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Everything posted by staggy

  1. My Severe Macaw says her name "Lola" thats all right now, but shes still a baby...just off handfeeding.
  2. Yeah i got the right bird! mine said african grey
  3. Heres a shot of me and one of my beautiful wife! 4 years together and very very happy! B)
  4. although i would like to add it is still extremley sad
  5. I understand that cruelty happens on many levels, no matter of a birds ability to "cuss" there are many defenseless and politely spoken birds that are abused, so the birds you describe are by no means exceptions.
  6. I think there are more pressing issues at hand the RSPCA is dealing with, than a bird who cusses *edited for typo*:lol:<br><br>Post edited by: staggy, at: 2007/09/06 02:38
  7. I sincerley appologise if anything in this thread has caused any offense to anyone here..that is the absolute last think that i wanted. I found the video and had wanted to share it with other people who loved greys.I had NO idea it would start such a debate between people. To people who are offended by the cussing, i am sorry. I do however feel that in alot of the other videos there is a sincere trust and mutual love between this gentleman and his bird that is so refreshing to see. once again i appologise, and if it will make people feel better then i dont mind if this post is taken down.
  8. Hi there! this is actually Chris' wife Suzy. I am with you Makena, while i find Ruby pretty funny i would be mortified if Simon came out with some of those words!! Especially infront of company! i cant even imagine!!:laugh:
  9. Everybody is entitled to opinions. I honestly hope all birds are as lucky as to have the time and dedication devoted to them, as ruby does. I stated there is cursing in the videos, so people who chose to look could look and those who would be offended could decline. Sorry if i offend anyone but i thought this would really show just what a large vocabulary a grey can have when met with as much devotion as her owner clearly has to her.
  10. I don't know if any of you have seen this bird yet, but my wife and I find her absolutely hilarious!!! her name is ruby and this guy in england owns her, and all she does is curse with english curse words, the guys got about 36 videos of the bird, and its obvious that this guy loves his bird very much... very funny stuff ya'll should check it out.. http://www.youtube.com/user/nickchp
  11. Hi everyone! I appologise for not signing in here sooner!! my name is Chris and i am currently living in Venice Fl with my wife Suzanne. We have a CAG Simon and a severe Macaw Lola. We also have 2 dogs, Eric and Billie among other animals. We have been married 4 years and are loving spending time together and with our "babies" We have handfed both of our birds and absolutley adore how tame and loving they are. Basically came to this site to find information and meet people with an equal love of birds. Nice to meet you all and look forward to talking with you.
  12. Thank you everyone! I thought he was a CAG as well, but my wife wasn't so sure. I appreciate all the feed back!
  13. hello everyone! I am new to this forum and hope that someone here might be able to answer my question. about a month ago my wife and i purchased our first african grey! now this is not my first grey, but it is our first grey together. i havent had birds in quite a few years, and we kinda jumped on simon when we saw him. the place where we got him was selling him as a congo. after doing some research my wife is starting to think that simon is a timneh. simon is a dark grey colored bird with a bright red tail until the end of his tail on the top there is a dark color and underneath it is a darker color. can anyone here tell me for sure if simon is a congo or a timneh?
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