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Everything posted by deedee

  1. i have had the same thing with mine for a year now, but just lately she has started to show a little interest all i did was put some in her cage everyday i tried everything else i made toys out of it and mashed it mixed it with seed and she had no interest so i decided just to put some in her treat bowl everyday, a year later she want to try it. i have never forced her because i want her to enjoy what she is eating not see it as a punishment
  2. deedee

    Pluck No More

    i have tried the one of the stop plucking sprays and yes it did stop her but as soon as i stopped using it she just started right up again i have been trying for nearly a year now i think it is her diet cause i have tried everything i can think of but unfortunaty she wont eat fruit or veg but i keep trying and maybe one day she will decide that it is nice to eat
  3. hi bondsmom i know this has nothing to do with yr question but i noticed on the photo of yr grey you have a jumper on yr grey does that stop yr grey plucking am only asking to see if it would help my pepsi stop.
  4. yer pepsi does that so i did put a bowl at the bottom of her cage but makes no difference she still tries to bath in her water bowl even tho she does not fit there is still water everywhere
  5. yes the sreaming is annoying as pepsi is very good at it but her faze at the moment is the shooting off call of duty 4 xbox game everytime u pass the cage you get shot off her lol:)
  6. all u can do is try i have had pepsi since may and she wont eat veg or fruit wont even touch it and iv diced, cooked, raw, mashed, made it into toys tried letting her have mine mixed it with her seed and she WILL NOT entertain it i have just excepted it altho i still put it in daily.
  7. lol no i dont feed her twix she likes twix,s this i know cause she goes mad if u have one its the only time she will fly to u and try and get it from u
  8. she is a very strange bird indeed she wont eat toast or bread, she likes seed,sausage,burger,popcorn or twix and thats it if she cant have any of them then she would rather have nothing, im thinking that her pleasure in life is to make mine hard lol next door neighbour has blue and gold macaw and an AG they eat everything and anything thought if she saw other birds eating it she might but it turns out she hates other birds( secretly she is a little toddler in a birds body)but i will keep trying. thanks everyone
  9. quick update am very pleased im now down to about 1 maybe 2 bites aday. she was swinging upside down on hers bars today i put my hand on her back and she just let go of the bars and was lying on my hand like a baby she has desided that people need to be shouted at when they sit on the furniture i think she has desided that they are like dogs and she shouts GET DOWN NOW followed ussually by THATS IT STOPPIT or close the door, but i think im finally there 500 bites later and a lot of plasters lol the little terror likes me:P
  10. just thought id drop a note to let u know how i was managing with the fruit and veg, well i short im no futher forward lol she will not touch it cooked,mashed,warm,cold,raw or puried not made into to toys or on my plate if i mix it with her seed she wont eat out of that bowl so i have stopped doin that cause its more important that she eats i still place it in her spare bowl daily but i think she is just never going to eat fruit or veg. thanks for all the advice i was given but she is just my stubbern bad tempered little darling lol
  11. hi seen a friends grey today and i noticed some differences between mine and theres the main one being the beak this other bird seems to have his mouth open abit as if his bottom part of the beak doesnt fit snuggly with the top part and when he wistles or talks he sort of moves his bottom part to the side slightly as if the bottom part is to long he is eating and drinking fine what would be good for him to help file it down abit. thanks
  12. http://www.the-internet-pages.co.uk/england/uk/uk-home/tropical-birds/ring.htm there a few different sites and some say different things
  13. well its took me months but yeahhhhh bite free for nearly 7 days and i found the time out method worked for me i did do the show know fear but thats not always possible cause the bite were so hard they draw blood but slowly the bite were not as hard and now its more like a nip i think it depends on the bird to what works best. dont know if this help but good luck.
  14. hmm im glad this post came up cause i didnt really know about the karma. thanks joe
  15. deedee

    fruit and veg

    its not just that she wont eat it, i mean she wont touch or go look at it even on my plate she wont go near i would love it if she would throw it about lol but she just wont have a bar of it but weetabix or twix that another story likes to steal the spoon and run away i have never come across this problem i have 2 cockateils and a barraband and a bugie and they will at least try it and if they dont like it they will walk away is there something i can buy to make up for what she is missing by not eating fruit or veg cause i have heard storys of greys becomeing very unhealthy by not eating these things and i dont want her to get sick. thanks sooo much for your answers my main concern is that she will become ill and i dont want that at all
  16. thanks Makena and lovemygreys it looks like she maybe 11 cause it looks like closed ring and says JW96:ohmy: , which would explain why i have found it so hard trying to make her my friend she will be set in her ways but we are getting there and her age doesnt matter to me she is still family. thanks for your help
  17. here a question i never thought id ask partly because i never thought id get close enough to her leg lol. im not sure how the rings on parrots legs work but when i got pepsi i was told she was 5 yrs and i have had a look on a couple of sites and they say its a different colour for each year well hers is red and has 96 wrote on it does that mean she was born in 1996 which would mean she is really 11 yrs and is there some way i can find out? thanks dee
  18. deedee

    fruit and veg

    sorry trying to place picture <br><br>Post edited by: deedee, at: 2007/10/13 11:01
  19. deedee

    fruit and veg

    hi joined the group a while and u have all been very helpful and i took your advice on putting fruit and veg in the cage daily then i started blending it and mixing it with her seed cause thats all she was given b4 i got her but have found when i do that she doesnt eat very much and was loosing weight so i stopped but she still wont take any fruit or veg the only thing she will eat is garden peas, weetabix, and popcorn ans anything else that is bad for her i tried peanut butter with no success i even made the fruit into toys and hung them in her cage but she is sticking to her guns ohh and she goes mad if your eating burgers or sausages she really wants them but she hates bread or toast any more tips would be great i have had her since may and other people have said u have to get her on fruit and veg but i am trying its not as easy as it sounds lol anyway iv rambled on enough and help would be great. thanks all
  20. i have to agree my pepsi bites me and its getting less and less as the days/months lol go by and she has time outs i put her in her cage and leave the room for half hour and it seems to work cause her bites are no where near as hard or as often as they used to be but i would never dream of putting her in the dark i want trust from her not fear. she is my baby
  21. deedee

    Lying on back

    lying on there backs im lucky if i can even stroke pepsi lol iv been trying for months i think she has duel personality nice 1 day the evil for 6 days and think her last owner was abit deaf cause she seems to respond to people who talk loud and it seems every one elses is lovely i still loveher she very funny i just wish she was abit more loving to me lol
  22. i have had pepsi a few months now and she was plucking feathers before i got her and i have done alsorts to try and stop her it just seems that she has a habit cause apart from that she is happy and playful and not biting me asmuch i have had some great advice here and i keep trying dont be to angry it is frustrating but sometimes no 1 is to blame i get frustrated but i hope that she will stop i bought new toys to try and keep her busy i carry her around with me bought her the feather plucking spray,vitamins,she wont eat fruit or veg tho i keep trying maybe its that but the point is i keep trying and take advice when its giving to me anything that might help so i thank u all cause u have been nothing but helpful to me
  23. hmm i think a cockatiel is a great first bird my son is 10 yrs and loves ours but any bird can be nippy we have had charlie 5 yrs and he is great
  24. when i clean her cage i have to be quick cause she is very cage agressive a 5 minute job can be an hour job when doing anything at all with her cage, i did try putting her at other end of the room while i do cage but she just flys back over
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