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Everything posted by Mouth226

  1. I have taken to making her a few shredding toys, and I do hide treats in cupcake wrappers. I plan to buy a few of those puzzle toys that hide treats to help keep her mind busy while she hangs with me. I will look into the preening toys and see if that gives her any relief.
  2. Hey everyone, I thought I ask to err on the side of caution, Rosie is a recovering plucker. Since she adopted us about 2 months ago it appears some of her feathers are starting to grow back in. When I give her scritches I can feel pin feathers however she does not let me help her with them, she very politely grabs my finger and pushes it away. About a week ago I started to notice what appeared to be some baby feathers and some larger feathers at the bottom of her cage and her play stand. The first time I wrote it off as molting, but I have begun to see more. I have not noticed any blood at the base of the feathers, but I thought I would ask the group to see if anyone has any ideas. She is out of her cage about 8-10 hours out of the day with me in my office. She gets chop in the morning that my wife and I make and pellets in the afternoon. She has a playstand with toys and in her cage has several toys she can shred/chew although she is not much of a toy bird. I attached a picture of a few of the feathers I found at the bottom of her playstand. Is she going through a molt as her feathers start regrowing or is she back on the plucking train? Any advice would be welcome. Thanks in advance. Jeremy.
  3. Greytness/Neoow, The only time I have seen her do this is when she makes an odd noise and has regurgitated for me on a couple of occasions. She will also drop both of her wings when she is feeling particularly amourous as well. I think you are right that it is a balance thing as I have not seen her do it since this picture and have not noticed any other signs of health issues. She seems to be doing good and now and the honeymoon phase is over :). The sounds she learned from her previous owner are hysterical to say the least, the other night she started screaming no no stop don't hit me again. My wife and I were both horrified and couldn't stop laughing! Thank you again for advice.
  4. Hey everyone I have a quick question. I recently adopted Rosie a 12 year old rehome from an elderly couple. She is a plucker and we are still working on her diet, I had her at the vet last week for a wellness check. She weighed 469g and the doc said she was in good health other than a cross bite on her beak which I am working with our local bird store I purchased her from on. She hangs with me all day as I work from home either on my desk perch or on a stand, going in her cage a few times a day to eat or if I have an important call. She gets chop, rice, and a protein in the morning and pellets in the afternoon. She is a bit of a picky eater so we are still figuring out what she likes other than cashews and peanuts (hates almonds). When she sits on my desk perch she picks her left leg up and her right wing droops, I have read quite a bit about wing drooping and how it can be a sign of illness. I have not seen any other sign of illness however, ie. weight loss, discharge from nose, lethargy, or plucking (I am sure there are many others). I have attached a picture of the way she sits. I know it could be nothing, but I thought I would ask the question to more experienced owners. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi my name is Jeremy and my wife and I recently adopted a 12 year old CAG. We got her from our local Bird shop who rehomed her for a couple that was to elderly to take care of her so she began to pluck. She is super sweet, loves most people but me mostly. I am looking forward to this long journey full of ups and downs and constant learning. I already have a 1000 questions, but I am going to start digging into the forums and books. Can't wait to start asking questions, thanks again.
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