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Everything posted by CursingLlama

  1. CursingLlama

    I SPY

    Green Cheeked Conure I spy with my little eye a V H G hint: it pertains to this thread
  2. I feel the need to comment for my screen name alone, but that is a great picture, thanks for sharing! Just out of curiousity why do you have llamas (pet, farm, etc.)?
  3. I am resurrecting my old game A League of Their Own - Madonna (you can use a movie she was music for, or this one might be hard)
  4. I still think if they are a picky eater female... otherwise... okay okay... stop throwing things already
  5. The smoke is really bad here in San Diego, the place looks overcast but its all really smoke from the fires. The winds here are just fueling the fire and making it nearly impossible to take care of. It's gonna be an interesting day... I've just got that feeling
  6. If you live in southern california then you should already know about the wild fires going on. The smoke is carrying bad chemicals you want to keep away from your birds. If you haven't thought about it already make sure you have all your windows closed and might want to put up a few standing fans to keep the clean air in your house circulating.
  7. Lol no SETI is primarily focused on the analysis of deep space radio waves looking for anomalies that wouldn't occur naturally. Most of the transmissions that are recorded are from the Aericibo observatory in Puerto Rico or the Very Large Array (VLA) in new mexico. The movie "Contact" with Jodi Foster is a good description of SETI work. (although unlike in the movie you wouldn't really be able to listen to the transmissions as the telescopes really record multiple frequencies at once not just one)
  8. Welcome to the forum. A good deal of great people and info here. Thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself, and don't be too shy to post some more
  9. I would like to take this chance to share this with you all because I think you might be interested and it really does help the more people who pitch in. Berkeley has a program called BOINC that allows you to use your computer downtime to help with different projects of your choice, I have personally run this program for two years and can vouch for it's legitimacy and safe use on your computer. Homepage with program download link List of projects you can contribute to through BOINC I personally participate in SETI@home (Search for Extra-terrestrial intellegence) Rosetta@home (Protein folding "medical research) LHC@home (Large Hadron Collider "physics research" at CERN) It runs in the taskbar and uses only the computer power your not currently using for other programs. It's a good way to know that when your computer is sitting there doing "nothing" it can really do something!
  10. Nothing can really be said when it comes to some situations such as this one. I can only say that my heart is out for you and hope you get through this alright
  11. Laser treatments today have very little scarring. The issue is that not everyone who has a laser to do the procedure is really qualified to do it. Some are even tatoo artists who also offer removal... If you are going to get it done pay more and have a doctor do it, or at the very least talk to a few who've had it done by the individual and look at there scars. Larger the tattoo the more visable the scar as well of course.
  12. yeah i'm gonna have to back hannah and judy on this... video please
  13. Welcome to the crazy zone. Lots of great people and tons of good information here at your disposal... thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself and don't be a stranger.
  14. lol I suppose I shoulda put "bird" in the google search for apple bitter ... so now that I know it exists for birds as well. Has anyone tried it with their birds? It worked rather well with the dogs and they stuck to just chewing the things they were suppose to ... when we did it with our dogs the training was catch them in the act stop them for a moment, spray the apple bitter, let them try again if they would so they wouldn't like the taste, then would put a chewtoy/bone next to them... sorta training that bones taste good furniture doesn't lol grannick's bitter apple for birds They also suggest using it to help prevent the birds from plucking if anyone is having issues with that.<br><br>Post edited by: CursingLlama, at: 2007/10/20 04:00
  15. When my family got our dogs as pups they had a habit of chewing on the corners of the wooden furniture we had. To train the away from doing that we used apple bitter spray (pretty much just tastes nasty). I know its safe for use w/ dogs but I was wondering if something like that would be safe for parrots and if so would it even be effective (I have lots of electronics, so lots of cables for the chewing). link to an example of apple bitter products
  16. Too add to that I've done good research on the laser procedures prior to getting mine. Not only does it supposedly hurt more than getting it in the first place it typically takes more than 1 session to completly remove a tatoo especially if you have lots of colors like I do, and your paying per session (it cost a lot I forget the pricing but honestly thats enough) Not trying to discourage anyone from getting one just saying you might wanna think about it and get an original design rather than one off the wall (unless of course thats what you REALLY want)
  17. Hehe, I meant I feel a bit odd when someone comes up and thanks me when I'm walking down the street, which does happen. However, it is nice to know your appreciated. I'm odd anyway though... so please do send some mail oversea because it is always nice to get mail over there, I don't care who you are.
  18. Thanks is always appreciated... Though I still always feel a bit odd when I recieve it ... The guys in Iraq can certainly use some morale, a little piece of mail means a lot when your cut off from so much your use to.
  19. A very fine tribute. I can remember my graduation just the same. I'm not going over myself, but I am still with him in the way all marines stand proudly by each other in spirit. He will have the best of men beside him ensuring he comes home, just as the man beside him has adam. I can't wait to hear the day when he returns home. Keep us updated! Semper Fi
  20. if by "ring" you mean "Lord of the ring" then yeah I know the books and they definatly fall into the fantasy category though if you were going to read them I'd suggest you start with "The hobbit" first as its sort of a prequel... wizard's first rule I love not just because I enjoy fantasy books but because the characer relationships are so great (which is really all TOR books in my opinion) plus there is a good deal of suspense. I HAD to read where the red fern grows in school, but it is a good book indeed (i want a coon dog.. j/k). If you haven't read it "Brave New World" is a good book (also a school assigned one) "The Giver" is a book I think you could enjoy a lot... maybe "Saint Ben" too. (two that are NOT sci-fi or fantasy really) But yeah my focus falls in Fantasy, and then sci-fi or a mix of the two. (I read the first book of earthcoming "memory of earth" yesterday... in entirety, it's a good series so far but the one thing i didn't mention about Card is he puts a lot of focus on how things work and why they do what they do) Anyway i'll stop before you no longer want to read this anymore lol.
  21. ethan hawke was in jumaji? Lord of war - Nicolas Cage
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