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Everything posted by jgerardo
Wow I am so inspired by your determination! I will try my hardest to make it the most comfortable for him even if it takes months like you said.
So I finally convinced myself to buy an aviator harness. I am kind of nervous I don't know how Luna will react to harness. I feel like I am going to have a hard time getting him into it. I am also afraid that he will try flying away only to be pulled back from the harness. I have never hear of bad experiences with the harness but I do want Luna to have some outside time. Being indoors all day for the rest of his life isnt what I want for him. How did your experiences go with harness training?
- What i meant is I can hold him, pet him, kiss his head, handle him without him getting mad. So my family tries to do the same but he doesnt like too much physical interaction from them.
I think the fam sees how he I interact with thim and they try to do the same but that won't work haha gotta love greys
Luna is a good bird overall. But he constantly changes his relationships with my family. By order of liking here is the breakdown. 1) Me 2) my mother 3) my sister and 4) he just hates my dad haha Even though he overall trusts my family he sometimes changes his mind about them. One moment he will be a total sweet heart with them stepping up nicely want to be scratched on the head. But other times he will lunge and bite them (not hard but leaves a mark). is he bipolar lol? He hardly acts like that with me but I need to correct that behavior.
So I know aerosol, candles, air freshners, hairspray are bad for greys. What about scented beads that give off fragrance? Is that still bad for birds? I'm running out of ideas on how to keep the home smelling nice!
We are on day 2 with the cage and he seems to have accepted it already. He is realizing that he has lots of room to climb and move from perch to perch. He is still not comfortable being on the playtop area but he is adapting pretty well. He wasnt terrified but he was just nervous at first. He will still fly down from his cage and will go to his old one but I think we are making progress. Now i just need a sign that says Parrot Crossing watch your head!
I finally bought Luna a large cage 24 L 22 W 34 H. Total of 67 inches high with wheels and everything. He is afraid of the cage. Will fly away when i put him on perch at top. Is it bad if i lock him in there and make him deal with it? I am new CAG owner by the way only had him for 3 months. He hasnt been used to a cage yet. We have a small one for budgies that he was in but he only goes in for food. He sleeps on the perch we made for him. I am gonna need advice
Thanks for your tips. I have a long-way with him but I will put it into practice everything you guys have said
What should I do when Luna behaves negatively? He is almost 5 months now I cant believe it! I know that I should not yell at him, or spray water, or anything like that. But i can't just let him be the boss and let him do what he wants. Its hard to get him to stop doing bad things (biting my keyboard, lunging at the dog, chewing on cords, biting my glasses! etc.) What should i do? When I'm home he never wants to be on his perch. If i try putting him down he nips at my hand. Pretty weird. How do i confront these issues?
When I originally got Luna, he had a scab that he kept picking at. Eventually it bled so I took him to the vet. They put a cone on him for a week. Once the week was over we removed the cone and his feathers around his neck were gone! I knew it would take time for them to grow but it has been over a month now and his feathers still will not grow on his neck. Is there something i can give him to promote healthier feathers and growth? I don't mind him not having feathers there but he will get cold especially when we get to Decemeber/January weather. Everyone once in a while I will see him scratch around his neck a lot. I don't think it is feather plucking or else I would find the feathers in his cage. If anybody could give me any advice I would appreciate it.
Luna is now 4 months old He will not fight stepping up onto my hand. But when my family asks him to step up he always puts his head down. In the end he goes but not willingly. With my grandparents he will step up and then jump off their hand. How can i better his relationship with my family members. Since he is still young, I want to train him to at least tolerate stepping up to others. He has been receiving a lot of socialization so I dont know what to do. I realize greys just dont like certain people but what can i do?
I dont know if i should be worried about Luna. I noticed he is pooping smaller quantities. Its more solid than liquid.He used to take like 30 min to finish eating now he only takes about 10 min then he is done. I think what could be a factor is that I am in the process of getting him on a natural pellet diet. I am still feeding him what I used to feed him though, along with the pellets. He is still acting normal whistling, flapping, climbing. Should I be worried about him? He isn't showing signs of a sick bird.
Just curious is that a natural behavior that he will learn on his own or is it something I have to teach him? He is 3 and a half months old. Someone told me that if I give him everything by hand he will get lazy and not want to. He is fully weaned already.
I took Luna to the vet for his scab. We got antibiotics and inflammatory medicaiton which I have been giving him. Now the doc says we need to have him dewormed and she gave him injections because apparently he has paraistes. I feel like this place is just ripping me off. Every visit turns to $100. I feel like that is too much medication for a three month old grey. I don't know what to do because i know the importance of vet care. I spoke to breeder and he said deworm only if necessary. He also said to let him build up an immune system not to count so much on meds. I am a newbie for african greys so I want to give him the best care. What are your thoughts on this? Please help.
I tried using a water bowl but he makes a mess with it. I need to buy him one that wont tip over :-p
I noticed Luna will kind of cough after drinking water is that normal? He drinks water from a bottle like the ones hamsters use (that is how breeder was giving him water) by the way he is almost 3 months old so I don't think he is copying our coughs.
A friend gave us a huge bird cage. The only problem is that it is rusty. So far we have been sanding it down with sand paper. But is there a faster safer way to get rid of the rust? I heard hairspray can work but I dont know if the aerosol is toxic to birds. I would really like to use it when my bird grows up.
I felt so bad today. I took him to the vet and they put the cone of shame on him! Poor little guy They gave me ointment and some drops to give him. He has been kind of upset the rest of today after the whole ordeal. I could only hear his growling and screaming from the room where they were putting it on. We have to have it on for an entire week at least until the scab heals. I still feel terrible about it Here are some pics
Thank you guys for your help. I took Luna to the vet and could not see him. They failed to tell me that the bird specialist is not in until friday! I was furious. He seems to be healing already but if he worsens i will take him somewhere else.
He is 2 and a half months old. He is doing a lot of chirping and flapping. We moved him from my room to the living room he seems much happier being with the family rather than my room. I am thinking about naming him Luna (i know it sounds like a girls name but it seems right). A friend recommended putting some olive oil in the meantime so he doesn't pick at his feathers. He flew for the first time today! He flew from his cage to my sister's lap. He learned step up already I am so happy with him.
I brought a baby CAG yesterday. We drove 1 hr and half to San Diego. The breeder had 7 of them different ages. I chose one. He was a male, we wrapped him up in a towel and held him. He growled at first but then calmed down. He let me pet his head. He was a keeper. The only thing was that he has a scab on his wing. The breeder said that he was kind of like a runt the others would pick on him. When we got home he was very curious about his surroundings. I had him in a crate. Within an hour he climbed out and started exploring. Is it normal for him to bite softly on fingers and clothes? He also licks when he bites. Should i correct this behavior? I dont know what to do about the scab. It isn't bleeding yet but it looks very dark red. The breeder said to be Vaseline gel but i dont know how safe that is. I will probably make an appointment to the vet to see what i can do. Any reccomendations in the mean time?
I wanted to ask you guys, what is the best age to bring a baby CAG home?