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About Lilwitt22

  • Birthday 05/03/1997

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Okay so My girlfriend has committed to a hour on Tuesday Thursday and Friday (the days I work late). She can go visit and play right in the middle of my shift (around 6 or 7) then my roommate will put her to bed around 8 or 9 when he gets home. Just those 3 days.. I will be home the other days during the week, except from 6p-10p. You think I made a mistake? :confused:
  2. [quote name=Inara;321064 SO... to make a long story even longer' date=' had I not had my CAG already for several years before my major life changes, I would not have gotten any bird until I was in a position to ensure the proper care and socialization, let alone a baby one. Brains, language centers, cognitive skills, socialization skills, flight skills all need lots of stimulation and encouragement. So basically, I'm (not criticizing here) wondering why at such a busy time in your life you decided now is a good idea to have a young bird come live with you? We're all here to assist -- nobody is going to judge, we do have a lot of strong opinions and those are as varied as we are. Am sincerely glad you have found us, and can tell that you're really wanting to be the best parront possible. [/quote] Thanks for you're help. To answer your question, I've been wanting a bird for years, and I finally just moved out of my parents house and I am almost done with school. I went to my local parrot shop and saw Lola and fell in love. They had a waiting list for their African greys but I guess no one decided to take her because of her beak. It's slightly chipped and is mishapped. So I decided to take her. I currently work 11hrs as a EMT while I am still in school. Half of that being at night. My goal is to get on a fire department later in life, and they work 24hrs.by then I will have someone to help take care of her while I am gone. I thought it would be a good idea now and work with her at a young age. Just hope I made the right decision...
  3. Lol that's awesome!! I'm so excited! I've visited my baby almost everyday for the past 2 months. She only has a week left!!
  4. Wow really??? They let you bring your grey into Walmart and Home Depot?
  5. Thanks for your input! I really appreciate it! I just typed a whole message and it was deleted.. anyway.. Won't my grey sleep at night without me being there? I will have someone cover her cage at night around 8pm. So if I leave at 2 pm and someone covers her cage at 8. That's only 6 hrs, is that bad? That is only 3 days a week. The other 2 days of the week I'm gone from 6pm until 10pm. I will try to get my roommate and girlfriend to help but I'm not expecting much. I really hope this works out.. So nervous.
  6. Hello! And thank you so much for your advice! So I was able to change my school schedule around a bit to what I think will work better. My new schedule is: Monday: 6pm-10pm Tuesday: 2pm- 1am Wednesday: 6pm- 10pm Thursday:2pm- 1am Friday : 2pm- 1am Saturday:8am- 4pm Sunday: free I was able to change my Monday and Wednesday class from 8-12 to 6-10 so I could spend more time with her. My roommate could probably help a little, but I'm not expecting much. I also have a girlfriend that could maybe help, however she usually isn't here until around 10pm. Thanks for your help!
  7. Hello everyone! Brand new to this forum as well as a African grey! So I purchased a Congo and she will be ready in about a week. I can't help but to worry that I'm not doing something right. I have done months and months of research however there is still one thing I'm nervous about. I am currently a EMT and I work 11 hour shifts.. However, there are in the evenings. Tuesday- Friday 2pm- 1am. Only 4 days. I am concerned about my grey and her mental health. I want to be sure she will be okay while I am away. I have purchased many many toys as well as many foraging toys for her. I live with a roommate who works during the day so she will be by herself for the night once I leave. However, of course, in the mornings we will hang out/ eat together and spend time out of her cage. Also I am concerned that once I start school in about a month, she will struggle even more. I have one class on Mondays and Wednesday's from 8am- noon. Then on Saturday from 8am to 4pm. So once school starts, my work/school schedule is as follows: Monday: 8am- noon Tuesday: 2pm- 1am Wednesday: 8am- noon, 2pm- 1am Thursday:2pm- 1am Friday : 2pm- 1am Saturday:8am- 4pm Sunday: free I know greys require 12hrs of sleep as well. Would she be okay going to sleep without me being there? She could sleep while I'm at work right? Her cage is located in my room and I've heard that radio/ tv is okay for them. Any tips/ suggestions is greatly appreciated! I've attached a picture of Lola!
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