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Everything posted by iWrite4u
I've only actually recently started wearing contacts again on a regular basis - he's much more used to me wearing glasses. He used to become unexpectedly playful on Wednesday evenings. It took me two months to work out this was because I put contacts in on Wednesday evenings to go and play badminton!
... but not in a good way. I have poor vision and wear contact lenses and glasses, but not at the same time. When I wear contact lenses Congo is happy and playful and sits on the perch closest to me. When I wear glasses he is moody, sits in the corner of his cage and panics when I come close. Does he think I am two different people? Even in mid-play if I slip my specs on he will stop playing. I wear throwaways and they cost 60p a day, so I can't wear them day in, day out. Anyone else had this experience?
Thanks for the tips. Observing him today it appears that he gets a bit unsteady when he's on one leg on the swing. The local pet shop had never heard of vet wrap so I ordered some online. Unfortunately I have a friend whose partner is a vet so she should have been able to sort me some but they've just gone on holiday! I can't change the swing as it's his favourite thing so that would be mean! He seems fine otherwise
Congo has fallen off his swing twice in a week while sleeping. He's not bothered as he climbs right back up and get back on but he's never done it before for the five months or so I've had him (not while I've been around anyhow). My thoughts are because the base of the swing is smooth plastic and round he's having trouble gripping? Any more thoughts? It freaks me out when it happens!
Well, it's been a while, so just a quick update. Congo is doing brilliantly. He is still extremely quiet, but will now come out of his cage on his own and stays out. He steps up without an issue, and gives kisses. He likes to be out, and likes to watch TV with me in the evenings. He still is not fond of the dark though. He's still a little unpredictable. I had not had so much as a nibble off of him for three weeks when yesterday he bit me twice. Once when I was just adjusting his swing (as I have done countless times) - he bit so hard that when I pulled my hand away he came with it! The other time was when I asked for a kiss. He was getting really good at kissing but yesterday he decided it would be a nice idea to bite my lips instead. He spent a bit of time inside for that, which of course is pointless but I felt he deserved a bit of 'punishment'. I thinks he gets annoyed that he can't fly. He forgets sometimes and ends up bashing into walls. Today I was out until 4pm and he was quite chuffed to see me. Tomorrow I am away overnight so it will be nice to see if he is pleased to see me when I return, or sulks for a week.
He blew a few raspberries yesterday and I got a "ha ha ha" when my neighbour was around. He greeted her (the first time he had met her) like an old friend - his 'foster mum' was a lady, so he probably thought it was her. He cooled once he had realised. I kept telling her not to poke at him but she wouldn't listen (she's in her sixties and like that!) so she got bitten, which is a shame as Congo has not bitten me for ages. He's definitely getting friendlier, just a little bit at a time
Congo is making slow but steady process. I bought a little feeder which I pop treats into. I put it on the edge of the door and he will come out, fetch the treat and go back in. Yesterday he did sit on the door eating them, but today he is back to his aversion of alfresco eating. He 'fell out' of his cage yesterday and had a walk around the flat. He seemed quite surprised that there is more than one room. I managed to gently shepherd him back towards his cage. Of course being a parrot he won't come out of his cage but once he is out he won't go back in. Last night I turned all the lights out and threw a towel over him (as I had been advised) but he gave a load of really upset squawks (not angry ones) so I took it right off him and popped the light back on. Felt guilty for hours afterwards. Eventually, by showing him the towel I managed to 'persuade' him back in. He hasn't bitten me for days. He won't let me touch him but I can put my fingers really close to him and he doesn't go for me at all, which is great. I think he is a really friendly bird, just quiet and shy. I got an unexpected "ha ha ha" from him when I was on Skype talking to my mum, so he can talk - he just chooses not to! I wish my ex-wife had that attitude! I think he's getting used to my teasing. He has a mastered a look of utter disdain when I try to play a trick on him.
Thanks He is being very noisy today. He usually doesn't 'wake up' until 2pm!
Good luck!
LOL - thanks. No, this is a new cage, but he seems to be a well travelled bird. I'm now being really brave and offering him treats on the palm of my hand. He took the first four treats fine but decided on the fifth he'd prefer a chunk of my finger instead. I have lots of plasters. We had a lovely session when for about five minutes he let me stroke his beak while calling him a big baby, which he likes. He edged away when I went too high and touched the side of his nose, but that's an improvement from the bites I've received previously. He is noisily eating his supper as I type this. Doesn't seem too stressed yet with the approach of bedtime.
He's driving me nuts ATM. He's obviously keen to explore but just cannot pluck up the courage to leave his cage. I get five minutes of him sticking his head out of the door, then he retires to his 'quiet corner' disappointed in himself.
Congo is doing very well. I'm risking life and limb (well, fingers) by offering him treats on my open palm. So far, Congo has had lots of treats, and I still have eight fingers. He still won't come out, unless tempted. I sat by his door eating an apple and he came out to 'share' it with me, but won't stay out. Small steps. He doesn't like being left alone in the dark. I've invested in a 15w bulb. I only watch TV late at night, and he's worked that out already. He gets panicky as soon as the TV goes on as he knows the rest of the room is about to become dark. He doesn't like me going to bed either.
I need to get him out of his cage first!
Thanks again for all the replies, lovely to hear from so many grey lovers. Congo has been quite cheerful this morning. He had some rice with me for breakfast (yes, I eat rice for breakfast as I don't eat bread or cereal) and was very delicate in taking a grain from me on my fingers leaving me my fingers. His door is open and he actually came out to climb the door but went straight back in again. He seems to prefer to sit in the far corner of his cage in the mornings, kipping. He is really fluffed up today though, so hopefully that is a sign he is feeling happier. He is currently preening. I also kinda think he spoke. I was giving him a lot of talk time and asked if he was going to come out to play today. Wishful thinking, but I think I got a "yes". I won't hold him to it. His cage needs a clean today so I don't know how he's going to react to that. No farts yet.
I am delighted to report that Congo has just made his first 'new' sound since arriving here. I am less than delighted to say that it was the sound of a very long, drawn out fart.
Thanks for the replies! Congo decided to grace me with his presence at about one. I was out for a bit (2pm-4.30pm) but when I returned he was very "so what?", even though I came bearing grapes. He had another sulk when I was on Skype talking to my mum and sister. He also refused to do his trick (if you offer him a treat and ask "do you want it?" he will nod - the more nods the more he wants the treat) while on camera. We played a few "getcha" games, and he has let me stroke his beak a few times. I have had two nips today. I cover his cage for ten minutes if he bites - not completely, he appears on his bottom perch looking sullen. When I uncover him he always comes straight back to the perch closest to me. Cage door has been open all day but he won't come out. I put grapes on his door but he just grabs them and takes them back in. When we play "getcha" games he does fluff up but as yet I cannot tell whether this means "Hey! I'm having fun" or "When I do 'getcha' there's gonna be so much blood." He is currently having some supper. I've told him eating late at night will make him fat, but he is not paying me any attention.
I acquired Congo last Thursday. He is a fostered bird, 'rescued' by a national charity. I was warned he is not too friendly, but being a previous Grey owner (lost my beloved Greys due to a divorce) I have infinite patience. Day 1 - just settling in. Day 2 - left cage door open all day (I work from home so am around all the time). He came out for two minutes, had a walk around his cage and went back in. Day 3 - ditto Day 2, except around seven in the evening he came out his cage, and remained out. I'd been warned he does not step up, so getting him back in involved a blanket. Big mistake - he did not like that at all. He has been clipped so can't fly but managed to flop to the floor. He then had a walk around the room and climbed back aboard. I eventually wrapped my hand in a towel and politely insisted he return inside, which he did after a couple of squawks. Day 4 - sulked all day. He has adopted a perch as far away as me as possible as his sulky perch. Day 5 - I was out all day - left at half seven in the morning, back at half five. He was overjoyed to see me! What a breakthrough! He even bowed his head for a scratch when I approached. Of course this was a trick and he bit me. He was in a happy mood all night (although still won't come out), fluffed up, dancing, playing 'getcha' games. He even let me touch his feet through the bars. Awesome!! Day 6 (today) - sulking all day. ARGH!!