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About TNLuv4Parrots

  • Birthday 08/07/1976


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  • Interests
    Reading, Writing, Working Out, and spending time with my family

TNLuv4Parrots's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thank you! It actually reached 69F yesterday. Today was too windy and cool to go out. She loves going out. Her big cage won't fit through my door, so we're currently using her travel cage to venture outdoors.
  2. Thank you! That's what I had read. My daughter loves birds, but Mazi is definitely a one-person girl. I'm hoping that maybe my daughter will get to experience the companionship and can help with the foster. She likes to make bird toys and would love to do more (supervised, of course). We shall see! ?
  3. Well, I just found out that my next foster will be another African bird, although, not a Grey. I will actually have a Meyer's Parrot coming. I'm curious to see how Mazi reacts after always being an only bird, her entire life (almost 13yrs). The new one (sorry I don't have any details yet) will have been vetted and gone through quarantine before coming here. He/She will have his/her own cage and I will have the cage in another room. Since Mazi travels the house with me throughout the day, she'll get to see and hear the new one. We'll see how she does. I was hoping to talk to others with Meyers, but the other birds section doesn't have a section for this little one. This will be my first. I've worked with a Senegal, and, from my understanding, they're very similar although a little less temperamental (the one I fostered was a total sweetheart) and not quite as one-person oriented. I'm not concerned, since I've worked with many from the budgie up to the Macaw, but I am excited. LOL I have a little time, though, because the new bird won't be picked up until the first part of April and then will have to go through the process before coming here. Just wanted to share. ~Michelle~ Mazi - CAG
  4. I actually have the cage that Dave mentioned, and I love it! It is heavy, but I use it even for when we go outside. Here are pics from today with her in it. It was a beautiful day so we enjoyed a little sunshine.
  5. Thank you! What's strange is that if I pull it up on my phone, the pictures are correct, but when I use the laptop, the pics are sideways. :confused: LOL! I guess if you all can see it, though, then we're ok, since the pictures did attach.
  6. Oh my goodness! What an amazing story! I'm so happy for both of you!!! He definitely knew where he wanted to be.
  7. Thank you! Glad to know it isn't just me then. LOL
  8. I love the video! She's awesome!
  9. Thank you, everyone! I love her. I agree, Inara! I don't have a bit of problem working with an older companion. I believe it was definitely meant to be with her. I didn't actually choose her. I had returned to fostering (after a few years, due to having a younger child). Well, when I returned, I was asked what kind I wanted. I replied by saying that I would take in whoever needed me the most, but my dream parrot was definitely the CAG. That's when we got everything going with Mazi. She had been waiting for an opening into the program for almost a year and the lady's health was getting worse, so she definitely needed a place to go. Everything was set up for her to come in, have a full vetting done, her quarantine completed, and she even got to attend a Step-Up class. Fortunately, she was easy to convert off of seed. She was already on pellets and fresh foods by the time I met her. When she was brought to me, she took everything in stride. By that evening, she was even stepping up onto my hand. We haven't looked back. I've fostered other birds, but there was just something about her. She and I clicked. I couldn't imagine not having her in my life, so I chose to adopt her. I do plan to foster another, since foster homes are needed, but I want to be cautious about the one I choose. I don't want to do anything that could upset the relationship that I have developed with Mazi.
  10. Thank you for the welcome! It doesn't look like her picture attached in my initial post, so here it is. I took this today. Her feathers were still a little damp from her shower.
  11. I love reading about this! Mazi isn't a talker. She's 12 (will be 13 this year), and all she can say is "Hello" and "What", although neither are very clear. She'll make some vocalizations, as far as sounds, but not actually talking. She's become more vocal during the time I've had her, so she may continue, but, then again, she could be one of those Greys that never really talks. I find it fascinating how quickly some are to talk, but then how slow others are to start chatting, if they ever do.
  12. Here is Mazi's cage... (Not sure why the pictures are showing on their side...any ideas? They're saved normal on the computer)
  13. I just wanted to stop in and say hello. Mazi, my CAG, is 12yrs old. She came to me as a foster through a Parrot organization that I've worked with in the past. She and I bonded, so I adopted her. I had always wanted a CAG, after fostering one many years ago. I've worked with Cockatiels, Lovebirds, Budgies, Amazons, a Macaw, and a Senegal, but my heart has always belonged to the Greys. Mazi came from a home with an elderly lady, who had health problems. She lived her life in a 22" square cage, with no out-of-the-cage time, and on a seed only diet. She had human interaction, but only through the cage bars. She now has a 40X30X72 cage with lots of out time. She, also, gets lots of fresh foods and pellets. When I got her, her beak was in pretty rough shape and dull, but after 6 months of better nutrition and enrichment, she's blossoming. Her beak has darkened and is smoothing out. I tried attaching a photo of her, so I hope it worked. I used to use Photobucket all of the time, but the site wasn't working, so I don't know if it's down temporarily or what. Anyway, I hope to meet some wonderful people here. Thank you for allowing me to join.
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