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Everything posted by jgerardo

  1. I dont't think i will clip him anymore it is too depressing. Maybe light trimming would have been ok but now he drops like a rock every time he tries to fly
  2. My grey has only had his wings clipped 3 times in his life. When I bought him as a baby, the breeder clipped them. The next time was when he was about 7 months he started learning to fly and had a few close calls with the sauce pan. So we clipped him. I was a little sad that he did not know how to fly properly, so I let his wings grow and boy did he learn! He mastered his flying techniques but he is getting to the terrible twos! Going into places he shouldn't and biting what he shouldn't. He even flew outside twice. So I decided it was time to clip him again. So I took him in yesterday to Omar's Exotic Birds and they clipped his wings, nails, and beak. When we got home he seemed a little sad. He realizes his freedom is gone. He tried to fly and hit the ground hard. He was giving me the cold shoulder all day yesterday. I wish I could keep him flying but I can't watch him every minute of the day. If I am home, he gets to come out of his cage. Do your greys get sad after wing clipping?
  3. I want to share my experience. I have had my grey Luna for almost 1 1/2 year. It's been great I bought him as a 2 month old and he has grown so much. He came clipped from he breeder so I did not worry about grooming. Not until much later he needed a wing trim and nails needed to be clipped. I took him to a bird shop in Anaheim, CA where they actually do it for free. I took him there but I felt like they were too rough on him. So I watched how they did it and tried it myself. I bought special clippers and even bought styptic gel (thank God i did) I clipped his nails and did an ok job. Few months down the road his nails felt like knives again. So I clipped his nails again. But this time when I clipped his back toenail I realized i cut too much. I saw red trickling down the foot. Soon the trickle became a constant flow. I panicked but I remmebered the styptic gel my family helped and we were able to treat the wound. I took him to the vet by then the bleeding stopped and he was such an angel to them despite the trauma. I felt so guilty knowing I was the cause of the trauma my baby received. If you do not know what you are doing leave it to those who do know. It is not worth causing problems to your bird. Just wanted to share my scary experience with everybody
  4. The scariest thing happened yesterday. I was moving some tables and chairs that we have from the porch to our living room. As I was bringing them in Luna got scared and flew out the door! I was in shock because he cant even fly all he can do is glide downwards. He cannot fly up! But the wind took him up I guess. I ran out as fast as I could and my eyes were searching frantically for him. But he was not in any of our trees he was not on the fence. My heart sank. How could this be? I take him out sometimes without a harness (rarely) because he has never shown an interest in flying. But he ended up flying out the door and landed in our front yard. I quickly went to him and picked him up and took him inside. Thankfully he did not fly away but I wanted to share that experience with others to avoid losing our beloved friends. Even if they don't fly instincts kick in. Never think that it won't happen to you. That's something I will never forget.
  5. This is the second day in a row that Luna regurgitates his food for me. It is sweet but disgusting at the same time! It's happened where I'm holding him and he comes up to me and leaves me a present.
  6. Funny thing is Luna does not sleep in his cage. He prefers his perch in my room. He will only sleep if I go to bed. If I am awake he is awake he will not sleep until I do
  7. I've had the harness for a few months and he Luna chews on it :-/
  8. Luna finally said his first word this weekend. Unfortunately the word is burro which means dummy in spanish. My dad has been calling him that for months because he wouldnt talk and looks like that is what he learned. It is so funny he keep saying it over and over again. What was your grey's first word?
  9. I love it I haven't been here in 3 years. It's been very rainy even though it's summer! Luna is not liking the cold. But it is so green and fresh it's nice.
  10. Sorry about sideways pic in posting through my iphone lol
  11. So the trip was good. He was actually very calm during the ride. I took him out of the cage at every rest stop. He just stayed on his rope perch for the entire 17 hrs. He is so happy being with us. We found some branches and made a natural perch for him. Here is a pic of his cage and perch (that we made)
  12. Brat Birds I had never thought about the water good call. We are leaving in a week and a half I will update on how the car ride goes!
  13. So most of my friends and family think I am crazy but I am going on a road trip to WA and I simply cant leave Luna alone. We will be gone for 2 weeks and I dont want to leave him because hes still a baby (10 months). It is going to be an 18 hour drive from Southern CA to Washington state. Has anyone ever gone on a road trip with their parrots? How was the experience? I am taking his aviator harness so he can enjoy the rest stops we will be taking. But i need to watch out for hawks I know there are quite a few in areas like OR and WA.
  14. I haven't been keeping track of his weight I probably should be keeping track. Would a kitchen scale be accurate I've seen them at stores under $20. I thought fatty acids was bad for them? I will try more bathing and try to get him a better diet.
  15. Is it normal for my parrots beak to appear as if it is chipping? He has gotten into this habit of smacking his beak against the cage when he is upset or bored. I am guessing that is what it can be. He is 8 months old CAG. There is no bleeding and he is still acting his normal self. I have seen in other parrots that their beaks do tend to chip. Should I be worried?
  16. Yes Nancy that is the aviator harness. He hasnt really learned to fly yet but I wont take my chances losing him. He hates it when I put it on but he loves going outside!
  17. Hi Burak how old is Budu? When I bough my CAG at 2 months old he had a few bald spots on his chest and some by his neck but that was because he was still a baby. Unfortuantely he had an issue on his wing that required the vet to put a cone on his head and has been bald on his neck ever since September! Hopefully Budu's feathers grows back by the time he molts. But there is a possibility that it wont grow back only time will tell
  18. What a relief phew i was beginning to think he was gonna start plucking. Thanks!
  19. No he has no bare spots. Just around his neck but he hasnt had feathers there since October they never grew back.
  20. Luna is an 8 month old CAG. I have not caught him doing it but one time I found him chewing a long feather. Today I found it on the floor of his perch. Another time one of his tail feathers were loose and fell off. He gets A LOT of attention from me and the fam. He has some toys accessible on his cage/perch. I read in another post how molting can start from 8-15 months. It isnt often that he has lost his feathers but I am trying my best to give him a stimulating environment and good organic nutrition. But how can you tell the difference between plucking and molting? Here is a picture of his feather. It looks like it was pretty deep.
  21. We have had Luna for 6 months now. But in the whole time I cant get Luna to accept my family. He will step up sometimes but he fights it. My family wants to love him but he doesnt let them. Its discouraging hearing them say he is a mean bird or he has attitude. My grandpa comes in everyday to talk to him and try to get him to step up but he never does. He isnt afraid of them so he isnt biting out of fear. He even drew blood today for the first time! That isnt like him at all. I dont know what to do
  22. I finally got it on him after about a week of trying! He resists a little but not too bad. When he does he chews it and chews it and chews it. I am just afraid he will rip it one day hopefully not. I am happy with that!
  23. Yes it is I got bit on my thumb. We were so close all I had to do was adjust the harness around his body! I got the neck and wings no problem. But his legs started getting tangled with the excess harness and he got scared. I will definitely start watching the video over and over again. Thanks for the words of encouragement!
  24. I bought the harness. Luna is not afraid of it. I tried getting him used to it hanging on his body but he bites it and sees it like a toy i cant even begin to put it on! The video said we shouldnt let them chew on it but what can i do?
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