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Everything posted by Quirky

  1. Showers, boxes any larger than a Kleenex box especially if they are brown, and the vacuum cleaner although he's wigging out less often over that one.
  2. Hello all I know it's been a little while since my last post. Baby boy is here now and things have been going well so far. Jake's vocabulary has continued to emerge and grow so much in the last 6 months. Luckily he has not started picking up the baby crying yet but hey we have plenty of time for that still haha. Now on to my question, my husband and I are going to start incorporating juicing into our diet and I hate the idea of tossing all the leftover pulp that we will have as a result. My question is would there be any potential issues with feeding Jake the pulp? I was thinking depending upon the consistency I could freeze some into ice cube trays and utilize some with birdy bread, and maybe offer it by itself. We plan on juicing mostly veggies with only 1 serving of fruit in the mix.
  3. If you have it installed it may have to do with the google phone app. A co-worker of mine had told me how all of a sudden at the end of her workday on her phone google started updating her on the traffic trip times for her route home... Creepy IMO since that would involve gps tracking.
  4. Jake's definitely going to have a great time playing accountant, phone books don't last very long with him. Im most interested to see how Casper takes to the idea, so far she seems to prefer destroying her large wood blocks over her phone book.
  5. Found this awesome score at Goodwill today, 98 rolls of adding machine tape for $14.91. Never thought I would be so excited to find adding machine tape
  6. Too cute, gotta love that little scene stealing scamp in the candy corn pants! I did want to let you know while watching the video Jake here was obliging the request for kisses and sent some your way several times
  7. Just watched this today, too funny! I love the capishe, had to make the hubs watch. I warned him we were going to have some swear words in our future if we don't do a better job of not letting them slip out
  8. The family and I went to the exotic bird fair today and was quite surprised to see these two beauties. I never thought I would see a Hyacinth macaw let alone a Black Palm Cockatoo. Had to explain to the hubs how rare those are here in the states I think he got the idea when he saw the price tag... I think his jaw almost dropped open. Of course I have to include a photo of my son holding this beautiful female Eclectus
  9. Hello all! How I've missed reading about what's been going on in your lives! It's been awhile and there have been some changes in the household... We celebrated Jake's 12th birthday in September and in another week he will be a member of our flock for officially 1 year! In the last 6 months Jake has put together a couple of new phrases on his own (Hi there and hi bird) which he pulled from hi and Jake's a pretty bird <---- which he has only said once after a complete stranger said it to him. We have also grown our flock by one over the summer. My mother in law's umbrella cockatoo Casper has come to stay with us permanently. It was definitely tense that first month however they can be out in the same room at the same time now. I don't think they will ever be friends but I also never expected them to. Jake has officially chosen his favorite as my husband however when hes not available I have been deemed as a suitable replacement. Funny enough I had another first before composing this post, usually Jake will talk when the grown ups have left the room or when he's entertaining himself. But tonight while sitting on my shoulder he keeps saying his slow hello, there's some shaking going on too so maybe his pushing his boundaries after seeing how trusting Casper has been with us over the last few months? And if that alone wasn't enough changes we are now expecting a baby of the 2 legged non feathered kind, so this does bring me to ask.... any advice out there for prepping the flock ahead of time for the new arrival?
  10. Just another suggestion for the base to help with clean up, outdoor carpeting cut to fit into the base with a single slit cut on one side to get it around the trunk. I bought a tree stand off craigslist that have 2 of these in the base. I can take it outside and spray it off since its plastic it can also be sprayed with a weak bleach solution to disinfect it.
  11. Thanks for the heads up I just bought a jar of the MaraNatha Creamy almond butter to try as a part of a healthier snack alternative.
  12. Love, love, love this! What is the net made from? I just picked up some jute and thought I might try to make a cargo net with it.
  13. OMG what amazing news to wake up to!!!! Congrats! Now you can get some much needed and well deserved rest. This wouldn't have been possible without your tireless efforts to find him.
  14. So sorry to hear this terrible news, I'm praying for his safe return.
  15. Welcome! I look forward to hearing more about you and Bogart, there are members here with experience of having a wild caught parrot as a companion. It will be a long and at times difficult process but the reward of companionship will be worth it.
  16. I think you are on to something Karen, guess I will have to be more wary next weekend as well as I will be traveling again next week. In the meantime I will enjoy the cuddles when offered and hope he will find it in his little heart to forgive my absence.
  17. Just was on the receiving end of one of my worst bites from Jake to date. I came home last night after traveling for work the last 5 days (longest I've been gone from him so far) after a few hours of him being mad we had a cuddle session it was... Awesome Then this morning Jake gave the hubs his weekly bite, of course after that I moved in to put him in his cage for a few minutes. It was after the step up when I was pierced by the sharp end of his beak in the meaty pad of my hand below the thumb. Man that smarts! Funny how wounded my pride is over the matter as it has been months since the last time I received a significant bite from him. After giving him some time to think it over (aka not returning his calls, smooches, making eye contact) we are on speaking terms again. I can't stay mad at him despite the pain I'm in... He is after all only one step removed from the wild and I can accept what comes with with the responsibility of having him as a companion.
  18. As if singing it wasn't enough the "dancing" and head bobbing puts it over the top! Just too funny!
  19. Very cool! Thank you for sharing, such a great vocabulary for such a young guy.
  20. I find myself looking forward to watching Mr. Sully's videos when I see there's a new one. Loving the gimme some sugar! Keep the videos coming please!
  21. Oh yea definitely some jealousy over here. How amazing! I will be happy just to see one in person, perhaps one day my time will come. Enjoy him extra just for me please! Perhaps sneak in a treat on my behalf
  22. When Jake joined us his former parront gave us a bag of Eco brand corn cobb pieces. I debated on whether or not to continue with this as I wanted to use some thing natural... Ultimately for me after learning how easily the corn cobb mix can grow mold I opted to go to newspaper for Jake's safety. Edit: I've also read the cedar oil used in a lot of the shavings mixes is not good for parrots in general.
  23. Of course I had to watch this video after seeing Greycie's burrito rolling skills. Such a cutie! Will Rio get much bigger than that? I've never heard of a Jardines before now.
  24. I'm so sorry for your loss Ray,it may be of little comfort but I'm grateful that she was able to feel the comfort of your arms before passing from this life to the next. I will be keeping you in my thoughts.
  25. That was awesome, and the "sneeze" at the end was just way too adorable!
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