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Everything posted by Congo

  1. I have a large A&E Cage for sale with LOTS of extras. This cage is their Palmetto style with the drawbridge. You can see it's formal advertisement here: http://www.aecageco.com/Products/GC6-3628-Platinum-36-28-72-Opening-Victorian-Top-Bird-Cage.html https://www.ebay.com/p/a-E-Cages-AE-GC-6-3628-B-Large-Victorian-Top-Bird-Cage-Black/1901335916 This cage has an INSIDE dimension of 36x28x60. Large front door. Also included are 4 perches. A large Java branch, sand perch, pedicure perch and a large rope perch. These are valued at over $100. I have only had this for 2 months and all are in perfect condition. Also comes with the 3 bowls and 1 extra bowl. Cage normally sells for $700 + $100 accessories, but will sell everything for $400. This is a firm price since it is heavily discounted. I do need to sell it as quickly as possible since moving. Location is SE Penna...Philadelphia Suburbs.
  2. I agree with the above comments about gas. I've only had my adopted grey for eight weeks and he is in desperate need of a nail trim. He also is aggressive and just trying to get him into his travel cage is difficult. And since we are still building on trust, taking him to the vet is going to be a problem. However, my vet is very experienced with greys (she has two), so she will be toweling him to do this. Sure, it's going to freak him out but after a few hours back in his home cage, he'll be fine.
  3. Congo

    Made some chop!

    Hopefully he will take to it. I used to make large batches of chop, mash, breads, etc...and found out that most of it was wasted. Now when trying something new, I make a very small amount to see if my CAG will eat it. Most of the time, he doesn't. I could have fed a small third world country with the food waste I have had.
  4. Congratulations for adopting. Sounds like nothing but good things are awaiting him in his new home. I recently adopted a 25 year old CAG and although he was great on my visits to the adoption center and his first day home, he chomped me hard in the second day. This obviously broke the trust for both of us and we are still building it back up. It has been a month and we are making progress. Like you, I began using a dowel rod to pick him up. He would attack that rod with a vengeance. After weeks of this, last night we had a breakthrough. When he comes out of his cage, he likes to go straight to the floor. This is when I usually pick him up to put him on his playgym. BUT, for some reason, yesterday he stepped up on the dowel with no problem at all. No attack, no bites or chomps. I was shocked and thrilled. As many have said, baby steps. It could take a very long time for you to be able to pick him up but keep trying. Look into target training as this has helped me with Morgan.
  5. I am a new member and unfortunately am able to join this "club". My event happened exactly like the third post on page 1. I had just brought home my adopted CAG and his first day went great. The second day is when he decided to enter me into this exclusive club. I offered him my hand to step up and, as he did, he sucker punched me with a CHOMP! Neosporin and band-aids...
  6. Hi. I am a new member and a new Dad to an adopted older CAG. Have only had him for almost a month. My necessary visits to the adoption center went very well. He doesn't like females so I (male) had no problem handling him. First 24 hours at home went well, but the second day he was stepping up to me and for no reason he chomped on my hand and drew blood. My unfortunate reaction was to pull away and this had him fall to the ground. Not sure if something spooked him? So, now, we are in the process of building trust again. Have been doing target training and lots of treats. His diet from his previous owner was all seed so have been slowly trying to change him to a better diet. Will be a long process.
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