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Everything posted by marrocco

  1. http://www.clickorlando.com/news/19103361/detail.html#-
  2. I panicked. The breeder wanted a name to start calling her so she'd be familiar with it when I received her, and I didn't have anything already picked out. I took the name of their aviary, added a reference to Buddy on the Dick Van Dyke show, and came up with Pickles.
  3. marrocco


    "Pickles Pickles Pickles Pickles Pickles Pickles Pickles Pickles!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  4. The discussions are effectively at an impasse. After consultation, it does not appear that it would be worth pursuing further given the indeterminate time of infection, costs of expert witnesses, etc. I am still very upset at the loss of Obi, but am happy that I have a new bird coming in January. This has just been a very painful and expensive lesson learned. Keith
  5. I wish I could take credit for both, but it is the breeder's photo and the breeder's tree. Keith
  6. For those who followed the tragedy with sarcocystosis and Obi, I've just put down a deposit on this baby, who should be arriving in January. Keith http://marrocco.kicks-ass.net/images/November_Babies025.JPG[/img] (Some challenges in bb posting of images)<br><br>Post edited by: marrocco, at: 2007/11/27 18:16
  7. From an avian veterinarian who I had been corresponding with: "Experimental inoculation shows that birds die within 10-14 days of inoculation."
  8. At this point I'm *still* trying to get used to her not being in the cage when I walk past, even though she was only in it for 13 days. And I'm continuing discussions with the breeder and researching just how long it takes sarcocystosis to lead to fatality after the initial ingestion of the carrier insect. After this, I'm going to look for another bird from a breeder with a good reputation. Keith
  9. If anyone is interested, I have the necropsy report online at http://obi.is-gone.com/necropsy.pdf . Keith
  10. Discussions with the breeder on where the infection most likely took place are ongoing. Keith
  11. The best information I've found on sarcocystosis is at http://www.avianweb.com/sarcocystosis.html . I'm still collecting data on some of the finer points of the parasite's life cycle. Keith
  12. The final report came in. Obi had sarcocystosis, a parasitic infection, that lead to pneumonia and death. The carrier of the parasite is the virginia possum. The disease predominately affects old-world parrots. It affects birds in out-door aviaries or who may otherwise ingest insects that have come in contact with contaminated fecal matter from an infected possum. Obi was inside for the entire two weeks I had her. Keith
  13. Dr. Phelan did answer. Given the way things are playing out with all involved parties I'm going to wait until I have the final necropsy report to summarize his comments.
  14. Thanks, FairY. I'd seen that but initially overlooked that Dr. Phelan was at the A&M vet school until recently. I've emailed him in Australia with some specific questions. Keith
  15. This sounds very similar to what happened to my bird last week, which I found out today from the necropsy was Polyoma virus. I understand your loss very well. Keith
  16. Could a member with experience or more knowledge of this virus than I have please contact me privately? Thanks, Keith
  17. The vet just called me with the initial results of the necropsy. Obi had a rampant polyoma virus infection. He said that there was nothing they would have been able to do for her. Thanks, Keith
  18. The vet just called me with the initial results of the necropsy. Obi had a rampant polyoma virus infection. He said that there was nothing they would have been able to do for her. Keith
  19. With respect to the breeder, she does have Obi's sister/clutchmate still, but there's nothing at this point to indicate Obi had any health issues when I'd picked her up. Unless something comes up in the necropsy pointing to a pre-existing condition, I don't think the breeder really has an obligation to me in that respect, especially after almost two healthy weeks. I should have the necropsy results in about a week.
  20. Thank you to everybody for the comments and support. Right now I'm going over and over what went so terribly wrong, anything that I could have done differently, whether taking her straight to the vet school clinic would have helped get her care just a bit sooner such that she'd have pulled through. I should have the necropsy results within a week. The breeder offered this, which helps and hurts: " I know she loved you from the first moment it was love on first sight." Thanks, Keith
  21. Obi, a Tinmeh hatched 4-30-2007 and who I picked up from the breeder two weeks ago tomorrow, died today in an oxygen cage at the vet after being rushed there for a sudden decline in health this afternoon (lethargy, wobbly on perch, sitting on the floor of the cage). Up until today she was healthy. Last night we cuddled together watching Smallville. She tore into breakfast this morning. We were going to start working on potty training this week, but I was having trouble identifying that moment right before she went. The vet went over diet (fruit and veggies in the morning, Mazuri pellets in the afternoon), environment, cooking (no cooking with nonstick pans here), and said it sounded like I knew what I was doing. Since Texas A&M is in the city, we're sending her to the vet school for a necropsy to find out what happened. Right now I'm trying to get a handle on things and cope with the loss. Keith
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