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Everything posted by MickeyandMe

  1. Do any of you do it? Do you use a harness? Last night we ate our supper out on the deck and Mickey could see us from his cage. Poor thing kept pacing back and forth on his perch, he wanted to be outside with us so bad. I let him out on top of his cage and he flew off and into the screen, he obviously wanted to be with us really, really bad. So I brought him out with me but I was so worried something would frighten him and he would fly off of my hand. Is there a safe was to have them outdoors? I'd like to have him out on his playstand and not worry.
  2. Here are the pictures the breeder sent to us: And here he is a month or so later!
  3. Thanks to everyone who took the time to answer my questions. It was so interesting to hear about your day!
  4. Awww that's great to hear, sounds like she's getting comfortable in her new home!
  5. What's a typical day like at your house? How often is your bird out of their cage? How often are they put on a playstand? How much time do you spend actually handling your parrot? What's your cleaning routine like? What time do you cover/uncover their cage? How often do you feed them? Do you take them outside, in the car, on vacation etc? Just want to make sure I'm doing everything right!
  6. Mickey is almost 4 months and is already sounding like he may talk soon. He mumbles and talks in jiberish, nothing is clear yet but he's definitely trying! Does anyone remember how long it took their bird to speak clearly after hearing them practice making words?
  7. That is a bummer Caspersmum, I'll keep my fingers crossed that one day you'll have a decent place to shop. Thanks everyone for the links, I'm going to bookmark them all and go shopping!
  8. I'm just curious what your cages look like. I'd like to add a few more toys in ours but am not sure if it would be too crowded for him.
  9. I am from Maine. <br><br>Post edited by: MickeyandMe, at: 2007/05/22 17:17
  10. Where do you buy your bird toys? Our local pet stores either don't carry any or they are so over priced that I just can't justify buying them.
  11. You know what Monique, I bet that's exactly what he is doing. What didn't I think of that? Geesh lol Should I be hand feeding him still then, would be a good bonding experience. Aren't there pellets you can soak in warm water and feed them? Edit to say he does squawk but it's once not over and over. I thought it meant "I don't want to be picked up right now" but it very well could be as you suggested.<br><br>Post edited by: MickeyandMe, at: 2007/05/22 03:06
  12. Zoesdad- The biting behavior I described is different than beaking. I understand what you explained though since he tested his beak on my knuckle several times.(ouch! :laugh:) Maybe he isn't trying to actually bite because he's not striking at my hand, he just opens his mouth up and tips his head back when I place my hand close to him, kinda hard to explain I guess. He also does it when I try and rub his head, almost like he's hand shy so to speak. Rather than approaching him by reaching over him I try and direct my hands torward him if that makes sense. Thanks for the book recommendation. I have a bunch already such as The Pleasure of Their Company by Bonnie Munro Doane, Parrot Training also by Bonnie Munro, Why does My Bird Do That? by Julie Rach Mancini and several others. Guess I better sit down and read them huh? I love this forum already! Thanks so much for the quick replies!
  13. I'm pretty sure he knows the step up command. His breeder said he knew how to step up and to give kisses so of course it's the first thing I tried. I did call her today and told her I was having problems getting him down when he was on top of his cage. She suggested getting a stepping stool so dh is out shopping now. Thanks for the advice!
  14. Our baby congo came home Saturday night. When he first got home he was the sweetest thing, didn't seen nervous at all despite being in unfamiliar surroundings for a better part of the day. He stepped up when asked and made normal parrot noises. Sunday he was fine as well, ate everything we offered, came out of his cage when asked, played on the floor etc. Well today he seems unsure of us. When asked to step up he squawks and opens his mouth as if he may bite. When on top of his cage he refuses to come down, which I know may be a bit of a dominance issue since I'm a shorty. I'm sure he is still feeling a bit leary of his new home, I guess I just want some reassurance from other new parrot owners that he isn't going to have a nasty personality. I know he needs to learn to trust us,and that he is still a baby, I just wonder why all of a sudden he seems to not trust us as he did when he first arrived. Any advice or similar stories to share?<br><br>Post edited by: MickeyandMe, at: 2007/05/21 22:34
  15. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! Talon, we decided to name him Mickey. It was a toss up between Mickey or Beaker and we(or should I say I) decided I prefered Mickey.
  16. Hi everyone! I'm glad I found this forum, my baby congo came home yesterday! He seems to have adjusted fine and we are all madly in love already! I have a few questions but I'm going to read through the old posts to see if I can find the info I'm looking for. Amy
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