Since I succeeded with that, I'll try showing you the other two. Here's Cello, a Mexican Parrotlet I've had for just 12 days, helping me on the computer. I'm almost positive he is a wild-trapped bird, since the first owner bought him from a street seller in a big crafts town on market day. No band, about $30. He was not tame. Too much illegal trapping which I am very much against, and would never buy a bird unless I knew it was aviary raised. However, the first owner really didn't want to spend time with the bird, and she at least knew he needs more attention (and a way better diet!). He was on seed only, and not a very good seed mix at that. An incredible eater, he is now on fresh food, sprouted grains and legumes, and a cooked grain/bean/sweet potato mix. So tiny, so cute!