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Everything posted by Bekkie

  1. Then this happens I wish I can vist the MIR Space Station
  2. Veels geluk met die twee en 'n halfduisend(in English-Congrats):lol: :lol:
  3. The prize of gold get fixed in the USA so it will be the same everywhere in the world, I think its about 700 dollars per ounce at this stage.Not much wildlife left in this area unfortunately,just some springbuck,blesbuck,etc.
  4. Ice jy moet vir splint en karla vra waar hulle dit gekoop het,ek dink dis iewers in die Kaap:laugh:
  5. I'm from a small town in South Africa called Odendaalsrus.The nearest city to us is Welkom,about 16 km away,or for the people who use miles,about 10 miles.It is situated in the Freestate Province in an area known as the Goldfields of South Afrca,because of the many goldmines in this region.We got a nice climate here,not too cold in Winter and not too hot in Summer.South Africa is a nice country to live in with friendly people,after the first democratic elections in 1994 they called us the rainbow nation because of the many cultures in the country.We have 11 official languages.
  6. can you make my husband and his brother looking a bit better
  7. Looks dark and wet,I don't like that {Feel-bad-000200A3}
  8. I think the best way to gain trust is to handle him as much as possible,but do not make sudden moves while around him {Feel-good-00020114}
  9. This was of great help to me, because I don't know how photoshop works, at least I can do that now,Thanx TalonSis, maybe if you got time later on you can post more tips for us :unsure:
  10. It was the magazine of National Geography and they were showing all the different birds and animals in the different rainforests in the world. Unfortunately I did not have time to read everything
  11. I just hope she comes back to he forum and read this;)
  12. My grey doesn't love to bath either unlike the ringnecks who will bath any time of the day,whether it's hot or cold they don't care. Lidia,the other day when I was sitting in he doctor's waiting room I read a magazine about rainforests and they actually showed the African Grey in there in the rainforests in the Congo. B)
  13. We have a new member on the forum called Weetie, she posted a question this morning,but unfortunately she did not stayed very long online to get answers for her problem.Here is her problem,maybe somebody can help: Weetie : I would like to know if somebody out there can give me some advise on my bird. His wing was cliped and since then has biting it. The new feathers does not grow as he is biting it off all the time. Is there a reason why he does this? :unsure:
  14. Well I did not laugh at his accent, because you must hear mine, it's just awfull, but I think it was actually a good speech and I think CD has done an awesome job with this forum so far, I really fell like we are all family here, and everybody here help each other. We must try to get the members who did not post anything yet to become active as well.
  15. Thanx for the advice,Ill keep that in mindB)
  16. Good job CD,pity it was cut short. (You can be a politician anyday, perhaps teaming up with Hillary?) :P :P :P :P :P
  17. Do we have a member birthday thread on this forum?,if not why don't we start one. :ohmy:
  18. Here you can read more: http://www.southafrica.info/mandela/ :lol:
  19. Bekkie

    New cage

    And of course Roxy is a very lucky bird ;)
  20. As you probably know, Wednesday the 18th of July is Nelson Mandela's 89th Birthday. Maybe it would be a nice idea to post some happy birtdays for him on this forum just to honor a great man.
  21. Bekkie

    New cage

    You are one very lucky man, Ice ;)
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