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About littleT

  • Birthday 06/28/1952

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  1. what a difference 24 hours made.i put her inside under a heat lamp and gave her everthing I could find to help.she is eating very well this evening--still nothing but seed and a peanut butter sandwitch and a chicken wing bone----male keeps calling for he from outside.they are a bonded pair ,I have seen them mate
  2. I went on a 9 hour trip to pick up 2 greys from a gentlrman in georiga,we met at night ,I saw birds in a carryall----looked fine,now that im home with them I have a camera on the 2 birds.she sits in or near the nestbox,,the male eats and feeds her alittle during the day---she does sit by feed bowl at times but hardly touches anything--she waits on male to feed her.she is very thin ---I moved her inside by herself--it took her all day to touch her food --24 hours later she is eating more--4 or 5 times today.her dropings look normal,,the other bird is very husky<male>--the female had eggs when I went to pick them up but clear- he said that was 3 sets he had got all clear--the male will eat most anything and the hen eats hardly anything.i went and got yogurt---alo vera water--probiotics and a few other things to see it will help her pick up weight.in a week in there cage here I have seen the birds mate several times before I took her out.he is just not feeding her enough.i feed very little seed--a good pellet,all kinds of fruit and vegs .she will only eat seed as far as I can tell..`she is in great feather--she whistles and growls climbs upsidedown in cage.--should I put her back with male in this small cage or wait a month or so?i called a vet --none local for parrots within 76 miles each way and hes there 2 days a week .if she stops eating I will make the trip but she looks great she is just very thin in the chest.
  3. to make a long story short --I drove 9 hours to pick up 2 African greys that had laid but all clear.i wanted to have them dna sexed but they didn't like people so I cought wth a towel pulled a few chest feahers from them to test--I noticed the hen is light--thin chested.when I released them into there 4x4x6 foot suspended cage I call a local vet--no experance with parrots----I put a camera on them to watch what is happening.he eats the food--the hen sitsat nestbox or in nestbox.male feeds her alittle but not very much--se jus wants to wait o him to feed er.also they only want seed---I do get the male to eat some fruit and vegs but not much--the will not touch pellets----I put her in a small cage yesterday morning it took 7 hours before she would eat from food boul--she is eating by herself but I need to fatten her up..dropping seem finei gave her alittle aloe juice and sprayed alittle on her feathers-and am trying to get her to try yogert---any suggesting out there----she sing--hollars so she seems ok just very thin chested-------oh yea I would have tied to check the birds out better but we met halfway and he handed me a cage in the dark more or less
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