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NEED ADVISE ...please !


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Hey there everyone !!


Gosh it's been a really long time since i have wrote on here - life has been beyond hectic!!


Anyway - I have some issues concerning my Koko - he had his first birthday in april and is loving his new cage - he wants to stay in it all the time.


My problem with him right now is the EAR PIERCING NOISES - it's really a huge issue in my house and we are looking for a new apt. - i'm really worried that he will be too noisy there and could possibly get us kicked out ! Is he bored ? does he need new toys ? what is his problem ?? he screams, whistles , talks and makes every sound imagineable - he literally gives me headaches !! He gets so vocal and excited that i cant even hear people on the phone or the T.V - he is really driving me crazy and causing major problems.


I'm worried that i would have to sell him and that would break my heart ! I've tried everything from lots of attention , squirting him with water, food , treats etc - will he always be like this ?? My grey before was 17yrs old and NEVER this loud !


Koko just NEVER SHUTS UP !! It's constant - he even starts early in the morning when is STILL covered!!


Any advice would help me right now - thank you everyone ! I'm desperate



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He is still very young and life is new and exciting to him. I think as he gets older he will stop to some degree. As for the actual ear peircing screams I wold go up to him and whisper no scream talk nice and If he doesn't than leave the room and totally ignore him until her talking quietly then go and tell him what a good boy he isfor talking nice. Yo'll have to be consistant but in time it should work.

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When I first got Ana Grey she would screech when I left the room. I then started telling her that "I'll be back" when I left. She shortly realized what "I'll be back" meant that I would be right back. She doesn't screech now unless I am gone too long and then I just call out, "I'll be right there" and she is quiet. I believe that Ana Grey just wants to be acknowledged and to know that I am not ignoring her. In the morning my birds are very quiet until I get up to fix their breakfast then the calling begins. I tell them that I am getting their breakfast and to wait their turn. I always feed my pug Lily first, then the birds, then me. They quiet down once I acknowledge them. Again, I believe they just want to remind me that they are hungry and once I acknowledge that, they wait pretty quietly. I truly believe that our fids understand what we say and just want to be part of the whole process and family.

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THANK YOU BOTH VERY MUCH - I will for sure try all of these things - somedays i talk to him sooooo much that my voice is hoarse. I would love some peace and quiet once in a while - i cant believe the energy he has:woohoo: !


Take care and love your pics :) Gorgeous greys you have !

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For a while Dorian was doing an ear-drum shattering scream/whistle which was driving me crazy, especially after he figured out he could amplify it by facing the concrete block wall behind his cage when he did it. My first piece of advice is get some of those roll-up foam ear-plugs. You can still hear everything, but it takes the edge of their most obnoxious sounds.


It helps if you can figure out what he is getting out of making the sound. for example, when he does it do you go up to the cage and talk to him? If so, his payoff is to get your attention. Just like a kid, even negative attention (you telling him to be quiet) is a payoff for him. Or is he doing it, like Dorian, just for the sheer joy of seeing how loud he can be? Then you have to find something to distract him that is more interesting than the sound of his own voice. Do you supply him with foraging opportunities, new toys? What is his favourite thing to do? Dorian loves shredding paper, so I always have something in his cage that offers that. I found, through trial and error, that if I put the tv that faces his cage on cartoons, he is so intrigued that he clams right up. Then I started sitting by his cage and talking calmly while he was quiet. If I turned off the tv and he started with the noise again, I gave him a very strong "no noise" with a sad, stern, facial expression, and left the room. (Just turning the tv back on would have been rewarding him for screaming) If you can't leave the room, turn your back on him and completely ignore him until he stops. (This was the hardest thing for me to do. Put your hand over your mouth if you have to, but don't respond!)


If he's doing it for a contact call, DO NOT respond to it, EVER!! Then, when he makes a more pleasing sound, call back with the contact call you choose. If he makes that sound, go to him with lots of praise and maybe a small treat.


This takes time, work, and consistancy, from everyone in the house. Also, it may get worse for a short time before it gets better. It will not work if even one member of your family goes to him when he's being loud. It does work, though. Remember, your bird wants attention and affection from his flock. He will figure out that certain behaviour means being alone or ignored. I'm pleased to report that Dorian only ever makes that noise now when he's running through his whole repetoire of sounds, and it's at a much reduced volume when he does. Good luck. You can do this:)

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My birds are noisier when the tv is on or I am on the phone. The noisier the atmosphere a bird is raised in the noisier they are. They compete to be louder. I cannot watch tv in the evenings or the Cockatoo I rescued makes it impossible to be in the same room. Try creating a quieter atmosphere and see if that helps.


Whisper went through a period after she learned this outdoor bird call that was really ear piercing and annoying. I just ignored it or left the room when she was doing it and now she seems to have forgotten it.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/20 19:35

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That true they only do certain vocalizations if they are getting something from it they will soon get bored and stop if nobody is giving them any kind of feedback for it. try to completely ignore the bad and praise the good and soon you will have a perfect little bird.

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