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Everything posted by zeta

  1. Okay, so I'm home today. Just taking it easy outback. Watching Brody enjoy the sunny warm day. He loves it outside! Anyways, I've changed up his diet a little last week. I've been doing some research on Grey Diet. He not only gets Pretty Bird Natural Gold, I've added: Walnuts, Almonds, Peanuts in shall and only 2, Pistachios, Papaya, Banana chips, Coconut, and Cashews. He gets all this everyday. Is this okay? He also gets cooked foods, fresh fruit and veggies, and healthy human snacks. Sounds good?
  2. WOW! Congrats! I hope I too one day will reach 10000. :woohoo: That is sure dedication. You are a very dedicated parront. WAY TO GO!!!!! Hugs, Lisa and Brody
  3. zeta

    Red Palm Oil

    How many times can you give red palm oil to your Grey? I mix it in Brody's food everyday and he loves it. Is that okay? What does the red palm oil do? Thanks! Lisa
  4. Hey guys, I have a question about feather plucking. A lot of the Grey's that come in for boarding or grooming and they are between the ages of 2 to 20 years old, they are severely plucked. Why is that? Most of the people give them loving homes and lots of attention. I'm worried about this. I don't want Brody to pluck. He's not, but how can you prevent this? Lisa
  5. These are birds that we sell. Alot of them are already sold or customer birdies.
  6. Major Mitchell Cockatoo, Hawk Headed Parrot named Bobo, Ekkie named Eco, Female Ekkie named Bailey, and Bronze Wing Pionus named Arty. No none of these are my birds, just the Grey. The grey is Brody. I only have one bird for now. I'm getting a Rose Breated Cockatoo soon.
  7. YAY! I did it this time! So lets see, Brody is my baby in the first 4 pics. The last pic of his he is with a baby budgie. Then we have baby Sennies, baby CATALINA Macaw, Blue and Gold Macaw, Sugar.
  8. YAY! I did it this time! So lets see, Brody is my baby in the first 4 pics. The last pic of his he is with a baby budgie. Then we have baby Sennies, baby CATALINA Macaw, Blue and Gold Macaw, Sugar.
  9. HEY GUYS! SORRY IT TOOK ME SOOOO LONG TO GET ON... LOL. Okay, let me try this again. They are some gret pics, huh? Anyways, lets see if I do this right...
  10. Hey guys, Here are some pics of Brody at work. Brody comes to work with me 2 or 3 times a week. He was raised here, so he knows everyone and everything. He loves the other Grey's, and he loves to car rides. He jumps right in his carrier and "LETS GO!!!" Ha Ha :laugh: Enjoy the pics... Lisa<br><br>Post edited by: zeta, at: 2008/03/01 07:44
  11. Ronda, I love the videos! And they were not boring. They were fun! Hugs. Lisa
  12. Ronda, he is covered half way, and he sleeps in a tent. I think he just knows his way around in the dark, don't ya think. LOL. I can just hear him eating his pellets at 4 in the morning. I will try covering him all the way around. Maybe its because he's not getting enough sleep and he is grumpy? Poor baby. I will work very hard on him. I love this bird so much. After losing all my babies this little guy sure fits in well with me. I just worry too much. Thank You so much Ronda. You are an angel, you're awesome! Hugs, Lisa
  13. Well the timeout came from a friend. She told me that she put all her birds in the bath tub when they bite her. That she would turn the light off, shut the door, and leave them for 5 min. I agree with you. I don't like the way that sounds. I remember when I had my Caiques, I tried to discipline them, and it didn't work. So, no no no would work just fine? Ok, I'm gonna get some sleep and try the cage time out tomorrow. I will get on and update you guys. I'll only give him timeout if he bites me. Like tonight he bit me on the cheek again. Not where it bleed, but it did hurt. He doesn't give gentle kisses anymore either. He doesn't bite hard, but it can still hurt and it does seem wrong. I will slow down on the toy spending and just use what I have. He seems to really like Planet Pleasures toys, http://theperchstore.net/pp41109.html Anyways, I will be back to ask more questions... I hope you guys don't mind. Lisa
  14. Oh yea, do you think it could be sleep? Brody goes to bed late. He sleeps in my room and I can hear him in the dark going down to eat, and then go back in his cubbie and start preening himself. Also, could it be that I cut my hair? Maybe he doesnt like the new look? Lisa
  15. Ok, sorry it took me so long to get back. I was too tired to get on. Ok, anyways, for the two cage thing. I live in a very large house, 5 bedrooms, and Brody's room is like a study or game room, so its an open floor plan. That's where his day cage is. His sleep cage is in my bedroom. He seems to like moving to one cage to another and I think he knows. I've seen him jump off his day cage and walk all the way to my room to go to sleep. The reason why I have two cages is because I have a very loud home. Television on, radio, music playing, video games, and a big family. Its peaceful in my room. I don't let him on my shoulder anymore. I was thinking, if timeout should be away from their cage, since they like their cage. Shouldn't it be a place they do not like? I don't really know... Ronda you've giving me so much information. Thank You. I still need help. I'm gonna try the cage thing, what about a carrier? Thanks guys and I will keep you all posted! Lisa and Brody
  16. Oh, and I'm planning to put his day cage downstairs and leave is sleep cage in his room. Does that sound like a good idea? That way he can see what's going on?
  17. Hey guys, Another biting day with Brody. But, I'm not letting him on my shoulder anymore since he has that "I'm in charge" feeling. I brought him to work today so we can have sometime together. He did well there. A good friend came in today and she has 2 Grey's. I talked to her about Brody and she told me that I need to start doing time outs. Is that a good idea? I don't want that to stress him and he starts plucking. I know Grey's don't like stressful environments. She said to put him in the bath tub, turn the light off, and close the door. Does this sound okay? He's doing a lot better just sitting on my arm. I'm teaching him no shoulder since he likes to lung at my face. Oh yes, and he does have his own room. Maybe that could be it? He also has two different cages. Should I leave him only in one cage since he is still so young? He has a sleep cage and a day cage, both Avian Adventure cages. Very large... Maybe he wants to stay in one place? I'm also having problems with Brody when it comes with playing with toys. I spend $100 on toys a week to keep him happy and satisfied, but he won't play with anything. I've tried big toys, small toys, hard toys, shiny toys, soft toys, everything. And he will not play with them. He goes for the tags more then the toy. And, I know your bird needs a variety of colors, shapes, and textures. HOW can I keep him busy/ Can I just give him the tags instead? Please let me know! Lisa
  18. Awesome, I'm gonna print it out, so I can take it to work. THANK YOU RONDA! Lisa
  19. Thank You so much Ronda! You've been a world of help. I want him to be happy and with him lunging and biting makes me sad cause I don't want him to feather pluck. That really scares me. Anyways, I'll do some more research on Grey Behavior. I wish I did this research before I got him, not that I wouldn't still get Brody, just that I would be more educated on Grey's. I also read that they do not like high stress environments. So, I 'm happy to know that I have a very calm and quiet house. No other pets or kids, just my parents. He has a room all to himself. Anyways, if anyone would come and help me more that would be great!<br><br>Post edited by: zeta, at: 2008/02/23 06:31
  20. No, its not a growl. Its a chicken clucking sound, he puts his beak on his chest, then he lunges. I've heard the growl from a breeder pair. He does this especially when new people walk into the house or when he is on my shoulder, so now I'm avoiding putting him on my shoulder because that's when he bites my face. He's being a good boy right now. He is resting my me while I type. Brody is a night baby, he's not very excited to be handled during the day. Is this also normal? I've read that Greys are very independent and they don't like to be handled a lot, but how will he get his time with me? Brody doesnt like to walk around the house on my shoulder. He likes it right on top his cage, in his cage, or on a stand. I want my baby to get use to me. I need all the help I can get!
  21. Ronda, I've had Brody since he was 2 months. I hand fed him myself. (I'm sorry I mis-spelled BITE. LOL. I put bit or bitting. I'm typing in the dark on laptop). Anyways, back to Brody. Everything in his environment is the same. I move his toys around every other day and fill is basket with new foot toys. I don't see why he would be mad at me, I'm just thinking he is upset at me because he does it alot now... I really don't want him to start this because it really hurts and I love him too much for him to do this! Please help me! Does the clucking sound mean something? Like is it a upset sound?
  22. Hey gang, I need help! :ohmy: Brody is starting yo bit. Not like a bad birdie, :unsure: but I think he's upset at me. He will make this clucking sound, his beak is to his chest, and he will bit. Bit my finger or my face. He will only lunge but no hold on to my finger. I'm worried as I never taught him this. Please what does this mean? He is only 6 months old! Lisa
  23. Auh, its been another long week for me. I finally get to sit back and enjoy Brody's young baby life. He's just a snuggle bug. I don't know if all Grey's are like him, but when I get home from work, I get comfy on the couch with my baby, and he just snuggles right in my lap for a few hours while I watch TV. he enjoys it a lot more when I cover him. Is this a normal Grey behavior? Brody does not get baby hand feeding anymore. I think he is pretty much weaned. He's starting to mumble some wired sounds. Some of it is I can understand, like "hello" and then there's the monkey sounds. I don't know where he picked that up from, but its super cute. He's now on a Pellet diet. I feed him more cooked foods then anything else. He enjoys pasta and beans with chicken and Beak Appetit Caribbean Crunch. I mix it with some warm smashed Monkey biscuits from Zupreem. He also loves Nutri-Nuts from Lafeber. Yesterday I bought this puzzle game from Toys R Us for him. Its for a toddler, has different colors and shapes. I hope that he will start learning soon. I'm just taking one day at a time with Brody. I just want to enjoy the baby days, while he is still young. I know I'm in for an awesome ride once he matures. Anyways, I guess that's enough about me blabbing how awesome Brody is. Hope everyone has an awesome week! Hugs, Lisa
  24. hey sorry bout my writing... im always really tired when i get on, and im writing in the dark on my laptop. LOL. Anyways, that is what I mean. Do they just not like to be handel as much?
  25. I have another question, "hope you guys don't mind me asking all these questions, and starting so many new topics" :dry: but this one is about Bro-Bro's sudden behavior change. Every now and then Brody will start a hissy fit, something like whenever me are thee others try to pick him up off his perch, gym, or cage he starts making a wired sound, like he dosen't want to be bothered. Is this a normal behavior? How should I handel him when he is acting this way? He try's to bit, but its more like a nibbel. I'm sure Brody is not trying to be mean, its just wired how he is starting to get this way. Thanks! Lis and Bro-Bro
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