Our baby congo came home Saturday night. When he first got home he was the sweetest thing, didn't seen nervous at all despite being in unfamiliar surroundings for a better part of the day. He stepped up when asked and made normal parrot noises. Sunday he was fine as well, ate everything we offered, came out of his cage when asked, played on the floor etc. Well today he seems unsure of us. When asked to step up he squawks and opens his mouth as if he may bite. When on top of his cage he refuses to come down, which I know may be a bit of a dominance issue since I'm a shorty.
I'm sure he is still feeling a bit leary of his new home, I guess I just want some reassurance from other new parrot owners that he isn't going to have a nasty personality. I know he needs to learn to trust us,and that he is still a baby, I just wonder why all of a sudden he seems to not trust us as he did when he first arrived.
Any advice or similar stories to share?<br><br>Post edited by: MickeyandMe, at: 2007/05/21 22:34