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Status Updates posted by birdhouse

  1. Hi, saw your message in live chat & thought you might want to start a thread in the Welcome & Intro forum. People are more apt to respond that way & we all want to meet you ") But yes, in answer to your question, your fids should have their own space even if the cages are side by each & they spend all day out together. At some point, they are likely to bicker & can cause injury to each other if they can't get away from each other. Also, there can sometimes be a dominant in those types of relationships which can lead to bullying & just unpleasant treatment for the more submissive fid.


    Hope that helps & hope to see some posts from you, soon.

  2. I talked 2 of my landlords into funding my habit while I was still renting. Before I thought of that I'd always had container gardens though.


    Belle is a white GSD. Didn't know she was going to grow up to be so pretty. Lucky she's a sweetie & doesn't have a big ego because she tends to get some attention.


    One day I took her w/me to run a 1/2 hr's worth of errands. At the drive thru at DD I asked for a hot choc w/lots of whipped cream because I said I was going to have to share. When I pulled up 4 servers were waiting w/my cup, a 2nd cup 1/2 full of whipped cream & a few Munchkins.


    Then I made a stop at a strip mall. I let her out for a minute & 2 guys from the deli came out & told me they'd been admiring Belle while I was gone. Then they asked if she could have a couple of pieces of roast beef.


    After everything else, I figured I should wait until I got my little rock star home before I gave her the biscuits they sent down the tube while we were at the bank. lol

  3. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Thank you :o Yes my gardens are about 20 yrs old. They never stop evolving & really are a wonderful hobby.!


    Thank you, again. :D Kura is my little sweetie. I've always wanted an ekkie & I'm very glad she eventually found me.

  5. Was just going to say that I really love your avatar!! But I saw Judy's message, so Happy Birthday, too!

  6. Thanks Judy. That's really nice to hear.

  7. Thank you for saying that Judy. But I think every wild grey guardian who loves & cares for these birds deserves at least as much support & respect if not more. Especially because so many come from such very different cultures than the "average" GF parront.


    These are some of the birds who might benefit most from the knowledge on this forum. So I just can't understand why members wouldn't want to do everything possible to make their parronts comfortable enough to stay as active members.


    The wild parrot "issue" became moot the day any parrot was first adopted as a pet. The only relevance it has after that is as an aid to understanding that parront/fid relationship.



    Continuously responding to individuals like it's anything else just sounds too much like members signed up to judge others & not like we're hoping to share w/them. It just seems so wrong to me that any member should have to be courageous enough to share their experiences w/this community.

  8. Simply Limeade. I went crazy happy on the day because I've tried everything to get Phenix' pic. He's outrageous about not being there when I think I got a shot of him. Or else he gets all ticked off when he realizes that I dared to try.



    I got a wild idea to try again when he went mad for this stuff. I rinsed & filled a D&D cup because it was mostly clear. Turned the camera on beforehand & finally got to take a bunch of shots of him actually enjoying himself!! ;)

  9. Thank you so much! I live in New England & am surrounded by shade from 70' scrub oaks. I think someday I'd like to start again in a warmer, sunnier place. Then, I'd have some real gardens!

  10. Thanks. I don't know, but I think it might be a Great Grey Owl, so it's almost appropriate. I just fell in love with this face.


    Been waiting for Phenix to give me an avatar, but he won't cooperate. He hates cameras. They really upset him & I end up feeling guilty for even trying.

  11. While I was trying to answer this, Belle & Phenix just had a little thing & distracted me. Phenix decided it would be fun to torture Belle, again. So I don't know what I did when I originally posted this. Anyway...


    It was love at first sight for both of us, I think. She's my absolute sweetie. Like I said in that post about female ekkies, there's a lot said about them that Kura would have me believe is totally untrue.


    Funny you didn't notice her before this because she's the only one that doesn't get upset when I take pics of her & her toys.

  12. C if I got an answer...

  13. If you want help with finding your bird a new home, I think you can probably find it here. You could post to the classified forum. You could also put something in the grey lounge.


    If you wanted to try to find another solution, you'll find we're really willing to give advice wherever we can. There are a lot of members who know a great deal about solving so many types of issues.


    But either way, I think your best bet is to post on the forums. You might be surprised at how quickly you get a response.

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