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Don't get too discouraged cuz you;re only 14, I was the same age as you when I got Jacko :) and he was older than your grey and a bit more problematic :P


Anyway, as others have said the mess and the poop is part of owning of a parrot, you can't get around it.

Mess catcher on the cage is a good idea. You mentioned that the place the cage is in is carpeted..is there somewhere else in the house that has wood floors? They're alot easier to clean. If not, get one (or more depends on the cage's size) of those plastic mats people get to put under computer chairs and put them underneath/around the cage. Makes clean-up easy :)

Realize that grey's take up alot of time so, trust me, with schoolwork and all that I totally understand but try to multitask and get your grey a nice big playgym with lots of toys. He doesn't have to be on your arm and being petted all the time so getting him a nice playgym that he can hang out on near you while you do schoolwork is a good way to multitask.

As for cleaning the cage either try to do it in the morning and get up some time earlier than you do or do it before you put your grey to bed.

As for training just set aside five or ten minutes everyday to work with him.

Try and tell your parents that it's gonna take more than a year to get him settled in! I think personally that as long as he makes progress your mom should cut you some slack. I think addressing the attacking women issue is your first priority (and may soften up your mum some too!). I don't advocate clipping but in this scenario if he's flying after the women in your house to attack them he needs a wing clip ASAP till he learns some manners!!!!

Your dad should reduce the amount of time he spends with the bird while you spend more time and try to observe whatever it is that makes the grey beeline for your dad (the way he talks to him, holds him, whatever it is) and see if you can do that with the grey too.

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ok thanks tiny i like your idea's i had a play gym for like 5 months but he was scared and wouldnt go on it and attacked it which i bought for about $70 i threw away hes cage opens in the top and i have him a swing in his cage and he has like 4 toys atm in his cage i change them every month

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hi caitlin, umm what you mean by pictures and videos i will be more then happy to post them but where and what of like for example my gryes cage and toys and all them? and where do i post them

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Hi how big is his cage? Does he get a lot of out of cage time? My bird is very angry and bites me if I am gone from the house leaving him in his cage too long and that is the only time he bites. Also, are you giving him clear night time with no lights on for at least 8-10 hours? My avian vet said if they do not have clear "night" and "day", meaning lights out at night, that it can cause a lot of mental issues, screaming and biting. Just wanted to check those few things.. Hope Abula is doing better.

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