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  1. OMG today he stepped up when my daughter asked him too! She brought him into my room and put him on my bed next to me!
  2. It is so interesting! He is actually a she, according to the vet! So she watches me endlessly and if I sit down in my chair next to the cage, she will move onto the gate protecting her cage. This puts her very close to me! Slowly she inches her way closer to me, especially if I pretend like I don’t see her!!! She tops about 1 foot from me, puffs up, pulls one leg under and takes a nap! I can not move closer to her yet but I can talk to her. I’m on Grey time now!!!!
  3. Thank you very much for your response. I like that African Grey time is slow time!!
  4. I look forward to the replies as I have a similar issue!
  5. My daughter and I have been blessed with two African greys. They are 18 and 16 years old. Both came from the same owner who raised them since they were babies. The male was very friendly when we meet him at his home. The female was very shy! Three weeks later, she has become a very loving bird! She loves interactions, stepping up and will even walk the house looking for us. She talks and talks! He has changed and refuses to step up. When we approach him, he fluffs his feathers, puts his head down and will lunge to bite if pushed. This makes going into his travel cage very difficult. He will take treats and food from our hands. If he flies to the floor he will step up without any hesitation. Any advice?
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