.[8] 2 Provide high-calcium foods and calcium supplements. Your vet will start your bird on a regimen of 100 mg/kg of calcium gluconate. Follow your vet's instructions regarding continued supplementation. When your bird comes home, feed them foods like broccoli, kale, turnip greens, and collard greens.[9] 3 Supplement Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 helps birds' bodies absorb calcium much better than Vitamin D2. African Greys don't absorb Vitamin D very well from food sources. Therefore, your vet will likely prescribe liquid vitamins like Avitron or powdered supplements like Superpreen, which are easier to absorb. Follow your vet's dosage instructions.[10] Too much Vitamin D3 can cause too much calcium to build up in vital organs like the kidneys. Stick to the dosage your vet prescribes.[11] 4 Provide ultraviolet light. UV light helps African Greys produce their own Vitamin D. Whenever possible, place your bird's cage in natural sunlight. This can be in an open window or outdoors away from possible predators. When natural sunlight isn't possible, shine an ultraviolet bulb into the cage. You can buy it at your local pet store.[12] 5 Cut back on high-fat foods. Too much fat binds calcium in your bird's digestive tract and prevents it from being absorbed into the body. Cut back on Brazil nuts and sunflower seeds, making them only an occasional treat. Eliminate commercial seed mixtures, which lack essential nutrients.[13] 6 Supplement magnesium, if necessary. Your vet might prescribe magnesium if your bird is having seizures. Magnesium might also help raise calcium levels in your bird's blood plasma. Follow their instructions in terms of the dosage and how long you'll need to supplement.[14] 7 Expect different age-related results. Adult birds who developed MBD after birth respond to treatment better than juvenile birds who were born with the condition. Don't be disappointed if a bird born with MBD develops stunted legs or wings even with proper nutrition. The key thing is to get your bird diagnosed and begin treatment immediately to prevent further damage from developing.[15]" 8↑ http://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/pet-birds/nutritional-diseases-of-pet-birds'>http://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/pet-birds/nutritional-diseases-of-pet-birds'>http://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/pet-birds/nutritional-diseases-of-pet-birds'>http://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/pet-birds/nutritional-diseases-of-pet-birds'>http://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/pet-birds/nutritional-diseases-of-pet-birds'>http://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/pet-birds/nutritional-diseases-of-pet-birds 9↑ https://journals.tdl.org/watchbird/index.php/watchbird/article/view/2359 10↑ https://journals.tdl.org/watchbird/index.php/watchbird/article/view/2359'>https://journals.tdl.org/watchbird/index.php/watchbird/article/view/2359'>https://journals.tdl.org/watchbird/index.php/watchbird/article/view/2359 11↑ http://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/pet-birds/nutritional-diseases-of-pet-birds 12↑ http://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/pet-birds/nutritional-diseases-of-pet-birds 13↑ https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/african-grey-feeding'>https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/african-grey-feeding 14↑ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22645835'>https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22645835 15↑ http://www.hbf-uk.co.uk/home/assets/documents/AvoidingMalnutritionlowres.pdf'>http://www.hbf-uk.co.uk/home/assets/documents/AvoidingMalnutritionlowres.pdf http://www.wikihow.com/Treat-Nutritional-Deficiencies-in-African-Grey-Parrots ***IDK WHY THOSE LINKS ARE MESSED UP. BUT HERE'S THE LIST, IN CASE ANY OF THEM ARE HELPFUL. ↑ http://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/pet-birds/nutritional-diseases-of-pet-birds ↑ https://journals.tdl.org/watchbird/index.php/watchbird/article/view/2359 ↑ https://journals.tdl.org/watchbird/index.php/watchbird/article/view/2359 ↑ http://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/pet-birds/nutritional-diseases-of-pet-birds ↑ http://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/pet-birds/nutritional-diseases-of-pet-birds ↑ https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/african-grey-feeding ↑ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22645835 ↑ http://www.hbf-uk.co.uk/home/assets/documents/AvoidingMalnutritionlowres.pdf
  2. The paint on dog cages hasn't got a reason to be bird safe. No way to know about heavy metals & VOCs. Based on what I saw w/Kura, I'm thinking a fish tank might be a better starter home. She fell down. She fell down a scary lot. I would have gone absolutely insane the first day if there was any chance she was going to shatter. As it was, it took 2 days for me to face the fact that my good intentions weren't so good. She just could not handle it. Maybe a 20 gal w/feeding stands &/or ladders & shavings. Once he's used to all the commotion & change & after you' see how well he gets around, then figure out what next...? Karen, have you tried stuffing pillow protectors. Some are dense fabric. But some are more like waterproof mattress protectors. The more rubberized type would limit where the crap goes & wipe off more easily. I'd say stuff them w/cloth or shavings unless you were sure Timber wasn't going to pick them apart. Then you could even use a pillow.
  3. Not to burst your well deserved euphoria bubble at all. It's always wonderful to hear happy chatter from a fid. But it might not be as bad as all that. My guys do the "Bad bird. Nooo" monologue a bunch. I have not idea why it's so amusing. But apparently it is. Believe me when I say it has absolutely no reflection on anyone's real life. For starters, I always say, "Shame on you --name--!" lol I've actually thought if anyone from the SPCA ever heard them, they'd be out of here so fast! And I have to wonder whether they'd believe what was coming out of a fid's own beck over all of my friends who would be tripping over themselves to tell anyone who'd listen how good these little beasties actually have it. But I know I don't ever want to find out!
  4. lol mexican food Okay... deep breaths. He's been in a hamster cage for however long . He's used to it. It's probably a much, much better [read safer] choice for him to stay in it during his transition & adjustment. Your house is a lot to take, in case you've forgotten. He's a Grey, remember? And the last thing you want is him spooked or suddenly given a large area to navigate. I had to transition Kura thru 4 cages until I got her able to live safely in an Eclectus size cage. So, maybe take a step back & really let everyone help w/some options. Like, for instance, Timber has the same basic support needs. The King's carrier seems to be working so far. That could be at least one possibility, maybe. Pat's pretty handy. Could he build you another set up like the nursery but customized for a very fragile Grey?
  5. Where I come from, that's shocking enough. Especially since you're likely downplaying it. I bet you did more than just scratch your new bike! ") Anyway, I'm glad to hear you're on the mend. I think the nicest thing anyone can do for you right now is wish your entire family a completely uneventful rest of the year. So, may you & yours be totally bored out of your socks for the rest of 2017 & then some.
  6. Binge watching is a beautiful thing. One of the little gifts of modern technology. Hard to go back to normal once you've caught up, though. Around here, the season 3 premiere is still a month off. When does it start for you guys?
  7. Kane's nursery should set up nicely, don't you think? And as far as medical support, Texas A&M is one of the top (10 ?) vet schools in the country. I wouldn't be surprised if they'd be a good resource. If not, we have Tuft's. They would be my next suggestion, but only because if TXAM is closer. Otherwise, they've been awesome w/me & anyone I've ever heard say they'd dealt w/them .
  8. lol She looks like she's having so much fun. That had to feel greyt in that weather last week. Greycie is a lucky girl. Apparently it can snow any place on the planet. So if any exotic's metabolism can't do a burst of cold like that, they'd all be gone. One of the members was from Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea...? I forget. But I remember her posting pics of her Grey sitting at the window, watching the Too's foraging in the snow on the deck. It was kinda crazy!
  9. That is really good to hear. Keep up the good work, guys!
  10. I literally couldn't live if I didn't. Something I was reminded of a few years back. But I can cheat, some. I can hug a dog, most days. Kura doesn't seem to bother me much. I can smell all the Roses except on extreme days. Lilies, ferrets, Too's however are toxic enough that sleeping beside any one of them might be the end of me.
  11. I leave the grate in place when I spray the cages w/vinegar to clean. Two'fer.
  12. When I was 13-14 I caused a little trauma that ended w/my being medically tested every which way they could. I tested highly positive for environmental allergies, incl critter. When I asked the doctor which he said, "Put it this way... you can keep goldfish." That was major because we basically had a small zoo. Not a goldfish among the lot. The whole time we waited at the druggist for my new allergy scripts, I was basically begging my mother to keep our babies & give me away. Fortunately she was a great Mom who made it possible to keep us all.") ...back when when there were so many less options than today. I found if I keep everything bird away from where I sleep it's a huge help. I change before I go to bed. Schedule my meds late. Maybe use some Vick's VapoRub on bad nights. Run one of these. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000G2BESO Air purifies are a little tricky. There are rules about what can & can't be around fids. Like some create ozone which shouldn't be around at all. I also have a problem w/ the noise (headaches) & spending ridiculous money on filters. I keep my face out of things that make bad matters worse. Like I don't smell flowers, shoulder birds or hug cats. I'll often use a face mask when I clean. When I clean cages or other tough places, I'll plan to shower & change after. There can be ways to live w/allergies w/o eliminating their causes. Sometimes, it's not about what you're allergic to, but how allergic. If there's multiple potential causes, how many trip your trigger at a time. This could be bad. Some problems are too serious to work around. But wait to get the test results. You may very well only have to change the way you do things from now on. Hoping to hear it's that one real soon.
  13. Wow, just thinking about a bell that orders humans around. A Grey parrot's two favorite things. May be the very best present ever.
  14. I do think Greys enjoy the monotony. The same way DaVinci never apparently tired of watching a cage full of birds fly free. Certain mentalities never tire of re-assessing certain things to obsession. Not to bang my drum too hard on this. But I also think it translates ferociously w/rescues' & even rehomes' idiosyncrasies. I worked w/a man who had a seeming fetish about exactly what was on his desk & where. You weren't *ever* allowed to leave paperwork anywhere but in his in basket. If his coffee cup was 1/2" off it's spot when he came back to his desk he'd notice & have to set it right instantly. It was a game to some people to mess w/his desk. Eventually somehow, it came out that he had been a POW in Vietnam. It didn't take a PhD to realize that it was about control. How he'd had none in some very heinous circumstances & now he held onto it w/a strangle hold. Fortunately, the idiots quit their little amusement after that. But I think about him when I think about all my rescues. Especially the ones who are more sensitive or intelligent or have come from particularly bad places. He helped me simply accept that I don't have to understand anything. The longer someone imposes their idea of things on a damaged psyche, the longer it's going to take to work through those past traumas & hopefully move on, if ever. My role is to accept what they need, period. If I can figure out out some motivation eventually, so much the better. But as it turns out, it isnt actually necessary & it can do much more harm than good if I'm not careful.
  15. Phenix has been in his new cage for a couple of months. He's found his favorite night roost & settled into how he likes to use what space & when. This has worked out so much better than previous moves & I'm thrilled to pieces. Just one silly little thing, though. For as long as I can remember Phenix has been sitting on his water cup waiting each morning. Usually he makes me shoo him off so I can switch out the clean cup. Then, he hops back on to test the nice cold water by dipping his head in & shaking it off at me. No mess or drama. Just a playful little flick. But that's stopped ever since the move. I don't know why it has anymore than I actually know why I miss it. But I do miss that little part of our morning ritual. It really started me thinking about this this morning when I forgot my part of the morning ritual w/Kura. It's expected that I take a small piece of her breakfast & hand feed it to her before actually putting the cup in the cage. I think it's a bonding thing for her. Anyway, this morning I forgot & she sat patiently waiting before leaving her night perch. Something is very likely wrong if Kura's not eating! So it scared me for a second when I realized my little Hobbit hadn't tucked right in. Fortunately once I focused it was easy enough to fix & all was right w/the world, again. But it made me think about all the subtle interactions in our relationships. How a parrot isn't going to go lay down contented w/a scratch behind the ear & a "Good boy!" And how both sides can be effected when the ritual is disrupted. Then of course I couldn't help but think how losing that would be another major part of the trauma for them when they're rehomed. There's no particular point to this ramble, exactly. I'm just sharing I guess. ")
  16. Like I said, they're using the same bolt on the food cups as on the door, now. That should help. I tried to make sure I listed every imperfection I could think up in case it might effect you. But honestly, while there is always room for improvement w/pretty much anything, those are far & away the best of the bunch imho. RE CSRs nightmare; I was one for a chunk of my career. Let's say I learned from the worst. I know all the right & wrong buttons & I never yell at anybody who doesn't earn it or have a title. I also appreciate the limitations the poor entry level people have who basically get paid no money to be yelled at day in & day out if they work for a crumby company. The King's lady literally sounded like family... snotty & entitled. It became a point of pride to bring her down a peg or three ...but that doesn't make me a bad person. lol
  17. I found where it was a known design flaw when I researched the failing latches on my carrier. Had been for a couple of years by then. So I expected it would be a pretty simple thing to call Kings for some replacements. They told me it would be no problem at all... to the tune of $14.95 plus shipping & handling *each*. Sum total being $40+ for two. I "explained" how that wasn't going to happen. How a cage w/o secure doors actually seemed to me like it should qualify w/Consumer Protection as a good recall candidate. Especially since Kings had been aware of this major point of failure literally for years. They were bloody well going to stand behind their over priced, sub standard product or else. After some further "discussion", she put me on hold, came back & informed me they were out of latches. She didn't know when they'd be getting more. So silly. I of course said I'd wait for as long as it took. After making a few "follow up" calls, I eventually convinced them to replace the foolish latches. The feed back when I posted about my experience was basically this was par for the course. King's version of "customer service", at least at the time, was known to be the stereotypical hardcore NY/NJ style. Suggest don't take "No" for an answer if it comes down to it. That said, I certainly get where you're coming from though. Having recently gone thru my own little debacle w/an Ebay vendor & all. The downside of buying things like cages on the internet sometime. Hopefully, this is not one of those times.
  18. Look what I just found. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kings-Cages-Large-Aluminum-Bronze-Travel-Cage-for-Medium-Parrots-Added-perch-/172777836937?hash=item283a5c9189:g:kAgAAOSww9xZCxcT
  19. That or the "Aren't I just so wonderful?" types that are enough to gag a maggot. The day I read this, all the headlines were particularly heinous. It does seem to be that way too often lately. This was such a contrast to all that that I couldn't help but go into people suck mode. It just seem to be that way so often lately.
  20. My King's carrier is the only cage I trust Phenix can't escape. I became a fan after I got his & now I have 3 of the medium size. They're heavy duty for travel cages. But because they're aluminum, they're lighter than iron or steel cages of the same size. They also don't rust & the paint doesn't fade or flake. They come apart & set up quickly w/o tools. Which for your purpose is good. Though on average maybe not so much. That takes time vs a fold up cage. Mine also take up as much space knocked down, practically. The down side besides the cost is the locks & litter tray. My oldest cage is 9'ish yo & it's good as new. Literally. By the time I got my second one they were having manufacturing issues. I had to have the food door latches replaced almost immediately. They're crap quality & don't quite fit like they should. Last I knew, you could buy replacements for the plastic ones. And they were now using the same latches for the cups as the door. The grid is not very far away from the litter tray. So it only serves to keep a fid up out of the crap. It doesn't do anything to keep fids from trash picking, if they're so inclined. I had 2 birds get sick that way. So it's a thing w/me. If I were setting this up for long term, I think I'd see if I could find an aquarium or cage stand & put the tray under it instead. So overall, I think it might be a good way for you to go. But for alternatives would something like this be another possibility? http://prevuepet.com/product/114/corner-bird-cage-wplaytop-bird-cage-3156w I'm really surprised at how "big" Phenix corner cage feels vs the actual size. Also, the perching naturally lends itself to levels that might help Timber be able to move around more easily & securely w/o actually having to climb. Just thinking if he's not the escape artist my little beastie is, then maybe a small parrot cage might be a bigger, cheaper way to get a low cage w/some reasonable length & width.
  21. http://www.onegreenplanet.org/news/rescued-dog-shares-blanket/ How many people would chase a homeless stray off without batting an eye lash? ...and I don't just mean dog, either. So tell me again why people think they are so much more worthy than animals because I really don't get it, at all.
  22. Holy Moly!! That's pretty dramatic. I take it no one got hurt...? But still. Wow And she must still be able to smell it, poor girl. Which is probably not helping a thing. Why does it seem to me like fences are particularly problematic for you guys? Have you thought about maybe planting a nice hedge? Or going all out on a stone wall maybe? ")
  23. LOL That was the look Phenix gave me when I walked away w/HIS bells yesterday. In about 4 seconds he went from, "But... But... NOOOO!!!" to "Are you kidding me right now???!!!!" So funny.
  24. I don't know what specifically the vet was hoping to get into Timber w/the formula. But if it's just general nutrients vs something in particular, you might ask him what he thinks of my sick fid concoction. It's a mess of cantaloupe, broccoli buds, yogurt, quinoa or baby food rice cereal (depending on the iron requirements) & baby food beef. I mix it together in the blender & feed from a spoon. I've had really good luck w/it. Hope it helps. Hang in.
  25. Crazy cute! Something that always strikes me about her pics is the look in her eye. Always, always full of joy & mischief. Love that!
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