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Everything posted by Shaq

  1. hi guys, good news. Charlie is fine:) vet check was done and it appears he bit the corner of his tongue on impact. charlie says thank you for all your words of encouragement and advise.
  2. Need some help please. Charlie flew head first from the gate onto the table top and I'm not sure if he bit his tongue or hurt his mouth but it bleed. After some water the bleeding stopped and he whistled and got about his day fine but i am still worried. I know bleeding is not good - what should i do??
  3. I am in the same situation. Charlie will call out, i will answer but if i dont go to him, he will seek me out and either sit on my foot or start climbing up my leg. if i go upstairs he will pace at the bottom and call out persistently till i come back down and fetch him. i also work 9-5, but i involve him in all my activities when i am at home. the only time i have a problem with this clinginess is when i am cooking cos i am afraid of him getting hurt. so i have learnt to now keep him in the kitchen, but on the window sill - out of harms way.
  4. Charlie turns a bright pink shade aound his eyes when he's being kissed and loved. Is almost as if he is blushing. Was wondering if this is natural or just specific to him. He also started bobbing his head up and down (as if he is trying to bring up something from this throat) when i pick him up. Is all this 'natural' behaviour?
  5. Mine is also called Charlie. I guess it was his walk whick reminded me of Charlie Chaplin that decided his name for me
  6. Thanks sooo much for the warm welcomes. I will be posting a pic soon. Actually, its only my 4yr old son that calls Charlie 'mr pickles' cos he loves pickles and often lets Charlie chew on it with him. Luckily, Charlie responds to both names. I have had Charlie since he was an egg with a breeder. I have had him since egg! but only brought him home at 12 weeks. Weaning went well but it got to a point where he just rejected his pellets (wont even touch them now) I am concerned cos he hasnt taken to eating frsh fruit and veg - no matter how attractive i make them look, he still wont eat it. Any ideas?? He initially didnt like water, but now he's being good. OH, i must mention...he mumbles and grumbles like an alien (says something in one tone and answers in another!!) so looks like he wants to start talking... So, how can i get him to start veggies?
  7. Hi. Im the proud owner of Charlie aka Mr Pickles (20 weeks TAG) Glad to be here and look forward to sharing and learning from you all.
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