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Everything posted by LittleWings

  1. Yep we have quite a few here...it's never a dull day...lol
  2. Well the two greys I have now are a pair Kahari and Rockie. I'm thinking of picking up two more pairs around the 1st of April...maybe/maybe not can't make up my mind...lol I am really excited because right now we have White Fronted Amazons on eggs for the first time...can't wait for these babies.
  3. [/i]Well I thought I'd introduce myself, I'm AlexisLeann from Michigan. Wife and Mom of 3 none fur/feather kids. Our family breeds and exhibits AKC Chihuahuas and several species of birds including Greys. I have 3 Chihuhua females in heat and being bred and Cherry Head Conures and White Fronted Amazons on eggs now so it's kind of busy here. I'm 37 years old soon to be 38 and hubby is 23 years older, so we're retired...lol...Well he's retired I'm still working but just at home...lol I'm going to post a few pics here of doggies and birdies now...
  4. If your a grey owner/breeder in Michigan give me a hollar...I'm lonely out here in the dang sticks...lol Ok so Im not so lonely cause I'm married and have 3 kids...they don't count cause I don't like em...lol (kidding)
  5. I swear on my birds lives that Pluck No More from Kings Cages works wonders also love their feather shampoo...birds hate it thoughand I get bit alot...lol But I have two CAG who had poor feather and nutrition when I got them and the PNM is working wonders. I also add Spirulina and Bentonite to food and Aloe to my bird spritz.
  6. Bentonite will aid in digestion and make things easier on his intestines. It's a clay powder. See your health food store or look up Bentonite use in parrots ...online.
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