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Ecko has a sweet tooth!


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Ecko has an obsession with ice cream now. Ever since I let him have that first bite its like he is addicted. Everytime he sees us with ice cream in our hands he gets sooo excited and flies over to get a bite of it. We only let him have a couple bites but that doesn't satisfy him, and it makes him crazy LOL! This what ends up happening when he sees an ice cream cone.. :lol:



So now everytime he sees something that looks like ice cream he comes flying. Today I had a piece of strawberry shortcake with wiped cream on top and he decides he wants to land right on top of it because he thinks its ice cream and he wants some..



And then he notices that he is leaving a trail of wiped cream and he can lick it off the table, oooh and he likes it so he makes sure to lick it alll up haha! It was so funny to watch.



Now we really don't eat ice cream or sweets that much so he isn't eating too much, its only a treat. I know its not that good for him so I don't let him have that much. ;)

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My birds love Ice-cream also so I started buying the little all natural frozen fruit bars for them they just love them and I don't have to worry about dairy products or weather or not I'm even going to get a taste of my Icecream with 5 birds Its definatly a chore.

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LOL Thanks guys, I'm glad you liked it! I'm going to have to try those frozen fruit bars, it seems like Ecko loves frozen things because he also loves ice cubes.


Pat or Dan: What brand of fruit bars do you get and from where?

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