Hi everyone. My name is Angie and I have a male African Grey named Smokey (I know, my husband named him because he's gray like smoke...egad!). He is the only bird I have ever had and we bought him from a pet store when he was still on monkey food. He's definitely a mama's boy and will only let me hold him, pet him, play with him, and feed him. My husband, Jerry, tries to be a part of his life, but I see the betrayal in Smokey's eyes when Jerry pushes his finger through the cage to pet his beak!
I am going through growing pains right now with Smokey. We have had a major alteration in our lifestyle and he is letting me know every day how much he hates the change. But we are working on it together! I have always treated him like a child of mine and wouldn't have it any other way.<br><br>Post edited by: asnead72, at: 2007/10/30 03:09