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Does this look normal?


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Hi... know this is kinda gross, but thought i would get peoples opinions on it before i call the vet on monday morning!


Adanna hasn't been eating anything different, and eats dry kaytee exact chunky as and when she feels like it. She doesnt get any fatty foods, and eats a fresh fruit and veg diet.


Her poo, well morning poo has been like this for three days, but the rest of them are normal coloured. I have read a lot online about this colour of poo, but i was wondering if anyone else had droppings like this occasionaly? its on clingfilm so i could photo it ;)<br><br>Post edited by: shelly_quin, at: 2009/06/20 10:42

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Hi shelly_quin,

Ugggh looks gross lol, I'm no expert but I'd say this definately isn't normal especially as you say you haven't changed her diet. Strange though that it's only the morning poo that has changed. If it were me I'd get it checked out but if you'd rather speak to an expert on here they usually turn up later in the day - mid afternoon UK time. Good luck.

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yeah shes got a vets app on monday, so i'll see what it is then.. yeah been using this site for a few years, so in no doubt about the expert replies lol.. although we are all experts.. just need our own questions answered sometimes lol.. thanks

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I have seen this a couple of times in Whisper's morning poo. Twice I think and weeks apart. I put it down to she ate a lot of red or orange pellets the night before. She eats mostly Harrisons but I mix in some kaytee in the evening for variety. Your bird may have just decided recently that the red or orange are the favorite. You could try removing all the orange and red pellets from her mix for a day or two and see what happens. Since the vet appt is not til monday.. you might save yourself a few hundred dollars.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/20 17:55

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yeah.. i might actually just take her dried stuff away until monday and see if that does anything... she usually throws the red/orange dried stuff though.. i'll take a sample to the vets on monday, shes her usal happy little self, so i dont think its anything serious

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I do know what thats like I was worried about Tyco's morning poop for a day or two as well because it was slimy and bright green and it had a really funny smell to it. I almost made a vet appointment until I realized what it was. I watched her one morning and I give al my birds 3or 4 snap peas in with their fruits and veggies well Tyco was eating her peas and then going around to everyone elses bowl and eating theirs also so she was eating 12 to 15 snap peas everyday. thats what she was pooping out. now I make sure that I feed the birds their snap peas by hand rather than putting them in their dishes and what do you know Tyco's poop is back to normal:laugh:

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Dixie (age 16 months) has days when she won't eat anything but the orange and red things (sweet potatoes, carrots, red peppers) and her poo is the same color as what she takes in. When she decides to throw all the red/orange stuff out - it's normal color poo. I almost panicked as well until I realized what she ate earlier.

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dhorje wrote:

Her poop looks like spaghetti.:ohmy:


That was my opinion at first sight also, you should feed them some fresh beets and see what the morning bomb looks like:blink: :woohoo:


It could be the colored pellets and the only way to know for sure is remove the red and orange ones and see but if she is eating and acting otherwise normal then you might hold off on the vet appointment.

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Hi... its sunday morning, and adanna has just woke up.. I removed the kaytee chunky yesterday from her cage, and today her poop is back to its usal greeny white sludge :) i think it might have been the kaytee, but will give her it back tommorow after her morning poop and see if its still green lol.. Thanks everyone

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