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Everything posted by joea

  1. Kept her interested most of the day and into a second. Now into a second box She has not ventured to the woodwork at all. In fact, seems almost obsessed with the box, occasionally venturing out for food and water. I put the semi destroyed box in an open space under her cage, where I have a towel to catch any water spilled from bathing (rarely done now), in hopes to catch her attention just in case she decides to go for a walk. Sometimes she will stop and sit on the edge of the cage, looking expectantly, but when she sees me and has "made eye contact", turns and begins to attack the box anew. Occasionally turning her head, perhaps just to see "if I noticed"? She does notice when I do cage maintenance and will utter her "sigh" sound, as she would before, only pausing in the box killing activity if I happen to jostle the cage or bang a door too loudly. Normal?
  2. Thanks for all the suggestions. I figured she was bored but nothing seemed to keep her interest for long. One of the suggestions triggered me to get a simple small brown cardboard box and introduce it to her. Immediate casual interest. So, after a bit, I put it on her cage "play top" open end to one side and she took to exploring it immediately. She is now happily destroying it, bit by bit and seems quite pleased. I'm almost laughing at the situation now. Thanks much.
  3. Could you provide more detail, links to such items, or pictures, perhaps? Not really visualizing it.
  4. She is not clipped and has flown a few times, when startled. She climbs down and walks into the hall way and kitchen. There is a small "pass through" between the kitchen and her cage area, so she can hear and see any activity in there. I've thought about an enclosure or blocking the doorway into the kitchen (no door installed). Would have to be something not "climbable" though. I should add that play blocks (kids) and are in her cage. Always room for improvement. I just noticed the bell I hung up requires her to stretch up quite a bit to reach it. So I just put it on a chain to make it easy to reach.
  5. Thanks for the welcome and the tips. Don't have a play area, as such, just "play top" on the cage. Which came missing two bowls, now on order. Not much to attract her there. Tried a bell and now have a hanging "toy" with different bits designed to be shredded. One of those inside the cage as well. There are some similar chewable things in the cage, and the bell, but, she ignores them, mostly. She will nibble at them when I coax her, but, mostly to humor me, I think as they are ignored when I'm not doing that. Problem, for me, in not using the cage as time out, is I cannot attend to her every minute and often have to leave for a couple of hours a day. She does not, so far, seem resistant to going to the cage, which I leave open at night, so she perches on it, rarely in it, at night. I'll try better decoys and substitutes.
  6. I'm new here, Had a Grey some years ago, took ill in her 30's (or so). Recently took in a rescue said to be 14. She is a rather sweet bird, talks a bit and is generally well behaved. Took to me quite readily. A few nips here and there as we acclimated. Steps up readily and makes no fuss when I return her to or into cage. After some weeks, she has become more confident and started to explore. There is the problem. Caught here nibbling, destroying, wood trim around doors, cabinets, etc. That HAS to stop. So far my only "solution" has been to admonish, sternly, have her step up, which she does, more or less readily, and I return her to cage. At first, just to the cage, but, as she showed how stubborn she can be, repeating the behavior, I started putting her in the cage and latching the doors. Spends most of her time pacing and sometimes at food cup, taking a nibble or two. Sometimes just perches on the food bowl for long periods. That may indicate hunger or just a comfort zone? Suggestions?
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