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Everything posted by chapala

  1. Kali also is a messy eater, much messier than the Macaw, though the Parrotlet has Kali beat in that department. Are most Greys messy eaters, good food flingers? Reta
  2. Hi Jody! congratulations on the new Grey baby soon to join your family. Will the bird be dna'd before you get him/her? And if I was reading right, the baby's name is Maui? I like it! The babies are beautiful. Reta
  3. That would be Pepper, our Military Macaw. Pepper and Kali, my Grey, rotate time in the aviary.<br><br>Post edited by: chapala, at: 2007/11/20 17:33
  4. I'll try for two photos here - one from the old house where it was set up on a concrete pad. We moved it (of course!) when we came to this house over two years ago, and now it's set on grass. The birds never go to the bottom anyway, and now I have a well-chewed Areca palm planted inside. I'm having trouble finding the newer photo, so maybe I'll take another one soon. At least this gives you an idea.
  5. chapala


    A whole one is too much, but you can feed them a chunk if you don't mind cleaning up. It does make a huge mess of red juice everywhere. That's why I always take the seeds out of a chunk in the kitchen. Just cut a wedge, bend it back and pop the seeds out.
  6. chapala


    Poms are in season, and my birds LOVE them! They are very healthy for both people and birds, and the season doesn't last too long. So, if you haven't tried pomegranate with your Greys, buy some and see how they like it! I always take the red seeds out of the fruit in the kitchen, rather than giving them a piece - it makes a huge, red mess otherwise! So, just the red seeds in the bowl. Poms keep very well in the vegetable drawer, wrapped in a piece of paper towel. The seeds also can be frozen.
  7. How many of you Grey owners have an aviary? We have one that is an 8' wide octagon. In it are natural branches, rope perches and a boing, big-link plastic chain, and a few toys. My Grey, Kali, absolutely loves it out there, and it's a safe place for him to be outside. Today I cut palm fronds for shredding and put a few new toys in. He had a fabulous time, out for about 6 hours. He goes out there up to three times a week, rotating with our Macaw. I almost always cut fresh bird-safe branches (hibiscus, bamboo, palm, banana) which are one of Kali's favorite shredding toys. Of course, we're lucky that we have year round mild weather!
  8. And one more of Kali, since this is a Grey board (hope I'm not overloading you with photos!. Reta
  9. And to complete our flock, here's Pepper, Military Macaw. We re-homed her by buying her from someone who kept her in a tiny cage for years, never handled, never out, poor diet. She has been with us for six years next March. Happy girl. <br><br>Post edited by: chapala, at: 2007/11/19 03:15
  10. Since I succeeded with that, I'll try showing you the other two. Here's Cello, a Mexican Parrotlet I've had for just 12 days, helping me on the computer. I'm almost positive he is a wild-trapped bird, since the first owner bought him from a street seller in a big crafts town on market day. No band, about $30. He was not tame. Too much illegal trapping which I am very much against, and would never buy a bird unless I knew it was aviary raised. However, the first owner really didn't want to spend time with the bird, and she at least knew he needs more attention (and a way better diet!). He was on seed only, and not a very good seed mix at that. An incredible eater, he is now on fresh food, sprouted grains and legumes, and a cooked grain/bean/sweet potato mix. So tiny, so cute!
  11. It worked! That's my Kali bird having fun bathing. Reta
  12. Thanks! I didn't know whether Kali was male or female when I got him, though the breeder was 95% sure he was female. Wrong! DNA later showed male after I called him "she" for a long time. I chose a gender-neutral name - Kali means energetic in Swahili. He is a very active Grey bird, so it suits him well. I checked out the photo info in the FAQs section. I don't want to do the photobucket thing if I can post photos directly. I tried it again, reducing the photo size, still can't seem to get it to show up. Oh well.
  13. I tried to post a photo, but guess I don't know how to do it here! Any help welcome. Thanks, Reta
  14. Hi Everyone, I'm brand new here. Looks like a great place for Grey lovers! Kali is my beautiful and special Grey bird, 5 and 1/2 years old. I've had him just over 5 years. He is delightful, smart and busy, and I am challenged to keep him occupied! He loves to be outside in the aviary, and our two big birds trade off days out there. Our flock also consists of two re-homed parrots, a Military Macaw we've had almost six years (mature hen, unknown age, bonded to my husband), and a new to me Mexican Parrotlet, probably around 2 years old. The owner was too busy for him and gave him to me 12 days ago. He is doing well. Looking forward to hearing about all of you and your birds! Reta
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