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Thanks guys, Am going to put a towel down on the bottom of his cage to soften the falls! He doesn't have a name yet!!! Have got a few names I like, and will have to run them by all other stakeholders - the hubby and all of our nieces and nephews! ;-) Just want to say I'm so chuffed to be back! ) -Sameera
Hi guys, Its a copule of weeks now since our CAG Zahzu passed away - still miss her, however it was her time to go and now she's at peace. Anyway - we have an adorable little budgie! He's just a baby and is displaying some strange behaviour - I'm not sure if its just playing or something else: He spreads his legs, holds onto a perch with one foot, and the cage bars with the other, and then puts his head between his legs and tries to do a summersault!! However ofcourse he can't keep holding on with his legs, so he usually falls or goes topsy-turvy around the perch - he also does this in the corners of his cage. Some help understanding this behaviour would be wonderful! Thanks, Sameera
Everyone, Thank you so much for your support - it brings tears to my eyes that people who don't even know me personally can have the sweetest, most heart warming words to share with me. It means a lot! I don't think we'll be getting another Grey, or another pet for a long time now, maybe in a couple of years... but not soon. We've decided tomorrow that I will pack her cage away and probably give it to our angel of a bird sitter (who was with me every step of the way!) for her to use when other birds come over to her house - at least I know it won't go to waste. I have a feeling Zahzu had some other sickness that was undiagnosed which made her body too weak to bear the anesthetic. We buried her in a safe place at our bird sitter's beautiful plot - now she will become part of Africa forever. And I can just think to myself that our bird sitter (who has become a wonderful friend of mine), will be looking after her for the rest of her years. We didn't have space in our little yard to give her a nice place to rest... Anyway, tomorrow is another day and we must all keep going with our lives and be grateful for what we have. A friend of mine sent me a message saying: "Beautiful pictures are developed by negatives in a dark room... So if you ever see darkness in you life, assume that the Almight above is developing something most beautiful for you out of His love" On a lighter note, Zahzu learned to say "shukr Alhamdulillah!" after immitating me sneeze! It means Thanks and praise be to God! I think thats really sweet that she learned to say that as her last words... and that is exactly what I plan to do, make thanks for the precious time I had with her, because she was a gift and a trust granted to us for a certain amount of time. Thanks again to everyone! -Sameera
Hi guys, Yesterday I posted here asking for luck for Zahzu's operation. Sadly, she passed away under anesthetic. The vet had removed 2 huge cysts when she stopped breathing. I don't know what to do with myself at the moment, but I don't think reading this forum will be something I can bare to do - just looking at the topic about funny things your birds say is really upsetting me! Especially since yesterday and today Zahzu had learned 2 new phrases which just had me tickled. I miss her so much and it's not even a day she is gone. she was just the sweetest little thing - she'd call me by name, greet me when I came home, interact so nicely... when my husband was gone to work she'd bring his slippers saying "cuckoo come, come here, come here!" (she called him cuckoo). I just really dont know what to do - should I pack up her things straight away or leave them for now? She pooped on my shoe on the way out, and I changed my shoes - I dont even feel like cleaning that pair of shoes! She came into my life when I just moved here from another country, my husband got her for me and she really really helped me settle in so nicely. She was a real battler with an amazing personality. My house is so quiet now, and it feels empty without her. If anyone knows the best way to deal with this, I'd love your advice! Also, I must thank you all for all the care, advice and prayers you've sent our way over the last 1.5 years. Zahzu was not even 2 years old. -Sameera
Hi guys, Tomorrow Zahzu is going in for surgery to remove several cysts she has on her wings - hopefully this is the last medical problem she will ever ever have (we've battled through several!). I'm feeling so guilty to take her in, because she's in the best of best moods at the moment, and in a few hours I need to take away her food which is going to break my heart (in preparation for receiving anesthetic). She'll be coming home in a collar to prevent her biting at the stitches she will have. She's grown in most of her feathers, however has barbered all her chest feathers, and doesn't have a tail -but the past few weeks she hasn't plucked more than 4/5 feathers Wish us luck, and I hope this is the last operation our little girl will need! -Sameera
Ghostbusters! ;-)Just kidding! I think you did exactly the right thing by calming him down - from my experience the little fellas do get spooked by things we may not even notice, I don't think it's too much to worry about...however I'm sure others will give you heaps of advice about what to do if it starts to happen more frequently. Good luck, and keep enjoying the cuddles - thats the best hey! -Sameera
The thing is, she's fine and very happy during the day, and was fine the other two nights... wondering if something scared her that particular night? We usually end up having to leave her once every few months - this year she spent almost 3 weeks with her in january, then again last weekend for 3 nights, and over easter she'll be staying there again.
Hi guys, Zahzu is doing very well - she's growing back all her feathers, and is talking and making nonsense NON-STOP! Now, since her ear is sorted out, next thing to do is get feather cycsts operated on (which will probably be on 15/4/09). She plucks a little, but nothing serious. Anyway, she stays with a lovely lady who cares for her while we are away on holiday - last weekend on Saturday night she plucked a whole lotta feathers! It was at night at the bird sitter's house, and she is wondering why this could have happened? She was fine during the day and every other night. So, the bird sitter and myself are wondering what we can do to make her feel more at home when she's away from home? The couple of things I came up were: -Leave a night light on for her -She might be missing the humming noise of our fish tank filter? Any other ideas would be great! -Sameera
Hehe... guys her name is Zahzu ;-) When she asks to come out I take her out, she sits nicely and will sometimes say "Want to come out" and I oblige - it's so cute! Also when she's sitting and chatting in her cage I offer her a time out (she often refuses though)... So, shall keep ignoring the nonsense... soon we need to take her to get feather cysts removed - probably at end of month I'll do that. Thanks guys, you are all just the best help one could ask for! -Sameera
Hey guys, My little girl is plucking her feathers again (she has a loooong history so see previous posts if you are interested).... Anyway, the plucking started as a response to pain, pain is gone now, but when she doesn't get her way (when she wants to come out of her cage, and I don't take her out), she PLUCKS! She's just grown back her feathers (she was totalllly bald), and now is growing in lovely feathers, and I can't see any skin anymore. Anyway, I just ignore the behaviour and leave her alone till she's behaving well for a significant period of time. I've read a billion posts about plucking, and lots of reading up over the past months... so was wondering besides ignoring her does anyone have any novel ideas of what we can do to specifically target this SPOILED BRAT BEHAVIOUR. ;-) Ta everyone... Sameera
she pulled out a big new growing feather today... grrr. i'm not sure if the feather is very healthy - there are stress lines on it. i thought that happens when a bird is ill?? but she seems fine - no more fevers or anything. lets just see how it goes i suppose! -Sameera
Thanks Got some troubling news - I think she is plucking again. It's nothing serious, just a few bits of feathers at the bottom of her cage. I hope its a temporary thing... will see how it goes. At this stage, I don't care if she plucks, as long as her ear is better! ;-) I'm just ignoring the behaviour, and hopefully it'll stop. -Sameera
Hey guys, Just an update - Zahzu is doing very well! She's awake and talking LOUDLY before we even wake up and uncover her cage. She's growing in her feathers beautifully and not a bit of plucking. We took her to the vet for a checkup last Saturday, and I had her wrapped up in a little blanky, and when we arrived she said: "hello, *cough*cough*" I had the flu a few months ago and she picked up the coughing noise! I thought it very appropriate timing as we were at the vets! The vet said the ear is fine, and we have nothing to worry about. She's back to her usual, mischievous self! Now, I'm trying to convert her back to a pellet and fruit/veg diet - because to pick up weight we increased the seeds in her diet - I want to cut the seeds down now; will take time, but I'm sure we'll get there! Have a great weekend everyone! -Sameera
he chewed off all his feathers and tail..panicing!
mas replied to choppersmom's topic in Health Room
Hi, Keep us updated on what happens... We've been through the trauma of having a plucking CAG! Our problem was that Zahzu was having recurrent ear infections that none of the billion vets we took her to picked up - its treated now, and she looks like a porcupine - covered in feather quills! I think she'll allow her feathers to grow back now she's not in pain. Insist on having EVERYTHING checked - don't settle for anyone telling you it's psychological without medical causes are investigated... However in saying that, at the same time as she is getting a physical check, assess the psych causes too!! All the best, and rest assured, you are not the only one going through this. -Sameera -
So cute! ) are you using a clicker?
Aww - that's so sweet Sheila! Zahzu is doing really really well - she's back to her usual self! Yesterday my sister left for home (after being on holiday here in Sth Africa for about 6 weeks)... Zahzu learned her name, and was calling for her last night, so i told Zahzu that my sister is gone... Zahzu replied "Where?" !! Was really funny - coincidence or brilliance? I don't know! -Sameera
Hi hi, I've been through similar dramas with my baby - if it's not bleeding don't worry! She'll sort it out on her own. If you try to trim it or pull it out, that will just stress her out more. Also, you mentioned you have quick stop incase it bleeds - rather avoid that because it is toxic to birds, and use flour, or corn starch to assist clotting if necessary. And - I totally believe she said I NEED a scratch! She may have heard the word need in another context and understood it My sister was here for a few weeks on holiday, and she left yesterday morning. In the evening my grey called for her, and i told her she's gone - so she replied "where?" !! So I told her - back to Australia! Heheh... they are very clever little buggers (and sometimes coincidence may help too - but I'm not sure about that!). Let us know what eventually happens with the offending feather. -Sameera
Thanks everyone, Zahzu is doing very well! The ear is healed now - and today the vet removed the last bit of scab that had formed - her ear is no longer blocked which is great. He did say however, that the eardrum is severely perforated and he doesn't think it will recover- but the good news is she has 2 ears! She's still picking up new words and her balance is ok, so no worries. Next thing to tackle are the feather cysts and the plucking - will keep you updated! -Sameera
Hi guys, It has been a very long time since my last post - have been busy! The last 2 1/2 weeks I was away on holiday, and Zahzu stayed with our bird sitter.... There is too much history to Zahzu's story - so I'm going to be a pest and ask anyone reading this to refer to my old posts to hear the story so far! While we were away on holiday, Zahzu developed a very high fever, the bird sitter took her to a vet who kept her overnight, and performed surgery to unblock her ear. A massive lump of dried up blood and pus came out - and since then (about 14 days) she has been having to go to the vet daily. She's COMPLETELY bald - she only has feathers on her head now... I am thinking that the feather plucking is due to the pain associated with the ear, however the vet feels that its a psychological problem. Once the ear is healed up, and she's comfortable, we can deal better with the plucking issue. She's also developed a tendency to chew her skin, now that she has no feathers which is a worry, but I will keep an eye on that. Anyway, it's going to be a long road to recovery - and will keep you all updated! -Sameera
Hi hi, We have given Colmicalm to our CAG in the past - I'm not sure if it helped, because she is suffering painful ear infections which is actually the cause of her plucking, not psychological issues as previously thought. Besides that, with Colmicalm she did not experience any side effects... read up on the different types of medications, and the different side effects - first place to start is !! ;-) But remember, the medication is only an adjunct - you need to do behaviour modification; because without that the medication is useless. A great book is 'Good Bird' by Barbra Heindrich. Good luck, Sameera
Thanks guys Just wondering - Zahzu has been tested for beak and feather disease, and it came back negative - is it possible that this might be a false negative test?? She was preening herself and she has some very unusually developed feathers - and we've been noticing this for some months... plus the low immunity to ear infections - this has got me wondering! -Sameera
hey guys, sorry i haven't been very active on the forum - just busy looking after Zahzu. Background: Zahzu has been plucking for several months - we've been in and out of vet surgery sooo many times with no success at finding out what is wrong with her, till 2 weeks ago when an avian vet checked her ears and discovered the left one is totally blocked (most of her plucking is on the left side of her body!). He operated to clean out the ear, but did not get it all cleared up. We find out tomorrow when the avian vet will be local to see when Zahzu can go back for her second operation on her ear to remove more of the blockage. Her ear is still very blocked, however it seems the oily drops we are applying are helping. However she still gets high fevers, so I try to let her splash around in cold water to bring her temp down, and the vet prescribed Metacam over the phone to us - but we are having problems getting it at the moment...but i'm sure we'll manage to get hold of some in the next few days! Anyway, just need lots of prayers that Zahzu makes it through this - her head and eye are still very swollen and I'm not sure what the prognosis will be for my poor baby. I just want her to get better! -Sameera
His name is Dr Chris Kingsley - he's from Pretoria, South Africa.
Hey guys, I'm not sure when we will take her back to the vet - it depends when this specialist is back in town, however I will give him a call after a few days to give progress and see if we are doing everything ok. I'm a little concerned today - because it seems like Zahzu has some dried up blood in her ear. I managed to put the ear drops without having to towel her this time - she wanted scratches, and had her eyes closed enjoying the scratch, so i tilted her head to the side, and popped in the drop! She didn't even complain. I gave the ear a good massage - so hopefully that will assist in breaking up the dried blood and remainder of what gunk is in her ear. She still appears to be a bit nauseas as a result of the anaesthetic (she was under for about 45mins!)...however she is eating and drinking. Her poops appear a little darker green than usual - however they do have the normal 3 parts to them, so I'm not too worried yet. Will try giving her some other food now, and see if she's motivated to eat. Anyone have any idea what could have caused the ear infection? -Sameera
Hi Pat, The Dr did show us how to hold her - we have had to towel her a few times before to remove bleeding blood feathers (before we knew that most of the time they can be left alone because they clot quickly and Zahzu sorts it out herself!). She needs to take the drops for a week - and we need to give one drop daily. She doesn't have any medication for pain - as far as I know the risks of giving pain killers far outweigh the benefits (I don't want her having liver problems or anything like that)... so I guess she'll just need some time to get over the pain. However in saying that the drops do contain a corticosteiroid which will bring down inflamation, resulting in analgesia. Will keep you all updated on how it is going... -Sameera