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Everything posted by Connie

  1. Here are some pictures of some colour mutaions of CAGs and TAGs, thanks to newcomer MommaFawkes. <br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2008/02/15 22:17
  2. I think it would be ok, I think people are pretty dedicated to this forum, and wouldn't leave it. I would love to see the pictures.
  3. Nice picture! I know you said he was DNA'd, and I'm not saying this to offend you, but it also looks like he has the eyes of a female according to the link on the first page of this post. Also, more of a round head than a square one, but that is a little harder to tell in that picture. Weird. Thanks for the photo and info!
  4. You should make it a contest, if you plan on sexing him/her. Guess the sex of BMustee's baby!
  5. Spanky seems to have the white tips at 5 months. Maybe there is nothing to this, but I found it very interesting. BMustee, I looked at the pics you uploaded, and I think yhou have a female. But who knows?
  6. chapala wrote: How old is Kali? Has he had his first molt?
  7. Males also tend to have darker even black on their tails, which I haven't seen much of in females.
  8. Never heard anything about the eyes, but I have heard that only the males will have white toesnails, which Spanky does have 2 of.? Both pics of Harrison look female to me, and she is also very light feathered. Still, dark tips instead of white! Interesting.
  9. Connie


    lovemyGreys wrote: http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww25ev.htm Thanks lmg great site. It's weird too, the pet store cut Spanky's feathers like the site says, and the vet cut the middle ones.<br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2008/02/03 22:19
  10. That could be the answer to Dan, that this doesn't occure until after the first molt! Spanky (the male) is a little darker than Darla also. He is 2 in March, and she is 3 in August. I haven't been able to prove this in TAG's.
  11. Which is better when clipping feathers, the first 4/5 or the middle 4/5, and why???
  12. Hello everyone, I think I might have found a way to tell the sex of Congo African Greys, I have noticed that the females not only have the rounded head like we all know, and the males heads are kinda squared... but the females don't have white at the tips of their wing feathers, where the males do! Please see picture below. Both these birds are DNA sexed, and I wanted to take a poll of other birds here that are either DNA'd or proven, to see if this in fact is a way of sexing our birds. I'm not sure if this happens at a certain age, but from what I can tell from your pictures and my friends birds, this is a fact! Tell me if this works for your DNA'd bird.
  13. Tari wrote: I hope you weren't offended, that was NOT my intention! I just have a weird sense of humour some times. :blush:
  14. lol "roaster"? you mean roosters? I think somebody's been to Kenny Rogers too much! lol Just playin' with ya! How about our birds upside down? Having a shower? sleeping with head under wing? good luck getting that pic!
  15. http://www.greyforums.net/understanding-your-grey/my-grey-is-biting--what-should-i-do.html
  16. Yes, it is a big and powerful beak, but it was an accident. She was just looking for something to grab onto while trying to get away from the water. We both got soaked! lol
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