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Everything posted by Buckeye

  1. When in doubt, call your avian vet!
  2. Yeah, Stan is the main attraction at our house. He will step up onto anybody and we are trying to get as much interaction as we can wit new people.
  3. Stanley is doing great! We LOVE him, he is doing great and hasn't had any problems. He had a vet visit and he said that Stanley is really healthy and will be a great pet. We had a party with 30+ people and everybody loved Stanley and Stan loved all the attention.
  4. When I woke up this morning to go uncover his cage, he was at the bottom of his cage already trying to get out. The reason I don't leave him out all day is because I want him to get used to being in the cage when I go back to school.
  5. He's good if I play spongebob for him then leave for about 5 minutes then when I come back into the room he is fairly decent.
  6. As some of you may know, my 3 month old CAG Stanley came home with me yesterday night. Everything has gone well except that all that he wants to do is for me to hold him, if I put him in his cage, we will start climbing on the door and desperately trying to get out. He has been out for about 5 hours today. He is really starting to bond with me already. Does anyone have advice or is this normal? http://youtu.be/ugb0WcX3x2o He only does this when I put him in his cage and he goes poddy and when I'm in the room.
  7. Too funny! Next time tell him to use a ski mask.
  8. That is his wingabago, it's his travel cage and it is amazing because it's clear and they don't get very scared and on the way home Stanley was a charm. He just kept making cute little noises and for the wingabago you can get upgrade it and get stainless steel door, rope perches and many other accessories! My breeder uses them for all of her pet birds and never has a problem.
  9. Ok thanks, and the pictures are fixed and now you can view them.
  10. Here's Stanley's new cage! He loves it! http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/jRice53/media/image_zpsdcff0ca8.jpg.html?sort=3&o=3
  11. Hey, sorry that I couldn't update you last night, my computer broke and I an posting this from my phone. He has been super good and steps up really good. He has been making cute little sounds! He is so amazing! I can't wait for some memories in the future with Stanley! http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/jRice53/library/ He's currently wanting out of his cage for me to hold him. Oh a have a dumb question, is it normal to have a hole on the bottom of his beak by his neck? I read that is normal but I want to make sure.
  12. We finally get to bring Stanley home! After all if these years of dreaming to get a grey, my Congo is coming home. I have his cage set up and I am so excited! I will update you guys one I bring him home and take some pictures!
  13. Speak any language fluently. Would you never go inside again or never go outside again?
  14. About 3 years ago one of my cats got kidney cancer and died from a day lily. Hope Nilah is ok!
  15. I have a pvc play stand that I made and I have some electrical tape that is very grippy and could wrap in around the perch. Does electrical tape contain any harmful toxins to my bird like zinc? :confused:
  16. A signal if a grey is happy is eye pinning, this is when their pupils are shrunk and they can control there irises also, another signal to tell if they are relaxed and happy is if their feathers are fluffed out. There are many more ways but this is just a couple that I know.
  17. Make the picture your avatar instead of a profile pic because thats what people see, Mama Mia is really cute
  18. That grey look a bit young to start free flying, but come introduce yourself in the welcome section.
  19. Stanley will be coming home with me in a couple of months. His hatch date is 3/19/14, he is a Congo and I have been visiting him every week. http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/jRice53/media/IMG_1926_zpsd8a0265f.jpg.html http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a506/jRice53/IMG_1925_zps312cfd9a.jpg?t=1398733079 http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/jRice53/media/IMG_1928_zps108ba082.jpg.html P.S: Sorry if I linked them wrong, there not attached files like most of the pics on the forums.
  20. I've heard that some people do not like play top cages because they think the bird will feel more dominant? What do you guys think? :confused:
  21. LOL, I don't think there is a problem for parrots to be a drivers ed instructor.
  22. All parrots are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law
  23. I would like to have a eclectus, they just have amazing color and are really cute
  24. Welcome burak, looking toward to seeing more of you and budu!
  25. The breeder said her babies come in around spring and fall, I was going to get a grey last fall but I decided to wait to Spring.
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