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Everything posted by christoph29

  1. They believed that he caught a parsite of some sort. I don't remember the names of the medicines. They gave first gave him an anit-biotic and some stuff to sprinkle on his food. He then got a aquirt of some other kind of medicine that was a one time thing. H also has a dewormer that gets mixed with his water and a squirt of another medicine every twelve hours that deals with yeast build up in the intestines. And some peptobismol every twelve hours to sooth his stomach.
  2. I'm proud to say that Jengo is getting back o his ole self again. He is maintaining weight a around 290 grams and slowly gaining. He was all the way down to 250 grams from his normal 400! He is starting to eat other foods besides his very favorite stuff. He has started to play with his toys again and he is clucking and chirping after a very quiet three weeks. He hasn't started talking again, but I'm sure that will come. His stool is still loose, but is starting to get some solidness to it. Thanks for all of the kind comments and advice!<br><br>Post edited by: christoph29, at: 2008/04/09 02:01
  3. Do you feed Josey raw or cooked pasta? How about the oatmeal? Raw or cooked?<br><br>Post edited by: christoph29, at: 2008/03/28 03:00
  4. The Doc called me today as she got the rest of the blood work from the lab. The earlier results were what they could do at the clinic. He still is not gaining weight. After the last visit she suggested feeding Jengo starchy foods. Pasta, Cream of Wheat, Oatmeal, etc.... He won't eat pasta or Oatmeal, but does like the Cream of Wheat. I'm still working on trying to get him to like the other foods. Anyway, she spoke with an expert avian person for our region out of Florida and that Doc was confident that he has some kind of parasite. So, tomorrow we will drive to the clinic in Mobile to get his new meds. One is a parasite killer, another is some stuff to mix with water to kill off yeast that may have built up in his intestines and some Pepto Bismol to help with inflammation. He still climbs around in his cage and explores the living room floor shredding his usual stuff. Not with the same enthusiasm as usual, but at least he is still somewhat active. Will post again when I know more. Christoph
  5. Jengo just got done eating a good chunk out of a Granny Smith apple. Well, maybe he's not done. He took a break earlier and started eating again. Maybe he's on another break. He was really going at it like he been with out food and water for days! He just some more antibiotic squirted into his mouth. He is up to 336 grams. He was only 322 this morning! He still has a ways to get back to his 400 grams. I hope he keeps this up!
  6. Yeah, the vet couldn't pin down the problem. He still hasn't ate too much. I made some plain scrambled eggs for breakfast and hand fed him some. He ate it up pretty good. He does seem to like his antibiotic. It's cherry flavored:)
  7. Yup, I just read online that the red light doesn't affect the birds sleep cycle.
  8. I took Jengo to the vet this morning. He actually did really well and didn't even make too much of a fuss when the vet took some blood with a syringe. This morning he was really slouching so that you couldn't see his legs and was pretty fluffed up and tired. All of the blood work actually turned out normal. To make a long story short, she said she could see he definately wasn't feeling well. I got some cherry flavored antibiotic to feed with a syringe every twelve hours and some supplement powder to put on the food. This evening he was a lot less fluffed and standing a bit straighter. He still hasn't eaten too much and is still pretty light. I did observe him crack some seed and eat it as well a veggi or two. So, there is some progress:) As per Doc's instructions, I have a red 25 watt bulb shining in his cage for extra heat and he really likes that. Now that I put him in his sleeping cage should I keep the lamp on or should I shut it off? I don't know if it will affect his sleep. Sorry for the long read Christoph Post edited by: christoph29, at: 2008/03/28 02:28<br><br>Post edited by: christoph29, at: 2008/04/09 01:59
  9. Actually, I'm not doping anything.......Just kidding;) I know it was a typo!
  10. He has an appointment in the morning. He was just flipping around his swing so that's good. He's hasn't had a vet visit yet so it'll be good to bring him in anyway.
  11. Well, Jengo has been acting really tired today and is 20 grams lighter than usual. He is pretty responsive when I go up to him, but he isn't doing much at his cage. His nails got clipped yesterday and I think they cut them a little short and he sure didn't seem happy after that. I think I'll call the vet before they close. Christoph Oh, he's a 7 month old CAG.
  12. Hey- I just wanted to pass along that my CAG, Jengo, just discovered my ears and will not leave them alone! I guess he's wanting to preen me. It doesn't hurt. He seems to be gentle. It just tickles a little. When I move my head away he just stares at me. Does anyone else's bird do this? He's 6 months old now. Christoph<br><br>Post edited by: christoph29, at: 2008/02/14 01:40
  13. Hey guys and gals- I am moving to Mississippi on Friday. I will be 15 miles NE of Pascagoula in a town called Moss Point. Does anyone know of any good pet stores or recommended vets in the area? I'll only be 19 miles from Mobile, AL. I will just be there for 14 months nd then back to Va Beach. Thanks Christoph<br><br>Post edited by: christoph29, at: 2008/01/31 04:36
  14. Yeah not taking them into food stores does make sense. People don't really like that. But it's not like people send their pets out of the house when ever they eat either, but then again you never know how healthy or unhealthy other people animals are. Thanks for mentioning the adventure pack. I've never seen one of the and it looks pretty good.
  15. As long as he has toys to keep him busy. I leave the radio on too. Just be careful. Your Alfie might start telling you the morning traffic report and weather!
  16. spookyhurst wrote: Thanks for the definition. I only found "building"
  17. Well, I think that Jengo won. I like it and has a nice ring to it. From what I read it means "building" n Swahili. Maybe he will build something in his lifetime:)
  18. Thank you everyone for the suggestions. I am still stuck on Akila. I also liked albus, kamili, and safi. It'll come to me one day. Thanks again, Christoph
  19. My TAG used to dig in the corner of his cage a lot. I was told it was normal and they do so in the wild. Christoph
  20. Well, I for the life of me can not figure out a name for my new CAG. It was suggested that I should name him Harley II (the 2nd). Harley was the name of my TAG that passed away. One of my friends suggested Semmie. If he happens to bite me on the ear I would have to name him Tyson I kind of wanted to give him a Swahili name. If he was a female I was going to name him Akila. It means wise. He turned out to be a male from the dna test. I guess I will just have to be patient and see what his personality gives me for a name. Just don't like having a nameless pet. Christoph
  21. I've never really liked how animals are kept at the mass market stores. From time to time I will take him to the family owned store where I buy my birds from. I trust them there and they like to see how he is doing too.
  22. Yeah, I won't bring him in if it says no pets on the door Bed Bath and Beyond didn't have that. Certainly not into restaurants and grocery stores. Nychsa- I have the aviator harness but I couldn't find it. It's a bit chilly outside so he just perched on my hand inside my jacket when outside. I like bringing him to places with people that way he gets used to strangers.
  23. Hi I was just wondering how many of you have taken you birds into stores? I took my congo to the pet store and while I was out I decided to run a few errands. We went to the Harley dealership first. I knew they wouldn't have a problem. A lot of people bring their pets in there. I then went to Bed Bath and Beyond. I wasn't sure, but I thought I would try. Coincidently the first person I saw wa the store manager. She loved the congo as did everyone else in the store. I spose it would've been different if I had a big dog with me. Who could turn away a beautiful Grey anyway?! When we got home he was wore out and took a little nap. Anyway, I just was curious on who else goes shooping with them Christoph
  24. Its just something they do in the wild from what I'm told.
  25. I understand that you want the best for your bird as we all do. I just started owning greys last summer. I dated a girl who was in the navy that had greys. When it was time for a six month deployment she would have a friend that was going to watch the birds come over and let the birds get to know her. She would then leave recordings of her self and leave it with her friend to play with the birds. She would also send new recordings over email and when had a chance at a port visit oversees she would go to a internet cafe and do the web cam thing so her and the birds could see each other. When she would come home it was like she was never gone. Plus it gave her something else to look forward to when coming home. I think it would be really hard to get rid of your bird and you may rgret it. I know I would! Just think about it long and hard and I'm sure you will make the best decision for the both of you. Good Luck Christoph<br><br>Post edited by: christoph29, at: 2008/01/15 02:42
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