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Everything posted by johnyboy305

  1. Hi there was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on a feather problem. First of all I would like to explain that I live in Saudi Arabia and a Avian vet is something that I have not come across. This problem started while I was on a 3 week vacation and my little guy was being looked after by a freind. When I returned he had lost a lot of feathers from the back of his neck and his upper chest just below the neckline. His skin looked a bit raw so I thought maybe he was itchy due to moulting and was over itching himself. I have started spraying him down with aloe vera juice every other day, this seems to have sorted the skin problem. He has lots of new feathers coming in but the sheeth that covers the feather as it grows seems to be too hard and not coming away as it grows, subsequently the new feather looks just like a spikey quill. I have had Alfie for best part of 6 months, when I bought him he had been clipped, all primary feathers were gone. In the 6 months I have had him he has not dropped any of his primary feathers to date. My friend has a Timney and he drops his clipped primary's frequently. His diet is good and he eats well, plenty veg and fruit and all the good things. He is a great little character and has no behavioral problems apart from this feather thing. Any ideas anybody ?
  2. I got my CAG from a dodgy pet store in Saudi Arabia, he wasn't well looked after and weighed around 390g. I have had him for four months now and he has stabilised around the 415/420g mark. He is approx 16 months old, reading the previous threads I feel happier that he is a good healthy wieght.
  3. My Alfie loves it, he wont eat the seeds, instead he rolls it around his beak and extracts the juice. After each piece he gives his head a good shake to ensure everything within a meter radius has a even coat of the red stuff, bless him !!!!
  4. oops previous was meant to have pic attached, hope I get it right this time lol
  5. I gave Alfie some good shredding material, some broccoli stalk and he did not disapoint
  6. Hi again, thanks for all your nice comments, you seem a lovely bunch. Judy I dont actually work in a pet store, I am an aircraft engineer but hey would work there if it meant getting the birds some decent food for a change. Would break your heart to see the conditions they are kept in, any bird purchase has got to be classed as a rescue. Saw three full grown macaws in a cage I would not have deemed big enough for Alfie. Will keep you informed of his progress cause believe me things can only get better for my fella, he got lots of love, loves cuddles.
  7. Hey all, My name John and my babies name is Alfie well it is for the moment till I get him sexed eventually. Have had him for 8 weeks now after rescuing him from a pet shop in Saudi Arabia. I am working here at the moment, believe me it was a rescue, not looked after well in stores out here. Had nothing but sunflower seeds for the duration he was there. He was very undernourished and his feathers in a tatty state, bless his little soul. Not really sure of his exact age but his eyes still very light grey, pet store said he was about 8 months. He is ringed and is supposed to have been imported from Holland, from a reputable breeder but not sure how true that is. I believe he is moulting at the moment, how long does this take any ideas, lots of new quills coming through ? He only weighs about 400 grams, should I be worried, he eats well and seems very happy and is a right chatter box, great character. Greetings to all Kind Regards John
  8. johnyboy305

    feeding advice

    I am a new Grey owner and have been toying with his diet, he also is not a great veg and fruit eater. I tried him with a vegie mash and he loves it, steam up some broccoli,cauliflower,sweet potato and squash then stick it in a blender, he loves being fed it by hand. I use an ice cube tray to freeze up the left overs dividing it into versatile meal sized portions. This mash is also great for introducing any suppliments he wont take normally.<br><br>Post edited by: johnyboy305, at: 2007/09/27 20:11
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