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Pepper plucking her tail?


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Pepper is a seemingly happy bird, and a pretty one at that however her tail is being ruined.




I am thinking she picks at it while we are all at work, but we leave her toys to play with.. and I leave her out of the cage because my brother is here & he sometimes hangs out with her.


She is molting we believe, and has been very itchy lately so we are going to the vet soon. I dont know if that has anything to do with it but I want her to stop ruining her tail =(


Help! Thanks

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Does she get lots of baths? Are you sure she's chewing it and not just getting it caught on her toys or in the bars of her cage? If she is molting her tail feathers may be just old and getting ready to come out soon so new ones will grow in. I ;m sorry I guess I asked more questions than giving you answer. I know that a few good baths will encourage her to preen more and that will help to get her tail looking good again. Mabie she's just trying to help the molting process and pulling on her tail feathers to see if they are ready to come out and breaking them while she's trying to pull.

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Ok, thanks guys.


I just wasn't sure. And to answer your question yes she gets lots of baths. She gets a bunch of them whether she likes it or not haha in addition to her giving herself baths.


We think her one perch she sleeps on is too close to the other one and it hits her tail feathers. So we're going to do some re-arranging!

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Well sometimes it happens and I hope the new perch placement will make all the difference, time will tell.


Just don't fret over it even if it turns out she is plucking her tail feathers as that will only make it worse. I am sure she will have a beautiful tail again soon.

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I saw an improvement when I moved Whisper's perch. Her tail used to look awful. She has molted and has all new ones except for two of them. Wouldn't you know that the worst looking one she still has not molted.


They damage them playing and climbing around on the cage. When the feathers get old and brittle it is easier to damage them.

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